Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1840, the last person

Chasing the ability ...

Indeed, the sword is unparalleled Hongyu Jinjie, the test of the moon, is closely related to the time-space.

The time-space road, the speed is the most, the sword is unparalleled now on these two means, once the other party is pressed, it is too difficult to escape.

The Lord of the Lord, the main strength of the Lord, the strength, but if you want to truly kill a strong emperor, you need a lot of hands and feet, and may not let the other party escape, and there is no sword.

The ice silkworm god is dead, the sword is unparalleled, and then the next ... The sword is unparalleled.

This eleven gods are in the midst of Jiuyin God, the four silver wars, the squad, the troops.

As the sword is unparalleled, the three sides of the gold sword are immediately turned into three golden lights immediately, and they will take the three different directions.

In an instant, the three sorts of Hong Kong King sword appeared behind three different gods.

"not good!"



These three gods have become bigger, they have to fight with Jiuyin God, and some are the intenses of the silver wars, the fierce fight, but the sword is unparalleled. Occurrence, don't give them any opportunities for any struggle.

The three hand of Hong Kong is in an instant, wear the body of the two.

Although one person reacted in time, the shot was resistant, but the gold sword contained, but the peak of the god emperor, the gods were seriously injured, and the Hantao Jinjian was just a slightness. The earthquake, continued to attack, and directly took this person's head.

One blink of an eye, it was a three gods killed.



"That gold sword, we can't stop!"

"Escape, fast!"

The rest of the gods are amazing, and they have fled.

They are for life, and they are forced to join hands together, but now face the strength of the sword without the rolling, there is a terrible killing means, they have been completely frightened, this battle broke out to now For a long time, the Silkworm God and the three gods have already died.

The lineup that was also able to fight, but now it has become very disadvantage, let alone, there is still a sword.

They have lost their courage to continue to fight.

However, although they want to escape, they can also have the sword unparalleled.

I saw the sword unparalleled hand, and a plurality of purple exuded a strange breath appeared in his hand.

It is an boundary bead.

"go with!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the vast purple energy is covered from the shot of the bead, and it is covered with the voids around the surrounding full of millions, and all the gods who are preparing to escape are covered.

One boundary beads, one mind.

"Today, you don't want to escape."

The sword is unparalleled with an amazing sound, echoing in this array of millions of miles of void.

The remaining eight gods saw that their goal was blocked, and they panicked in one in the heart, and this is fearful, but it is completely converted into a crazy in the short-term engraving.

"Fighting him!"

"Even if you die, you will never let him pass."

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The eight gods were twisted, and instantly moved their shape, and a brain fierce is unparalleled.

In the people, they still have a bloody blood, and some are the magic clouds, and two gods are swallowing a few medicinal herbs, which makes the breath have skyrocketing.

Obviously, these eight gods were completely desperate.

This kind of desperation can be said to be a fight, or it can be said to be a difficult toast.

And I saw the eight gods of this killing, the face was cold, and there was no fear.

"Jiuyin God, we!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the three sides of Hong Yin Jincian will take the lead in attack, and his own body is also a stepping, and the blood peeled sword behind him suddenly commented.

It has changed the blood peak sword to the chaotic Shenbao level, showing the horror swords of the show, enough to make the heaven and earth movement.

"The previous eleven gods will be unable to join hands, and now the eight gods in the district, still want to struggle?"


Jiuyin God is cold and smiled, and the body is also turned into ghosts and flashes out.

That four silver warfare Duty also keep up.

The two sides are in a moment of confrontation.

But this is a confrontation, but it is faster, so I can't get a moment, and the eight gods is all killed.

In this eight gods, there is six in the six, all by the sword where there are no doubles, Hong Yinjin swords. ,

"Sword Monarch, you are a golden sword, it is really terrible."

Jiuyin God looked at the three sides of the three sides of the sword without a double week, with a fear.

He has seen the horror of this three hand of Hong Kong. It is still good, but the three handles are combined, it is not to resist, if he is unparalleled with the sword, and only immediately show the bottom card crazy escape. As for if you can escape, you have to look at your luck.

"The emperor of the silkworm, and these gods have all been killed. Next, only one person left." The sword didn't have a double eyed, but it was a battlefield next to it.

At that battlefield, the Emperor of the Gybanu was extremely fierce with Hong Tianbao.

Of course, the Landmarks of the Gybanu were absolutely superior, and Hong Tianbao is completely suppressed.


The shape of the sword is unparalleled with the nine Yin God also appeared on that battlefield.

The two people who were originally fighting were immediately stopped.

The Hong Tianbao owner still holds a giant ax, the body is suffocating, but his face is unusual.

He didn't expect that the twelve energy, including the Skyworm God, such a powerful lineup, actually in such a short time, was sneaked by the sword without a double slaughter.

The strength of the sword is unparalleled, it is better than he imagined.

Now, the big energy of his party is all killed, and the sword is unparalleled. The Emperor of the Gyather, the Emperor Jiuyin has maintained intact, and the three gods are joined forces ...


Hong Tianbao is the heart of the heart, also rises a sense of crisis.

"Hong Tianbao Lord, I said, I will kill Hong Tianbao, let you wait for 13 people, I have said words, I have never gone." The sword did not have a double voice.

Hong Tianbao mainly colored, he looked at the sword and was unparalleled. Stepping on the top ten holy land, would you like to let me? "

"Oh?" The sword is not a double mouth, but it is laughing. "If you are in Thunder Island, you are watching many strong people in the Shengshi, maybe I will still consider, but now ... late! "

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