Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1833 Sword Musou Reply

I saw the sword in front of the sword, Hong Tianbao, the twelve big energy behind him, and the looks have some subtle changes.

"The strange shelf is getting bigger and bigger, and the old man is personally invited to ask him, and he will not come." Hong Tianbao is a son.

"The palace master is busy, and I have a small thing to take care of this." The sword is unpaired. "

"What is busy? He is afraid that it is in the ancient secrets? Hey, that old things, I really hope that he can die in the old secret situation one day." Hong Tianbao is cold, and the sword in the scene is unparalleled.

When I heard Hong Tianbao, the sword was flashing in the dark.

This Hong Tianbao owner is really true, and the Star Palace is indeed falling in the past.

"Hong Tianbao, don't say more nonsense, talk to your purpose this time?" The sword has both hands.

"My purpose is very simple. After I'm, there are twelve energy, they are all my friends, now they are in Hong Tianbao, I hope that the star is not difficult for them, otherwise ..." Hong Tianbao is just said this.

"Otherwise?" The sword is unparalleled and smiled, "Hong Tianbao Lord, are you threatening my star? Is it still going to fight with my star?"

Hong Tianbao is hysterestrick, once again opened, "Sword is unparalleled, you can reach this step today, it should be not a fool, yes, your star is strong, but now I have many major people to join hands, The lineup is afraid that it is stronger than your star. If the two sides are really outbreak, the last result will inevitably be a fish dead, two defeatings, why? "

"It's better to fall by you. From today, my friends, including me, encounter your stars, the power of the stars, don't look around, and you don't find us again, how? "

"Each step is a good idea." The sword was unhappy smiled.

"So, you promised?" Hong Tianbao came over.

"Promise? I ridiculous, my star, why to promise you, if you have these people, I have the qualifications to let me regress my stars?" The sword was unparalleled.

When I heard this, the twelve big energy behind Hong Tianbao, all of them were angry.

"The sword is unparalleled, you don't have too much!"

"Just, it's really war, you will be afraid of you?"

"The big fish is dead, we die, your star will definitely suffer from unprecedented heavy."

A low drunk sounded in this temple.

These low-spirited anger and percentage, so that many of the Chinese Shengleans are secretly thrown.

"The sword is unparalleled." Hong Tianbao is also a cold. "This matter is also very concerned about your star, I think you are still spending with stars, with your stars, other temples. The Lord is very good, and then do it. "

"Business? No." The sword has no double shaking his head, but there is an unprecedented firm. "Since I come, then my decision can represented the stars, and I can give you a reply now!"

"I want my stars to retreat, I don't inviolery with you, I will stop this? It is impossible !!!"

"Since I decided to do it, since I decided to do it, I will be all the way, don't you all be together? Stay in Hong Tianbao? Since this, 10 years, my star will kill Hong Tianbao, waiting for 13 people, including Hong Tianbao, all of which kill !! "

"Don't escape one !!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the heart has already made a decision.

He saw that Hong Tianbao is about him today, nothing more than showing their power lineup, used to deterrence, deterrent the stars, let the stars have a pulse.

And I have to say that their lineup is indeed strong enough.

Thirteen high-energy people, there are two emperors, but also the strong people of Hong Tianbao, which is the strong perspective, which is the great power of the Lingxiao Temple, and I don't dare to provoke.

It can be because they are too strong, but the sword is unparalleled to kill them.

You must know that the current star has been facing an unprecedented crisis. Once the crisis is completely broke out, I am afraid there will be a lot of power, and the power of Hong Tianbao is the thirteen of the thirteen. There is a big enemy that is more than a hatred, and it is not necessary to say, and it is true that the thirteen of energy will definitely bring huge dangers to the star.

Therefore, before the crisis broke out, no matter what, this 13 people have to die!

In the big temple, the dense numbers of the slave are gathered.

Thirteen people such as Hong Tianbao were still standing there, and their ear was still echoing the sword. Unparalleled reply.

Within ten years, the stars will kill Hong Tianbao, and the 13 people are killed?

"Radust !!!"


"The sword is unparalleled, you are too self-righteous."

These energy families are extremely angry. Some people are even more embarrassed. If there is a relationship between Thunder Island, it is forbidden to kill, they are estimated that someone else can't help but want to shoot the sword.

After all, they are the thirteen of energy, and there is a powerful lineup, such as a strong lineup, willing to take the initiative to take a step, the sword is not double still does not promise?

Even the sword is unparalleled and threatened to kill Hong Tianbao?

This is exactly not to put them in the eyes.

"The sword is unparalleled, you can know what you just say?" Hong Tianbao mainly has a gloomy, staring at the sword.

"Of course, I will repeat them now. If you are 13 people waiting for a clean neck, within ten years, I will kill Hong Tianbao, take your item, and take you." Sword There is no double sound.

"good very good!"

"The old man is waiting for the arrival of the star in Hong Tianbao!"

Hong Tianbao is a cold and extremely cold, and there is also a raging angry in that burning.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is too lazy to pay back these people's reactions, and it has turned around.

"Let's go." Hong Tianbao waved his hand and took the twelve energy to leave.

And after they left, this big temple was completely blown up.

"It's a big courage, this sword is unparalleled, and you are too big!"

"Directly kill Hong Tianbao? Where is he courage?"

"Is the star of the stars played out, but even the case, it would not be a lineup of the 13th large energy, especially the super existence of Hong Tianbao main."

"Unless it is the Lord of the Star Palace, this sword is unparalleled, and the secrets of the stars, but the Star Palace owner seems to be some constraints from the Holy League. Can you free to show the stars secret surgery?"


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