"I really want to have this jade sword."

Gelong God looked up in the sword. "However, this jade sword has a 10 hand, even if there is a few handles have already lost, but there is still some of them, and will be opened next time, there is also the next time. For a long time, this time, I can go slowly, with my strength, I have to find it in this time, it is absolutely difficult, I don't have to be too attracted to the jade sword in your hand. "

The sword is not double-collected, and he knows that the emperor of Rikawou is the fact.

Although the blood cloud trill is rare and the value is extraordinary, the Landmark Emperor will take the effort to find the effort, or can be found, the cost of the required is not too much.

"Gyen God, if you can help the power, you will not be a person who owes you." The sword is unparalleled.

"Oh?" The Lodge God of God moved.

Although she is eager to get it, she is not anxious. The sword is nothing to do with this jade sword. It is not enough.

But if you add a human feeling of swords, it is completely different.

You know, if the sword is unparalleled, if it can break through the big energy, it is the power of the Emperor, and even in the future, it may reach the next level.

Although there will be countless dangers in this process, as well as many changes, there are many hopes.

"One in the future may become the big emperor, even with the white emperor, his people are in a rare." The emperor of the Rikawa nodded, and immediately stand up, "the sword is unparalleled, I promised to go to Hong Tianbao with you I took a trip, but one thing ... I only shot once, Hong Tianbao was a battle, no matter how much the power of the power, I won't shoot again. "

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point.

He is planning to cover Hong Tianbao once, and there is no need to shoot again.

"In this case, then we will do it now." . "

When the sword is unparalleled with the Gyban, the Emperor of the Gyban is also coming directly to the ancient spaceship of the sword.

"Master." The sword stared in the sword.

"The sword monarch, this is it?" The Emperor of the Rikawa looked at the sword. In her eyes, the sword is ordinary, just like an ordinary person.

"This is my servant, which is responsible for taking care of me, he has no strength." The sword said unparalleled.

"Oh?" ..

Soon, the ancient spaceship set off.


The dark voids outside the nine holy, the old silver spacecraft stays quietly.

"Sword Monarch, we don't enter the Jiu Han Sheng, what do you do?" Riwang God asked.

"Don't worry, first wait." The sword has no double.

"Look, you still have another helper, but also, Hong Tianbao now gathered the thirteen of energy, and Hong Tianbao Lord, the ice silkworm gods took the town, to kill them all, the stars One pulse must also have to make a nest to dispatch, and there is a star, this time I will take it? "Rikawa God said.

The sword is unparalleled but does not explain too much, but it continues to wait.

After a few months, a black cross-section is here, and then a black robe is coming out of the spacecraft, came to the sword unparalleled silver spacecraft.

"The sword monarch, oh, the Oil Emperor Gyban is still?"

This black robe is still quite calm, but when I saw the emperor of Rype, I showed a fear.

The emperor, that is, after all, heaven and earth to the top of the second seventh.

"Jiuyin God, will you find him?" The Emperor of the Gyban was unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is a spear that emits the endless chills, and he is in front of the god of the gods.

"Jiuyin God, this is the remuneration for you, how do you see?" The sword said.

"Sure enough is chaotic god treasure, and watching the power seems to be extremely weak." Nine Yin Shenmi flashed a fanatic fever.

He is nothing to do with the sword, and the reason will come now, because the sword has no double message to him, saying that a chaotic god is compensated.

Chaos Shenbao, the general gods have not yet, only some of the powerful emperors have, and the top more is one or two.

Like Jiuyin God, there is only one simple attack chaotic god.

And this time, just helping the sword without a double arm, killing Hong Tianbao, you can get a chaotic god, Jiuyin God, of course, will not resign.

"It is a sword monarch, and it is true." The Emperor of the Rikawa looked at the sword.

"A chaotic god treasure, you can ask a forty-nine soup of the world to show the forty-nine emperor, which is already worth it." The sword was unparalleled.

Although this Jiuyin God is not the peak emperor, it is not close to, and his skill is extremely terrible, it is used to slaughter some gods, it is best.

"There is an unique thing to say to the two in advance." The sword didn't look at the Landmade and Nine Yin Emperor around him, and he only killed Hong Tianbao, there was only our three. "

"What?" Jiuyin God's Emperor's face change.

The Emperor of Rikawa is also surprised to see the sword.

"Sword Monarch, are you not kidding? On our three, go to the foot of the foot of the foot of the foot of the foot of the foot of the foot to fight against Hong Tianbao, and Hong Tianbao owner knows you want to kill, affirm it before Do some other preparations, maybe we face the big energy than there are thirteen, fifteen, and even more. "Jiuyin God is connected.

"With my three people, if it is positive and Hong Tianbao, they are only 50% of the top." The Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor, "Sword Monarch, you spend this big price, please ask me and Jiuyin God The emperor arrived together, will not only win this 50%? "

"Of course, there is nothing." The sword laughed, and then it was a turntable, and the sound of the four wearing silver tai armor appeared.

"This is ... Dao Bing?" The Emperor of Rype Gamed was.

"The Emperor Wizard I know?" The sword was unparalleled.

When the Emperor of La Gyban, "I have encountered a similar Duty when I am in ancient times, and I have been said that this soldier is the blood of the ancient times ancient times, which can be divided into several. Different levels, these four silver armored soldiers should have a general power of the emperor, four teamed up, enough to fight with God. "

"If you add this four tribute, our travel should be able to come up."

"He 60%?" The sword is unparalleled, "I am relieved, I am here, I will not only have six cents."

"Let's go."

Immediately, that huge silver spacecraft will take an amazing speed to exercise towards the holy land.

A shock war is about to be staged.


PS: Today is 5 more!

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