Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1837 Meeting

"this is……"

The Emperor of the Gybanu, Jiuyin Emperor looked at the world's picture world, and felt the shares of the shares from them, and the two eyes were all condensed.

"Tiandi Kyushu, Yangzhou is printed!"


The sword is unparalleled, and the palm is shot upon.

Booming ~~~ Tiandi vibration, a stunning mainland comes from the world of the world, oppressing the world.

"This power ..." The Emperor of the Gybani exposed a horrible color.

Jiuyin God is a face, staring at the continent, chasing the mainland, chanting the flooding.

In Hong Tianbao, the huge vast palace, the 13th large energy of Hong Tianbao, still gathered here.

Suddenly ... a stakeholders who have a heartbeat of all humane jumps, thirteen energy, including Hong Tianbao Lord, fierce it.

"what happened?"

"Good terror of horror!"

"What happened?"

Thirteen high-energy people took a horror and immediately slammed from the palace.

After leaving the palace, they all immediately saw the mainland that came from the top of the sky.

Big, the mainland is too big.

It is even more earth-shattering, which makes these energy people have shocked.

"my God!"

"This, is this a connovation?"

"Not good, I have to hit it."

The mainland is completely covered throughout Hong Tianbao. The first time is the big array around Hong Tianbao. This big array is Hong Tianbao Lord in this year, deliberately invited people. In the arrangement, the power is extremely amazing, and it is normal to have two or three gods to join hands. If you want to break this big break, you need to spend some hands and feet.

But now, as this is coming, the entire big array is oppressed, after a while, it is more completely crashing.

"The big battle is broken?"

These big energy workers have been very angry, but they are full of horror.

"Be careful!"

"This continent is coming to us!"

"Fast, go out to stop!"

Hong Tianbao Lord, the ice silkworm emperor, and the remaining eleven gods, they all shot.

I saw a horrible breath of the horrible breath broke out from their thirteen people, and a strong offensive, shocking on the fall of the continent.

Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong! Pong!

A deafening impact sounded, destroying the world, shocking.

Among these impact, the entire Hong Tianbao was completely covered by the mainland.

Not far from the void, swords are unparalleled, the Emperor of the Landscape, Jiuyin God stands there, looks at the Hong Tianbao in front.

Among them, the Emperor of Lagui and the nine Yin God is very exciting.

"Sword Monarch, this is the meeting you gave Hong Tianbao?" The Emperor of the Gyban-Raise looked at the sword.

She is able to feel that the power of the mainland is weak, and it is not better than her best. It is even more powerful.

Ability to display this level of attacks, the sword is unparalleled ...

"My trick, it is not easy to show it, and I can show it once." The sword is unparalleled smile, one strokes, the top of the Jiuzhou world quickly dissipated, researched into a picture, back The sword is unparalleled in the hands.

Although listening to the sword, there is no parallelism, but the end of the Oil Emperor is not trust.

After all, there is no very difficult look when there is no double to show this trick.

"Two, the big array has been broken, and next, it is positive and killing." The sword was unhappy smiled.

The Gyang Emperor and Jiuyin God immediately look forward to the front, where the majestic power gradually dissipated, revealing the scenes in the inside.

Under the rush of the continent, that huge Hong Tianbao has been thoroughly smashed, the original castle is replaced by a huge pothole.

The voids above the pothole, the thirteen people stand in the cold.

It is the thirteen energy consists of Hong Tianbao main.

The sword is unparalleled, and although the big array of Hong Tianbao is defeated, Hong Tianbao is thoroughly thorough, but under the thirteen of energy, it can't continue to give this ten. Three energy brought harm.

Although this is, the sword is unparalleled.

At least this trick, has played a great shock effect.

Like now, the 13th of the big energy, Hong Tianbao is the old name, anger, after all, Hong Tianbao is his old nest, he lives in this long life, but now it is flat, despite him It is very easy to rebuild a Hong Tianbao, but it is a flat place to face the nest, which is still very enough on the face.

As for the other twelve energy behind him, the same angry is very angry, but also hides a fear in this anger.

It is fearful to the power of just that.

So horrible power ... but fortunately they are now thirteen energy to join hands, and there is also Hong Tianbao, the peak emperor, but if they come alone, under such power, They will not be killed by the slag that will be killed.


The seven-way figure is brushing from the distance, and there is an in front of these thirteen energy.

"Sword is unparalleled !!!"

Hi Tianbao is waiting for someone to come, and immediately bite his teeth.

Jiuyin God is okay, but when they see Gapmen Emperor, many people have changed.

The Emperor of the Gyang, this is a ranking of the star of the star, Hong Tianbao is also high.

But now, this peak emperor, actually stood with the sword.

"Hong Tianbao Lord, there are also all, my meeting, isn't it?" The sword is unparalleled, but the sound is cold until the extreme.

"Bastard!" Hong Tianbao is holding his hands and killing the sky.

But the energy behind him is a horrified.

"How is it? This sword is unparalleled, how can I kill so soon?"

"Isn't it for ten years? I have only been a year. In just a year, he actually invited the Emperor of the Gyban, and the nine Yin God made a helper?"

"Jiuyin God is also awkward, can I have the same as the Emperor of Ligui, she is not fighting with all parties, and the sword will have some price to pay for it?"

"The death, the strong we invited yet, this sword is unparalleled, but the first is the lead?"

"What should I do? What should I do?"

These big energy people are a little panic.

There is no way, it is really no longer in their expectations.

If you think about them, it is completely different.

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