Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1850 Soft Rib

"Those big forces can't be destroyed, there is no need to pay attention to them for the time being." The sword has no double.

The three temples have nodded.

"Yuan Temple, now there is something that needs you to do." The sword was unparalleled, and he waved his hand, and immediately had a piece of god soldier and the war armor appeared in front of it.

These gods, the armor appeared, and the breath that was emitted.

"Chaos Shenbao! It's all chaotic gods!"

"So many chaotic gods?"

The Lord of the Temple, the Nie Yun Temple is a piece.

"The palace master, this is ..." Yuan Dynasty is also wrong.

"These chaotic gods are the coincidences of my opportunity. As for where, you don't need to know, you just know, on the way back, I have been at the price of a chaotic godhouse, invited nine Yin Shen Emperor became the old old man of my star, Jiuyin God also agreed. Within thousands of years, it will arrive at the star. "The sword said.

"Jiuyin God Emperor? He promised to become a star of my star," "


The three temples are big.

You must know that it is an emperor.

On the heaven and earth, it was only a total of eighty emperors. After the sword, there was a lot of kills, the rest is less, any emperor is enough to shock the ancient to the world, the stars The pulse is facing a major threat, and there is a new emperor to join, which is definitely a good thing.

As for the armor of the chaotic Shenbao, it is precious, but it is worth it to exchange a god emperor.

"There are twenty-one chaotic gods, which have 18 pieces of attack, there are three wars, I will give you now." The sword is unparalleled to look at the main hall, "in this moment, my star You must use all resources to be used, the next time, the main hall, you can find someone to find some of the excitement, use these chaotic gods, or use other resources, such as you can promise them, just need to be in the stars Ten thousand years of effectiveness, allowing them to cultivate the first volume of stars. "

"With these conditions, invite them to join and strengthen the overall strength of my star."

"Of course, you don't have to promise them directly. After all, they must now not know the news of Star Palace, and I don't know the potential crisis of my star, even if I promise, wait for the future news to spread, the crisis arrive These people are also very big might refuse, so you have to do it now, communicate with them, let them know that we have this intention. "

"As for the real recruitment, it is the case after the crisis begins, and then it will be truthful."

"In addition, the strong you invite, can never be the kind of heart-evil, or is a uncomfortable generation, such a strong, even if the benefits can be used for my star, it can be retrieved, and the tricks abandoned, and in my stars The one-in-one heart is doing a knife, it is made, I don't need this kind of power in my star. "

"I understand." Yuan Temple mainly looks back.

He naturally knows that the sword does not have two words.

The ancient chaotic world is a lot of strong strong strong, and all kinds are all, which strong people are worth inviting with chaotic gods or large amounts of resources. Which strong people must not, these Yuan Dynasty is clear, and also know How to do it.

"The Lord of the Temple of the Temple, Nie Yun Temple." The sword is unparalleled, and the other two temples, "You have two time to help the Yuan Temple to do this, after all, the Yuan Temple is the spirit, I can't leave the Yanyu River, I can only communicate through the news, but some negotiations need to be personally thinking, but I have to worry about you. "

"No problem." The Lord of the Temple, the Nie Yun Demodes immediately agreed.

"Go." The sword was unparalleled, and the three major temples immediately worked.

As for the sword, there is no pair of yourself ... There is no pair of swords, our own imperative, is to improve the strength as much as possible.

Not only to improve his, the most important thing is to find a way to improve the sword.

After all, once the Sword has reached the peak, it is the peak of the chaotic border, which is the level of the emperor, and is also extremely strong in the emperor.

At that time, there is a sword. This is enough, it is enough to shock the power of the people of the chaotic world.

Stars, Swords and Sword.

"This is my time to kill a lot of energy, and the many resembled Dan medicine used by them, and some are also available from the stars, including Bigns. , Give you, then the next time, you must go to the best to restore the strength. "The sword watched the sword in front of the sword.

"Yes, the master." Sword respects.

The sword is immediately closed.

The sword is also coming to a secret room.

"Before the crisis is completely arrived, I can do all the pulse of the star, now, now, it is necessary to prepare for the war that can break out." The sword is unmainted, "Unfortunately, I Finally, it is only true god, and the method of reversing the seventh step, it is not possible to get the impact, it is impossible to launch a shock towards the powerful people. As for the strength ... I have improved it, I have already improved it, I want again in a short time. It is almost impossible to make the strength. "

"So, the only thing I can do is, I want to think about my soft rib."

Soft ribs ... The sword is unbound is indeed a soft rib.

This soft rib is his soul!

His intensity is still in the true god.

This is the force of this soul, in fact, in fact, it is not weak, but his current opponent is the wealth of gods, and often collides with the emperor, but fortunately until now, he has not touched it. To the god of the soul of the soul, or the emperor, no one will attack him.

Once you meet ... The soul of the gods, he may also struggle to struggle, but if the emperor who is good at the soul attack is, the sword is unparalleled, there is no grasp of the ability to resist, so in the stars Before the pulse is caught in the sky, he must make this soft rib to make up.

~~~ The sword is unparalleled, and there are many medicinal herbs that have improved the power of the soul in front of them.

These treasures, there are many treasures that are extremely expensive, and even the treasures of 10,000 cars are all kinds of swords, and they are well prepared.

"Before the news of the news of the Lord of the Star Palace, my soul must be broken!"

"let's start……"

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