Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1843 Jiu Han Lord

"The Emperor burned the soul?" The sword was not bipard.

The combustion effort out of a single Hong Tianbao main burning soul is so horrible, and the emperor will show this trick ...

The sword is unparalleled, and how horror will be in the end.

"However, the big strong is high, in the vast chaotic world, there should be no threat to force them to go to the step?" The sword said unparalleled.

"Under normal circumstances, it is indeed a chaotic world, there is still an emperor to show this trick, this great is therefore falling, as for him to force this step, it is a white emperor." Rikawa Shendao.

The sword is unparalleled.

He knows that the Vantime Chaotic World is recognized as a strong white emperor, once kills a great emperor, and the emperor under despair, will definitely burning the soul against the soul, but it seems that he has burned the soul, and finally While Chen Di, he was dead in the hands of the white emperor.

The sword is unparalleled and the Gapmen Emperor is talking, suddenly ...


A strong breath suddenly broke out.


The sword is unparalleled, and the Emperor of the Gyather, Jiuyin God immediately saw the source of this breath.

I saw a void in the surrounding voids, a white robe had just rushed to, and directly crushed an enormature, the strong breath, it broke out from this.

Subsequently, the sword was noticed, and in the void, there was a hazy dark body to condense.

After the darkness of the darkness, the whole world has fallen into the boundless darkness, and the darkness seems to have never see the sun.

"This breath ... The whole dramatic chaotic world, only one."

The sword is unparalleled, and there is a fear of it.

Then, the three people went to this darkness.

"Meet the Jiu Holy Lord!"

The Jiu Han is the great emperor who controls the Jiu Han.

At this moment, this Jiu Hao Lord is a consciousness.

"The sword is unparalleled."

The hoarse voice slowly spread, from the black figure, a sharp scorpion suddenly wore the void, and the fierce sword was unparalleled.

Staring at this scorpion, the sword is unbearable.

"Oh, the Gapy is also?" The Jiu Han Lord also looked at the Emperor of the Gyban.

The Landmarks of the Landmarks immediately took their respect.

As for the Jiuyin God, the Jiu Hao Lord is too lazy to see.

"The sword is unparalleled, the Emperor of the Gyang, you will not fight, you will directly kill the nine holy land, and you will not be put in your eyes too." Jiu Han's holy voice is cold, listen Don't hurt.

The sword is unparalleled with the inner heart of the Saint-Lord.

No way, they are now facing a great emperor, and is not a general emperor.

Tiandi Supreme List is a 15th emperor, this Jiu Haozheng, but it is the third!

Second to Red Dragon and the supreme white emperor.

"Jiu Han Lord, I took the face of many strong people in Thunder, and I would like to kill Hong Tianbao in Ten Years, I think of this news, you have heard of the Holy Lord. Let's have no double.

"This is true, but this is a matter of saying, you have to say hello to this seat, and another thing." The nine holy main voice sank, the heavens and the earth are thrown.

The sword is unparalleled.

"There is not much nonsense, this seat is just wants to tell you, the energy in Hong Tianbao, there is a hatred with your star, you have to kill them, you can let go, this seat will not block However, Hong Tianbao Lord, staying in the Jiu Han Shengshi for so many years, reluctantly, is it a person, but you can't kill him, I understand it? "Jiu Han Shou Low.

When I heard this, the sword was unbeded, but she was wrinkled. She went to a moment. The sword was unknown: "Jiu Hao Sheng Lord, I am sorry, you are late, the Hong Tianbao Lord is dead."

"What are you talking about?" Jiu Han's sharp eyes is two lightning, and it is rumored.

Lightning bombardment in the sword is unparalleled, so that the void is completely bursting, but the sword is unparalleled, still standing there.

"Hong Tianbao Lord is dead." The sword was unparalleled and opened.

"Jiu Hao Lord." The Emperor of the Gybano also opened at this moment. "Hong Tianbao is indeed been killed."

"How can it be so fast?" Jiu Hao's eyebrows were tightened.

He learned that the sword has killed the news of Hong Tianbao, and immediately let people rush to Hong Tianbao immediately, and there is no delay in the way. I haven't been over for a long time. In such a short time, the sword is unparalleled should not kill Hong Tianbao owner.

After coming to this battlefield, he didn't see Hong Tianbao Lord. However, he believed that Hong Tianbao owner should escape.

But I didn't expect that the sword is unparalleled in this short period of time, and the peak of Hong Tianbao is killed.

"Hey, swords are unparalleled, sword monarch, you are a good thing." The Jiu Hao's holy voice has some cold.

"I have been in front of you, I also checked Hong Tianbao's main information, thinking that Hong Tianbao is not too much with the Jiu Han Lord, this only, if it is a Jiu Han, please ask Nine You want to blame you. "The sword is unpaid.

"Oh, you have already killed. If this is, do you use it?" The Jiu Han Lord smiled coldly. "

"Sword is unparalleled ..."

The nine holy Buddhist sharp eyes once again appeared in the sword, and the eyes were deep and even faintly brought together. "This matter, look at your prior, this is no longer Blamers you, but this is still reminding you ... "

"In the future, it is still very good. During this time, you killed a lot of energy, many people in the Shenglang were dissatisfied with you, just because you are the top genius, my Holy League is I will have something tolerate, but if you continue to kill, do it too much, I am afraid that I will be beyond the bottom line of my Holy League, even if it is a heartache, the Shengfei is afraid to send a strong person. Genius will be killed. "

"Hello, it."

Cold snorted, the darkness of the Jiu Hao Lord is slow to dissipate.

"Gong to send Nine Holy Lord."

The sword is unparalleled, and the Emperor of the Gyamoto, Jiuyin God also looked at the ideology of the Jiu Han.

When it was completely dissipated, the three people got up.

"Oh, this nine holy owner, the temper is not small, and it looks like, he is still very disgusted to me." The sword smiled.

"Anti-feeling, it is possible." Oil Emperor is nodded.

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