Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1847 Door! ! !

Glass of Holy Land, in the Lingxiao Temple.

As one of the founders of the Lingxiao Temple, the Tianmili is the moment of violence.

"The Tiandi Supreme Literary No. 30? The highest level of the Shengshi actually passed the sword in the first thirty?"

"If you die, even the star is expected, it is just the thirty-first, it is better than him, that is, this sword is unparalleled to surpass the star."

I thought of this, I thought of this, my heart was awkward.

It is insiscuously for more than 6,000 years ago, the sword is unparalleled in the Ling Xiao mainland, and the sea mainland has collided with their Lingxiao Hall. He has not paired with the sword.

At that time, the strength of the sword was still almost.

But now, for more than 6,000 years, the sword is unparalleled but has completely exceeded him, breaking into the ranks of the top 30 in the world.

This level, it is also a leader in the peak emperor.

In other words, if he encounters the sword again, there is no room for confrontation, and only the wolf will escape.

Moreover, the sword is unparalleled, as long as it is weak than him, there is almost no possibility of escape from his hands.

This is even more villain.

Next to it, the Xuan Bing God Jun, the heart of the monarch is also cool.

They originally thought that they had just joined the Lingxiao Temple, with the shelter of the Lingxiao Temple, the sword was unparalleled, but now it seems that it is nothing.

Even Hong Tianbao is sitting in the town, Hong Tianbao, which is full of thirteen energy, is easily covered by swords, and now in the Lingxiao Temple, the number of energy, it is not as good as Hong Tianbao Is it?

"Fortunately, the Ling Xiaobao Hall is deep, and the glazed emperor once came out, warned the sword, unparalleled, I only stayed in the territory of the Lingxiao Temple, this sword is unparalleled."

"But if this sword is unparalleled, the speed of this horror continues to improve, even if the emperor of the glazed emperor in the morning and evening, it is ..."

Xuan Bing Shenjun looked at the thousand blades, and there was a shocking.

: "The Temple, the sword is not double progressive speed, I can't let him continue to grow, you must find the opportunity to take him as soon as possible."

"Strap, this also said with you?" Tian Yan Shen goddened to Xuan Bing Shenjun, the face is a sink, "This sword is unparalleled now, the strength is not small, I am the only possibility of killing, it is to let Big Brother personally shot! "

"Big Brother ..."

The sky is sinking, but the arrogance is to come out, and the Tianling, which is still in the second nest, "Big Brother, when can you come back, the sword is unparalleled too fast, I I can't stand it completely? "

The inventory is silent, and finally there is a message to pass, "I will return it in three thousand years!"

"Three thousand years?" Tian Yan Shen's heart moved, but he revealed the color of the ecstasy, "The sword is unparalleled, you will be rampant for three years, three years later, the big brother personally shot, you will die !!"


Here, it is very far from the top ten holy sites, and there is no hidden territory.

This territor is covered by a heavy giant large array. This big array is not a general guild, and it is even more than a few array of Method, including the two emperors toad, and consume Unparalleled resource is only arranged.

Such a big array, the power of power.

Even if it is the emperor, it will not be able to break the big array, but even this emperor is in the array of the law, its life will be threatened.

In the whole, the Chinese chaotic world, I am afraid there is only the Nest of the Shengshi, the big array of Thunder island can be compared to this big array.

The big array covered is the old nest of the blood!

Bloodymen, all year round activities, like Huangquan Palace, like Huangquan Palace, like Huangquan Palace, like Huangquan Palace.

At this moment, in the bloody door, a huge altar, a huge altar, quietly suspended there.

At the top of the altar, there is an ice jade throne, the throne of the throne, the white woman on a face is sitting there.

This white woman can't see her specific appearance because of the relationship between the veil, but only the part of the displays, it is enough to make the countless cultivator soul.

And she exposed the eye, but it is cold, like a wax cream.

"The master, this is the news from the Holy Legend, you can take a look." An old woman next to him will teach an ambassador to the white woman.

The white woman took over and consciously swept.


The faint light sound, the white woman also flashed a variety of color, "Tiandi Supreme Plan 30? Oh, it is really amazing, it is a man of my body ... look like the future If he collides with the top of the Holy League, he will also become a big threat to my blood. "

"Many people, now many people in the Shengba are talking about, saying that this sword is unparalleled. It is very likely to become the second white emperor. This is not a good thing. We have to prevent it. If you have a chance to take him as soon as possible. OK. "The old woman of the black robe said.

"Shot?" The white woman was cold, but shook his head, "assassin, eradicate the genius of the Shengzheng, that is what the Huangquan Palace should do, there is nothing to do with my blood, and this sword is very special, no mine Command, anyone in the blood is not allowed to shoot him! "

"Yes." The old woman of the black robe took a head and did not dare to violate it.

"Yes, how is the thing to prepare?" The white woman suddenly asked.

"It's ready to be complete, and all the strong people are already in place, everything can be done in accordance with the plan." The old woman in the black robe.

"Very good." White woman smiled slightly, "carefully prepared for so many years, finally came to this step, the order, ten days, according to the plan."

"Following." The old woman of the black robe led.

Ten days later, in the darkness of the chaotic world, in the old nest of this blood, there was no sign, a horrible killing storm broke out.

This killing storm, the battle of the battle, countless power is falling in this battle, and the light is a big energy, and it is full of more than 30!

This horrible war is absolutely arbitrarily aroma in the Horror World War, or in the vast chaotic world.

But in the darkness, it seems that the wind is calm, it seems that there is no general.

After the war, it is still above the huge altar of the independent space.

The white woman is still sitting there, and at this moment is at her feet, it is compassionate and lack of denseness.

"Meet the door !!!"

Sound shock.

On this day, the bloody door was changed, and a door was born.

And this door, the name is cold!


PS: Today, six!

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