Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1825 Killing

Black Castle, on the banquet.

"Cang Yu brother, seven brothers, this matter, thank you." The star of the gods, the singer, the arrogance.

"The star elephant brother is polite, and the laundry is nothing. It is not necessary, let alone you, I have a certain situation." Qi Zi Zhizhi.

"I only have to do things for the remuneration, you have given enough remuneration, I have made my best." Cang Yu Shenjun is gentle.

"Haha, Cang Yu brothers are really." The star icon laughed.

These three gods are laughing at random, suddenly ...

"Star icon God, come out to die!"

The sound of Hong Kong contains horrible pressure, covering the entire castle, domineering is unparalleled.

There are countless mates in the castle, the slaves are shaking in this power, and the banquets are dancing, and it is more frightened.

And the three-person colors that were laughing were all changed, and the smile on the face of the star of the star is completely solidified.

boom! boom! boom!

At the same time, the three strong breath broke out, these three gods raised their first time, appearing above the void.

As soon as this, the three immediately noted the young man carrying the long sword in front.

"Zhen God?" Cang Yu Shenjun looks up, "Although it is just true God, but the breath is strong, it is much stronger than me, and he should be a big genius of the star. The sword of the Tiandi Supreme List, the sword monarch! "

"Sword Monarch, Heaven and Earth Supreme List 61?" The seven . .

And the star icon is a gloomy, "Sword is unparalleled, you are big, your star has killed me three pro-disciples, I don't want to find your trouble, you do it, dare to kill me. ? "

"Hey, it is also your secret to my star, the power of the stars will be in the first." The sword has no double eyed, "said nonsense, I have to kill you today!"

"Haha, saying that you are so good, do you think you? Is it a star?" The star odds are laughing, and the eyes are around the two people, "Cang Yu brother, seven brothers, this star People are too big, the two can help me, my star will remember this person. If there is a disband, there is no resignation. "

Although the star of the star is hard, he is not stupid. It is impossible to rely on himself to compete with the heaven and earth, and the sword of the emperor is impossible. So nature wants to pull him next to him. Two gods.

Like him, these two gods are standing on the top of God.

In particular, Cang Yu Shen Jun, that is also a name of God's identity, just ranking extremely, he has warned a game with a god of emperor, enough to save life, plus the star ... Three people teamed up, maybe I can't sword unparalleled, but I can definitely fight with swords.

I heard the words of the Stars, the seven

Cang Yu Shen Jun hesitated for a moment, but he still opened, "The sword is unparalleled, I am in the invitation of the star icon, now things have not yet finished, I can't let you kill him, so ... you still leave it. "

"Don't leave, then stay together!" The sword didn't kill the sky.

"Radiety!" Qi Qi god is anger.

"The sword is unparalleled, you have not awkward." Cang Yu god also had a trace of angry.

"Haha, two, since this sword is unparalleled to eat, then I will become all of him." The star is smirking.

Spin ...

The three-way body shape, the three stream light, directly exploded.

They know that the strength of the sword is unparalleled, and they don't dare to have a big idea.

I saw a heavy magic cloud on the gods of the Stars, and there was an ancient drama of the eight distants, this eight distant odds, everything is huge, his body has risen to three meters high, with a trace Laughing, the eight distant odds of eight distortions, the porter, the horrible, horrible, and the sword is unparalleled.

Seven , is the blood of the shackles, his body shape, and immediately caught a huge qi storm, and he didn't have a long-awaiting! kill! kill! A share a shocking killing is full of open, and he himself holds a strange blood blade, and no sound is infrared.

The most strongest is Cang Yu Shen Jun, his body has skyrocketed, the whole person bathed in the warm sun, like the world dominated, his face is still with a gentle smile, it is kind, but he already has A strong power is condensed, and this power is enough to destroy the earth.

I saw the three gods killed at the same time, and the sword was unblocked.

"court death!"

A low drink, sword is unparalleled in step, just just the palm of your hand.

The strength of the sky, with the power of the ancient blood, suddenly broke out to achieve the ultimate.


Put it directly.

This palm, as if it contains the whole turn, Herone is a sword unparalleled from the star in his mind, and the reincarnation of the refraction!

~~~ Void smash, the huge palm release extends, lightning is grasped to the forefront of the star icon.

The star elephant gave an angry, and the eight distant ancient dragons were also surprised.

But the next moment is trivial.

I saw the huge palm printing of the whole turn, and the body of the star of the star of the monarch included the eight distant drafts behind him, and then he was in force.


Eight distant dragons collapsed at the same time, and the star is just a miserable scream in the last juncture, and his body collapsed under this palm.

A palm, the star odds, the scene was killed.

"How can it be?"

Cang Yu Shen Jun is in love with the seven .

They know that the sword is unbeaterable, and it has the power of the emperor. Therefore, it is three people to join hands, but the sword is unparalleled is a simple palm, completely ignoring him, and killing the star icon, this strength……

"Be careful!" Cang Yu Shen Jun suddenly shocked.

"What?" The seven gods have changed, but they have just responded, but they found that they didn't know when they had more than a bright gold.

This golden light, ice is cold, dazzling, emits endless cold, and is a sword who is unparalleled.

This Hong Kong Sword, only only one handle, but this handle, but the seven .


Jin Guangli passed, Hong Yu Jinjian directly took the head of the seven .

Seven ,............................


The sword is unparalleled, and there is no longer in front of the last Cang Yu.

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