Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1838 War outbreak

In their way, the sword is unparalleled to kill Hong Tianbao, and must also have to be prepared after a turn, and the star will inevitably go out.

So this time they kept staring at the star, once there was a wind blowing, they will immediately be reversed.

But they didn't think of it. The sword was unparalleled in just a year, she found two gods as a helper, killing directly, and he did not use the power of the star.

Now the sword is unparalleled. This suddenly shot, and it is completely imposed.

"Hey, what is panicked?"

Hong Tianbao is a cold, and the ice is ringing. "Although the big array has been broken, and the strong we invited is not enough to arrive, this sword is unparalleled, only only three gods plus four battle lines. , With our power, you can fully fight, whoever wins, no one, I don't know. "

Hearing this, these energy inner is also a shock.

Indeed, the sword is unparalleled and suddenly killed, it is beyond their expectations, but the sword is not a double strong.

Calculating the sword is unparalleled, but only three God's power, the outside world is the battle, they are the thirteen of energy to join hands, and the emperor also has Hong Tianbao Lord, the ice silkworm god, which can be positive A battle.

Thinking of this, the mood of these energy people is also calm down, and a look is also cold, and there is a war with a war.

"Gelong God, the Hong Tianbao owner will give you, don't let him take the hand." The sword has no double.

"I personally shot, he didn't have the opportunity, but you determine that I just press the Hong Tianbao mainly?" .

On the strength, the Landmark of the Landmark, the main strength of Higher Tianshan.

If she is fully, she can completely press the Hong Tianbao Lord, but even some energy can be divided into other battlefields.

"You just want to let the Hong Tianbao owner escape, as for others ..." The sword is unparalleled and smiled, said: "The ice silkworm god is given to me, so that the 11th God Just by Jiuyin God, you and four Dao Shou, no problem? "

"Eleven God Jun?" Jiuyin Shen Emperor brow wrinkled, "There are four high-rise soldiers to join hands, and they can compete for it, but it is estimated that it is too long."

"You don't need you to make a long time, just take a moment." The sword smiled.

"In this case, then you will do it." The .


The sword has no doubles, drink, the killing of the body is like a tide, and the halver is released.

His figure is in this moment, and it is directly framed.

"Kill them!"

Hong Tianbao owner also sent anger, thirteen energy people were discontinued, and they also shot.

Wars, instantly broke out.

"Hong Tianbao Lord, your opponent is me."

The cold voice echoed in the world, and the Over the Emperor of the Omi, the whole person is like a beam, the speed is amazing, far more than the sword is nothing double with the nine yin, the emperor is much faster, the first time appears in that Hong Tianbao main, etc. In front of people, while a bright stream is flaming, like the sword to kill the throat of Hong Tianbao.

Hong Tianbao is the main point of mind, he can Xiao Jiu Yin God, and even the little sword is unparalleled, but he absolutely no guts dare to smash the gods.


A cold, the two palms in Hong Tianbao mainly show a giant ax at the same time. The two hand of the giant ax is filled with horrible suffocation. It belongs to a pair, and the atmosphere is obviously chaotic. Shenbao.

As in one of the waves, the fire-filled streamer is in an instant.

"Go!" The Emperor of the Gybanu, the light of the eye, and the light of the eyes shines throughout the world.

I saw a white phoenix condensed in the god of light. This white Phoenix carried horrible and horror, and the hole wears voids and appeared in front of Hong Tianbao.

Hong Tianbao has a sutter, and immediately after his body, he has a distant ancient beast, and his body is immediately skyrockery to three meters high, and it is an energetic, and it has once again improved a level.

At the same time, the two hand of the giant ax, it is like a mountain to break the Yue.

In an instant, Hong Tianbao owner also issued cold drink, "Gelware Emperor, you and I have no hatred, the sword is unparalleled to the end promise, what are you?"

"He promised me what, I will tell you again?" The Emperor of the Gawang is cold.

"No matter what he promised, I am willing to pay double the price, just please leave, how?" Hong Tianbao once again.

"Double price? Oh, you can't afford it." The Emperor of the Gybano is too lazy to talk to Hong Tianbao, but there is a pair of crystal white gloves.

The breath that the white glove is emitted, the amazing is very incapable, and it is also a chaotic god.


The main color of Hong Tianbao suddenly changed.

At the same time, at the same time in the Lord of Ocean and Hong Tianbao, the sword is unparalleled, Jiuyin God and the four silver warfare, and it has also collided with the twelve energy.

"Bingwillet God!"

The sword has no double eyed, it has already locked one.

"The sword is unparalleled!" The ice silkworm god emperor was extremely cold.

"Dedicated." The sword is unparalleled, and it is clear from the distance from the distance, but he can surrender two briquettes.

The two bright golden shots, then it was instantly penetrated time and space, and he came to the front of the ice silkworm.

The ice silkworm god is rolling, and I don't dare to have a big idea. I only see the endless cold from him. This chill is condensed around, and there are tens of thousands of miles around for the ice cave. This ice silk. Emperor is the master of this ice cave.


A cold war knife in a cold is appeared in his hand, the knife is all, everything is turned into a cold cream.

The golden light of the two sorts of Hong Kong is bursting with the knife.

clang! clang!

Earning two impact, each impact contains horrible power outbreaks, venting.

After the impact, the body shape of the ice silkworm god is the first time, the rear is detached, and there are nearly a long mile.

"Strong power, these two golden lights, any impact of the impact, is equivalent to the strength of the peak emperor." The ice silkworm god is horrified.

He ranked fifty-fourth place on the Heaven and Essay, and some gangs from the peak emperor.

But this gap is not too big, and it is a general peak emperor, he can also resist a while.

So, when he faced the sword, he did not be like that, but truly a hand ... sword unparalleled strength has been scared.

The two sorts of Hong Kong swords, any hand is equivalent to the peak of God's emperor, can be in the information he got, the sword is unparalleled, the two hands, the most terrible is the speed! !

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