Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1839 is destroyed

"Single single power is so strong, speed, how is it too horrible?" The ice silkworm God couldn't help but think of it.

He just thought that he saw him in the next moment.

I saw that the two hands were also retired from the brilliance, and the slight shock, then it was like an arc, and came to him again.

Tens of thousands of miles away, the two handles Hong Yinjian almost instantly cross.

"It's too fast." The ice silkworm God blinks, but the war knife is again swinging.

clang! clang! clang! clang! clang! clang!

One of the hits sounded, each hit, the horror power of Hongyu Golden sword contained the thrill of the ice silkworm, but his figure was just stabilized, and the Hongyu Golden sword shocked again. Come, don't give him any opportunities for any wheezing.

He has exhausted, and it can be under the success of the two sorts of Hong Yinjian, but it is a defeat, and he hits it once, his body is constantly impacted, and the injury is also increasing.

"The ice silkworm emperor, the old man came to help you."

A big drink suddenly sounded, I saw a white robe hand holding a heavy sword. In the middle of the middle, it was like a mountain, and the mighty parallel sword was caught.

This white robe is also a peak god, now he is exhausted to show this sword, and the power of power is enough to make the general emperor.

The sword is unparalleled, the scorpion is cold.


The cold word spit out, the sword is not a double toward the direction of the white robe.

This palm is as if it contains the entire round, even if it is a positive collision with the mighty heavy sword.

A loud noise, the heavy sword directly shocked out, and even the old people were also turned out to a stream of flow. In the way, the white robe is still sprayed in the mouth, the breath is directly sluggish.

A top god, in the sword, there is no pair of palms, it has been defeated, and he will not know.

"Jiuyin God, don't let those gods hinder me." The sword didn't double the nine Yin Emperor of the distant void.

"I tried my best." Jiuyin God is hilarious.

Although he is an emperor, but now we have to fight with the four gods, there are still a few top gods in this eleven gods. Although he is not afraid, but after all, there are many people. A little one or two gods can take the hand, hinder the battlefield next to him, and he has no way.


The sword is unbolded, staring at the ice silkworm emperor in front.

Just hindered the old man, it was gave the chance of this ice silk.

And now ...


An unprecedented chill is swept away from the ice silkworm, and the ice silkworm God has become incomparable, and he has nothing to do with the wind.

"Do you want to desperate?" The sword was unbolded. When I saw the ice silkworm gods skyrocked, he immediately moved, and the time immediately had a golden light quietly burst.

"Roll, give me away!"

The ice silkworm God is also a scarlet, and the knife in hand is swayed.

clang! clang!

The two hits sound, and the two hands Hong Yinjian was directly shocked. The ice silkworm God's own body shape is also a burst, which can be on the way! A strange golden light appears in front of him.

"Third handle?" The Silk Silk God blindly.

He did not know, the sword is unparalleled Hong Yinjian, the public nine-handles, the more the fierce, the more you can use, the more you can use.

Previously, the feelings of the swords have been in the top of the Taoishan sixth floor, so the limit can only show the two sorts of Hong Kong swords, but now ...

The ancient battlefield for six thousand years, the sword is unparalleled, and the strength is the best, the most advanced, is the time-space! ! !

Now he, of course, you can show the third hand of Hong Kong.

"Damn!" The nature of the normworm is ugly to the extreme.

Single handle Hong Yinjun has given him a lot of pressure. He is very miserable and desperate, and it is a very miserable, and now a handle?

How can he resist?

"This sword is unparalleled, it will not be the level of the general peak!" The Silk Silk gods roared, but the body is already crazy.

"Want to escape? You have no chance." The sword has fallen into the killing, and a time and space is filled.

"The ancient mystery, the operation of the moon!"

~~~~ Whole heaven and earth, the whole time and space is ruthlessly oppressed in this moment.

The normality of the Silk Silk is instantly negatively oppressed, the speed is reduced, and even even the movements in the hands are very difficult.

And the three golden streams, but it is like three humilishers, still rushing.

"Do not!"

The Silk God sent a unwilling roar, reluctantly raised his hand, resisting a Hongyin gold sword, but the remaining two handles were bombarded on his head and his head.

Although his body's war armor has burst power in the first time, it is only a chaotic Qibao level, the body's ability is limited, and it is still killed by front.

This scene, the many strong people around the battlefield, are very shocked.

"Dead? The emperor of the silkworm is actually killed?"

"How can it be so fast?"

"This is only a moment of kung fu."

Many gods are full of eyes, and they are incredible.

They knew that the Silk Silk God is certainly not a sword unparalleled opponent, but the entangled sword is unparalleled for a problem.

A result, how long?

From the battle to the present, it is slow to say slow, but it is actually only a moment of tricks, less than twenty breathing.

Hong Yin Jincian like a sword is just a shock of dozens of trimesters, such a short kung fu, the normally, the emperor, it has been killed by swords?

Raw and pulling, it is definitely a knot that is destroyed.

It is so fast to kill each other, the strength gap between the two, what is it?

"This sword monarch ..."

Just along the side of the Ryadami, the prince is also horrified, and there is no double.

She knows that even if she wants to kill each other, she has to spend some effort, I want to have such a clean and neat, even wreaking, she can't do it.

"The three golden lights ... is the Hongyu Golden Sword, which is what he is famous. He can show three handles, each handle is equivalent to the peak of God, and the speed is coming? With the monarchy of the ancient gods, I want to escape from him, it is really difficult. "The Emperor of the Gyban, and also recognized the strength of the sword.

"Perhaps his strength is not as good as me, but he is absolutely stronger than Hong Tianbao, even if it is more than that of the Star Palace, it is estimated that it is almost."

"On the ability of chasing, he is better than me, the Lord, Hong Tianbao owner !!"

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