The words of Hong Tianbao, the twelve big energy people present were one.

Not united, their twelve people have a life of life, this is sure, but Hong Tianbao is not yet?

Hong Tianbao Lord, that is a real God emperor, once kill twice with the main face of Xingchen Palace, and it is also full of body.

The star of the stars will be very powerful, and if you want to kill an emperor's strong, it is impossible.

"Why, is you thinking that the old man is not a joke?"

Hong Tianbao is in the eyes of everyone, but it is cold and smile. "You may not know that the old man is handed over with the stars, and it is because the strange strange is not used by him. Star secret surgery, after all, Star Temperature is his strongest base card, and after it is displayed, you want to show the second time, you need for a long time to display the second time. "

"If there is no definite to kill me, he will not be able to use this brand."

"But now, the sword has no double rise, the strength is strong, not much weird than the star, and he must also cultivate the stars secret surgery, once they join hands, and the stars secret, the old family is afraid. opportunity."

Twelve large energy people present were all in the scene.

The star, the most terrible is that star secret.

This secret, but makes a lot of strong people in the world of chaotic world.

"Hong Tianbao Lord, if you said, it is not that I will wait even if I join hands, I can't resist the front of the star." A God can't help.

"" Indeed. "Hong Tianbao is slightly nodd." So, you have just said that the sword is unparalleled, and the star is destroyed. If these things don't think about it, light with us, it is impossible, but we If you join hands, although you can't compete with the stars, you are more than enough. "


"We are doing so many people, plus Hong Tianbao, just only self-insurance?"

Twelve large energy people present in the field are unwilling.

They are very deep with the stars, and now they have been forced to join hands, but since they join hands, they only want self-insurance, they still want to hit the stars.

"As long as you can self-insurance, you are already good, and we can still wait for the time." Hong Tianbao smiled, "As you said, the sword is too strong, and true God has the peak of God, Once the breakthroughs reaches the level of energy, then it is still? The Shengling can not unite, don't want to watch the sword unparalleled, can be big. "

"Hong Tianbao Lord, what you mean, will someone else to shoot the sword?" A black robe wrinkled.

"Oh, not only for the sword, there is a star of the stars, these years. The star has grown too fast, there is too much resources, the so-called tree big stroke, the stars, want to kill the sword There are a lot of people, they are just waiting for a time, and we have to do it now, it is to join hands to keep yourself, don't take it, the crisis of the Stars will reveal, when we can hurt the dog, why Le, don't you? "Hong Tianbao laughed.

When I heard this, the people in the scene looked at each other and neitedd.

They also feel that Hong Tianbao is reasonable.

"Hong Tianbao Lord." The woman's woman continued to ask: "If we think about self-insurance, you can be a star, there is a sword, there is no longer, will you stop this?"

"This is ..." Hong Tianbao is a little smile, "this world strength is respect, as long as our strength is strong enough, this sword is unparalleled, I don't want to stop, I have already given the stars, one month After meeting with them, we went to us when we got on the Thunder Island. "

Everyone is bright.

They have understood the meaning of Hong Tianbao owner.

Hong Tianbao owner didn't want to do it with the stars, just want to show his lineup, the bottom card, give the stars and some deterrent, let them do not dare to act rashly.

So let them go together.

On the same day, the message of Hong Tianbao owner has reached the sword unparalleled ear.

"This Hong Tianbao is asked in Zerrence Island? What is the idea of ​​playing?" The sword was unparalleled smiled, but it quickly made a decision. "No matter what the idea, I have followed it."

The sword is unparalleled, and when you go to Thunder Island even alone.

One month later, Zi Zi Island was in a palace, and there were countless strong people gathered there.

These strong people are the Shengling, most of them are true gods, but there are some powerful workers.

In the middle of the main hall, there is a foot and thirteen shapes standing there. Thirteen stocks spread. Every share is strong, and the surroundings are surrounded by the heart.

These 13 people, it is all the energy!

And in the 13th large energy, the general gods only have seven, and four are the top gods. As for the last one, one is Hong Tianbao Lord, and the other is the ice silkworm.

"Good lineup!"

"Don't have such a goddess, even the gods have two, and the two gods ... the ice silkworm gods ranked fifteen in the world, and the Tiandi of the Lingxiao Temple is also high. Some, as for Hong Tianbao Lord, then don't say, but the peak of God! "

"The prior to the prior to the Sword of the star kills a lot of gods, including two gods, but they all hit the killing one by one, but now if it is in the face of such a strong lineup, I am afraid I don't dare to come."

"Hong Tianbao Lord, this is a strong force that combines many people with hatebles. It is necessary to compete with the stars. I don't know if the two major lineups will really have a battle."

"Even if you want to war, it will definitely not be in Thunder Island."

In the big temple, many Shengsan strong people are talking about.

At this time, the crowd scattered in both sides, and then a young man carrying the long sword slowly walked toward the center of the main hall.

There is no one followed by him, just one he himself, alone, far without the lineup of the 13th largerists in Hong Tianbao.

But it is one of him, but it makes the whole hall.

In the big temple, many strong people from the Shengshi are solidified in his body, and most people have a fear and worship.

Until he walked to the most central center of the main hall, when the 13th large energy is on the front of the world, the hall broke out a burst.

"It's a sword. He just came alone?"

"A person, the footsteps of the footsteps of the foot of Hong Tianbao, this is ...."

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