Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1842 Last Rushing


The sound is shocked, and the sword is not double-finished. He can feel the blood peak sword in his hand. It is extremely unwilling.

Just in this kind of innocent sword, the blood peak is directly to the side, and the heavens are still surviving a lot of power, and the front is on the sword unparalleled body.

"Not good." The Emperor of the Genfang was shocked.

"Sword Monarch?" Jiuyin God has grown up his eyes.


The power of terror is like a flooding madness.

The sword has no double-shaped, and then it is like a shell being slammed out, and there is hundreds of thousands of miles away, and it is stable.

After standing again, the bronchies of the sword were slightly palatable than before.

Seeing this scene, the Emperor of the Gyeong, the nine yin God is all.

"Open, what to joke?" Jiuyin God is incredible, "this Hong Tianbao mainly burned the soul of the soul, it is the strongest attack of the desperation, and even the Gangmine God has to hurt, and the sword monarch This giant ax is directly smashed on him. He actually, just just a pale? Is this? "

"How is it possible?" The Best of the Landmark of the Monarchi is very angry.

Such a horrible ax, even if the sword of the sword has blocked most of the power, the remaining power is also enough to learn a god emperor.

But the result, the sword is unparalleled under this ax, just is just a pale, there is no blood overflow, let alone blood is seriously injured.

The ability of the body, strong

The sword at this moment is unparalleled, it is surprised to look at the red tai armor that is in your own.

This red dragonflice is originally rusty, but after being unparalleled by the sword, it will restore its original appearance, become very conspicuous as the magma sprayed from the volcano, and the sword is unparalleled in Hong Tianbao. The main strongest is not hurt under the ax, because this red tai armor.

"Wu Bao War ... Five predecessors, I have given me a good treasure." The sword was unimaced.

This is a five treasure warfare, and the ancient power is five in the ancient generation.

And the sword is now just a damaged five treasure warfare. Its power can not play, but even if this, his body skills, it is far beyond the sword unparalleled imagination, even in the sword, Wu Treasure. The current body of the armor is still in many of the chaotic gods hierarchical than the Lingxiao Temple.

There is a five treasure warfare body, plus swords are unparalleled with ancient blood, and the body is extremely strong. The Hong Tianbao Lord has even burned the power of the soul, and if you want to kill the sword, it is still a luxury.

"Sword Monarch, this Hong Tianbao is the price of the burning soul, and can make such a strong war, but he is a peak emperor, the soul will not be too powerful, this soul is burning for a long time, we only need Slightly venting him for a while, it is enough to kill him easily. "Over the emperor of Ryper.

"Understand." The sword has no double eyes, staring at Hong Tianbao Lord, and he also shows that Hong Tianbao owner at this moment is completely a difficult toast.

"Kill!" "Kill!"

The sword is unparalleled with the Gyang Emperor, and then kill again.

But this time he did not choose to go hard to hurt with Hong Tianbao, but indirectly paved with Hong Tianbao.

As for the nine Yin God ... He is weak, and the Hong Tianbao main at this moment is enough to be seriously injured. He can not take advantage of the current Hong Tianbao, so he will hide away from the distance.

"Damn, I am not willing!"

"Not willing !!!"

Hong Tianbao is crazy, with the combustion of the soul, a crazy desire to give the sword unparalleled, and the Gybanon God brings harm.

But the Gyeong Emperor is in the sky, and the speed is amazing, Hong Tianbao owner can't touch him.

As for the sword and unparalleled, it is not afraid. He even dares to hurt hard with Hong Tianbao, even if the enemy, Hong Tianbao is to hurt him, almost impossible.

After a moment, after work ...

"Ah !!!!"

Hong Tianbao is crazy, and its consciousness has gradually become blurred.

This is the price of the burning soul.

You must know that the soul is fundamentally, it is the core thing.

Damaged can also be recovered slowly by the treasure, but the soul is damaged, and it is necessary to recover.

And Hong Tianbao is crazy burning soul. When he burned him, he could no longer stop. The last result is that the soul is completely dissipated, Hong Tianbao is dead.

Now, although his soul has not completely burned it, it has also disgraced a lot because there is too much burning.

The sword is unparalleled with the Gyeong Emperor. They have stopped their shape at the moment. They looked at the Hong Tianbao owner in front, the breath is getting weak and weak, and finally ...


A Jinguang broke out, the sword is unparalleled Hongyu Jinjian directly took the head of Hong Tianbao, then shocked his body.

A generation of overlord, has reached the Hong Tianbao Lord, who has reached the peak of the emperor, will die.

And after I saw Hong Tianbao's thoroughness, the sword is unparalleled with the Gybanu Emperor.

"The peak emperor, really is not that it is easy to kill." The sword was unparalleled.

This Hong Tianbao is in the peak emperor, it is not too strong. On the world's supreme list, it is only in the thirty-sixth place. Even so but still bring a lot of trouble, especially It is the final power of the main burning soul of Hong Tianbao, but fortunately, the sword is unparalleled with a five treasure warfare. Otherwise, it is really likely to fight against his death, paying great consideration.

"The soul burns, only the soul intensity to a certain degree of strong" can be displayed, the most at least the minimum is the peak emperor to show this trick, and as the peak emperor, only in one premise, will only show This trick, that is, when you encounter a desperate, you will use this trick to die, do the final anti-fall, try to kill his opponent as much as possible, because this move is once used, the ending only Death is dead.

The sword is unparalleled.

He also saw that Hong Tianbao owner is already desperate, there is no way to show this trick.

"Hong Tianbao Lord is the peak emperor. His soul is just the threshold of this trick, but he is too weak to be too weak. Even if this trick is displayed, it can't bring us harm, but if you change It's a stronger peak emperor, so hard, the end will not imagine, more, if an emperor is facing a desperate, it is not the burning soul, that is really horror. "

The Emperor of the Gybano said that this is not from the autonomous exposure of a fear of fear.

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