Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1836 kills Hong Tianbao

Jiu Han Fang, Hong Tianbao.

Within a huge vast palace, thirteen energy companies, including Hong Tianbao, gathered here.

"All, tell you a good news, the real fire emperor has promised my invitation, and now it has been settled, and it will arrive in Hong Tianbao in three years." Hong Tianbao mainly said.

"The emperor of the real fire also agreed?"


"There is a real fire, our lineup will be stronger."

This news came out, the twelve energy around the surroundings were excited.

"I have already had the invitation of Dragon Yan, and now I will add the real fire, I am equal to the two god emperors. In addition, there is also this time to pass the gods we invited, and there is also enough Bit, if it is all added, it will gather four emperors, nearly 20 Shenjun's strong horizontal lineup. "

"This lineup, even the huge power like Lingxiao Temple can sweep, there is a star in the district, it is not enough to be afraid, and we must do it now, it is waiting for these invited emperors, God jun caught It is. "Hong Tianbao is laughing.

In the case of unparalleled negotiation with the sword, and the sword will kill Hong Tianbao ten years, Hong Tianbao is naturally prepared.

During this time, they have been contacting some of their friends, or some strong people who want to pay, and promise some rewards let the other party come to help.

In just a year, they have invited two emperors, eight gods.

"The ice silkworm emperor, the star is there, is there any movement?" Hong Tianbao Lord saw the past.

"I have already arranged people, I have been staring at the stars, and I also make Vientiane Tower to help, but it is strange that there is no movement at the same time during the star, the Lord of the Temple, the main hall of Nie Yun Temple Already returned to the stars, only the sword is unparalleled ... This sword is unparalleled. It is very concealed. I don't know where he went. "The ice silkworm god.

"Hey, no matter where he got, he will definitely kill in ten years, before this, we only need to stare at the star, after all, when he kills the door, it will definitely use the power of the stars. When you are waiting for the big energy of the star, the Lord of the Star Palace is coming out from the stars, then it means that they have to do it. "Hong Tianbao came to the road.

"According to me, the star will definitely be carefully prepared, and there will be a goddess next to it.

"They certainly need to be prepared, but this also gives us time, waiting for the many strong people in our invitation, I have to see what we have in this star?" They are all nasal.

They all believe that swords are unparalleled to kill Hong Tianbao, will definitely be prepared after a turn, and will definitely use the power of the stars.

For example, the Lord of the Star Palace, the Lord of the Temple, and the Nie Yun Temple is all shot.

But in fact, the ancient silver spacecraft that is unparalleled in the sword has come to Hong Tianbao at this moment.

The old silver spacecraft stayed above the void and looked at the huge castle in front of him, and the surroundings of the castle were also covered with a single gray light film. He is a huge array, and the power is good.

"Before Thunda Island, I was in the face of so many people. I would like to kill Hong Tianbao in ten years. This naturally is not a joke. Hong Tianbao is clear, so they will definitely prepare, such as If you want to invite some strong people to come to help, but the invitation is strong, it takes time. "The sword wanted to look at the huge castle at the end of the line.

He also invited strong, but he only invited two people.

And these two are all near the holy land, and before and after, he just took only one year.

In just one year, he believes that the strong in Hong Tianbao will never arrive so far.

Even if you arrive at one or two, the impact on the entire battle will not be too big.

"Sword Monarch, the big energy of your star, when you really don't come, just add a few twists and troops," Jiuyin God is a little quirky.

"How, Mo Jiu Yin God is afraid?" The sword is unparalleled.

"It's not afraid, just feel that I have nothing to do." Jiuyin God shook his head, said: "Jian Mun, prior explanation, will be a big war, if I find it wrong, I will leave directly, I will leave directly. Although chaotic god treasure is rare, it is not worthy of my life. "

"Yes." The sword is not a hyper point, "but there is a little, you must go all out, if you have not been threatened before the life, you turn your head directly, or put it, you can don't blame me, you It should also be known to be stared at me, or be stared by my houser, what will happen? "

The nine yin God has changed, and he can't help but hit it.

The sword is unparalleled in this time. He is seen in the eyes of everyone. He is the temple that kills the two gods, nor well known.

As for the star behind the sword, there is more scary. Many years ago, the star of the Star Palace was a slaughter, that scene, but many people were surprised now.

If it is stared at these two people, Jiuyin Shen Emperor is thinking about it.

"Reassured, I won't leave, I won't leave." Jiuyin God has said.

"That way." The sword has no smile.

"Sword monarch, there is a big array around Hong Tianbao. It seems that you will know if you will kill, this big array of power seems to be weak, we have to kill in, I am afraid that it is not so easy." The Emperor of the Land, the Sword of the Land, the sword.

"This big array is given to me." The sword is unparalleled. "

"Oh?" The Emperor of the Gybani and the nine Yin God were surprised to see the sword.

"I will send a big gift to Hong Tianbao first." The sword has no double eyed is cold, and I don't know when I have a pair of picture.

As the sword is unparalleled, the painting is left to the top, the painting is integrated into the heavens and the earth, the sky is the top, and the immediately starts to change.

~~~ pound, vast atmosphere spread.

The sky is completely complete in order to have a wonderful world, and this world has a mountain, birds and flowers.

The most eye-catching, obscenity is the nine rustic mainland in this world, and every continence is huge, and the fierce breath is even more amazing.

This painting the world will include the whole world, and that nine mainland is directly suspended on the head of Hong Tianbao.

The sword is unhappy in the hands of the treasure, the mountain river society map, it has been spread!


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