Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1846 Ranking Change

In the Holy League, a boiling.

Numerous strong people are destroyed by Hong Tianbao, including Hong Tianbao owner after the 13th large energy, all of them being killed, even at all, don't believe it.

To know, it is a strong horizontal lineup of thirteen energy.

Especially in the existence of a peak emperor of Hong Tianbao owner.

Before the Thunder Island, the sword was unparalleled in the face of many strong people, saying that when they kill Hong Tianbao in ten years, many people were still in the nose, and they thought that the sword was unreliable.

Under the premise of the Star Palace, there are some constraints that cannot be fully committed, they don't think that the Stars can resist the lineup of the thirteen of energy.

Some people, even waiting for the jokes of the star.

Follow the results ... don't take ten years at all.

Just one year later, the sword was unparalleled to kill Hong Tianbao, and according to what he said, the thirteen of energy was killed.

Lian Tang Fengfeng, Hong Tianbao owner was killed on the spot! !

Simply incredible.

"Hong Tianbao Lord, the peak emperor, such a super strong, why is the sword who kill him?"

"I heard that the sword is unparalleled with the And finally it was fallen. "

"After this battle, this sword is unparalleled will reach a brand new level. In addition, the world should also change it."

Numerous strong people are in Jinjin.

The sword is unparalleled to the battle of Hong Tianbao, and it is static and static.

In the surroundings of Hong Tianbao, there is naturally some strong people who have seen the old distance, and even someone records the mirror screen.

Not long after, the mirror screen of the battle was released.

And in that battle, the sword is unparalleled!

The short film kung fu, directly killing the ice silkworm, with the Thunder's means, and then sweeping many gods, and then with the Gyeong Emperor, Jiuyin Shenmi teamed up with Hong Tianbao to force the Lord to the limit.

This scene has made many people amazed.

Especially the sword, unparalleled three-handed Hong Kong sword, which makes a lot of emperors are frightened.

"Too strong, this sword has no double-driven gold sword, each hand is impacted to have the power of the peak, the speed is incredible, and the single hand is estimated to be easily suppressed, but he can actually At the same time, drive the three handles? If the three handle is shocked, it can suppress the peak emperor! "

"This sword is unparalleled, than we think is much stronger, the strength, he can absolutely be placed on Hong Tianbao owner, even compared with the star, it is not much, and the most terrible It is his chasing ability, three sorts of gold swords, with the ancient gods of the monarchy, and the mysterious can be a bead, once the other strength is not as good as him, escape can't escape. "

"This is too strong, and it is no monster that Hong Tianbao is the peak of the temple."

Countless people are embarrassed.

They are amazed in the strength of the sword.

Of course, the sword is unparalleled in this battle, and many people are shocked, which is his body body.

The Hong Tianbao is forced to the limit, burning the soul to fight dead, and the front of the shot is on the sword. The result is that the sword is unparalleled is only pale.

This can be exclaimed on the spot.

"This body is too strong!"

"The red tai armor who wears in him is inevitably a very strong chaotic god, and his own body is extremely amazing, otherwise it is impossible to block this ax."

"The ability to kill is this strong, and his body skills are more scary, this sword is unparalleled ..."

Everyone gave admation.

But they don't know, the sword has no bodies, but also is not satisfactory.

It is to know that when he gets the ancient blood inheritance, the sword is unparalleled, but the first volume of the ancient secret secret "Taiju Shui" ".

That too ancient deficiency, even in ancient times, countless refining mystery is enough to take the top ten, it is definitely the top, the strongest refinery secret.

The sword is unparalleled, and the first volume is realized in the stone monument, but it is independent to understand, but he does not really refine this first volume.

It's not that he doesn't want to practice, but there is no qualification.

Taikoo deficiency, single first volume, at least in the early stage of the chaotic boy, that is, the gods level can be cultivated.

The sword is unparalleled because it is the relationship of the reversal. Although its Shen Li is already comparable to the emperor, he is really true in the realm.

Therefore, even if I have realized this secret, I didn't make it in my sword.

If there is a day, he gets the practice of the seventh step, breaking through the chaotic bid, and will refine this too ancient virtual body, and then cooperate with the five treasures. At that time, his body body ability is really terrible. .

And in the wandering power of the Shengling, it is shocked at the moment of being destroyed by Hong Tianbao, Hong Tianbao's death.

That day, the title of the world was the same as those expected, and there was a change.

And this change is very huge.

After all, since the sword is unparalleled, it has killed the strong people who have a very big hatred with the stars. In just a few decades, they die in him, and the emperor has four bits, these Shen Emperor is all famous in the world.

Once I killed the four gods, the world's Supreme List of course, there will be a small change, but many strong people in the chaotic world are really concerned, but the sword is unparalleled.

No one wants to know, decades of killing, causing such a murderous sword unparalleled, and now it will be ranked in the heavens and the earth.

There are also many people who have already begun to guess before the ranking has not changed.

Thunder Island Holy Hill Heights, a exquisite attic, two gods are sitting together, talking, talking, they talk, the protagonist, the sword is unparalleled.

"Single from this sword without double easily killing the mirror screen of the ice silkworm, his war is very strong in the peak emperor, at least in the main strength of Hong Tianbao, ranking is definitely more than Hongtian Fort is mainly high, an estimate of the 32nd or 33th, of course, if it is good, maybe it can be discharged into the top 30! "

"Before thirty? Isn't that a high compassion for the Star Palace? No,?"

"Who knows, look at it, the eyes of the top of the Shengshi are much higher than us, they must estimate the specific strength of the sword unparalleled from that battle, this ranking must have no problem."

Soon, ranking.

Sword is unparalleled (sword monarch), the true god rush, ranking thirty!


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