Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1851 Quality Soul

Before the crisis, several high-rise, with swords, unparalleled, completely united.

The main hall of Yuan Temple, the Lord of the Temple, Nie Yun Dynasty, after got a lot of chaotic gods that were unparalleled, and immediately came into contact with some good books, and revealed the meaning of recruitment, and this step is Darkness, there is no big promotion.

Everything is going on, according to what they think, according to the class.

And the sword is unparalleled to improve his strength, and the sword is also as recovery as much as possible.

Time is in a hurry, and a vast eight hundred years.

Sword, within the secret room.


The sword has no eyes open, and the eyes have a strong surprise.

At this moment, there is only a strong fire of a strong soul, but now the fire of the soul has already changed, and it has formed a substantive soul. This is also a shadow, it is similar to the baby. However, the nature is completely different.

Substant soul ... The soul of the sword is finally broken through the level of the energy!

And this step is, in fact, a lot of real gods breakthrough to achieve a key step in achieving energy, there are many things that are clearly different, but because they have never forming a substantive soul, they have never been able to break through the big energy.

But the sword is unparalleled ... he is refurbished, and it has ignored the fire of the soul when Dao Zun, and because of cultivating the relationship between "Wan Dao Jing", his soul has been continuously enhanced, with Strengthening the strength, the fire of his soul is getting more and more powerful, has reached the most important thing.

Until now, with the eight hundred years of hardship, then with many genius's auxiliary, the fire of the soul finally completed the transformation.

And a breakthrough, the sword is unparalleled, and the spiritual soul is far better than the ordinary practitioners break through this step.

Not only the quality of the soul, there is a vastness of the soul, the ordinary cultivator just formed a substantive soul, the substantive soul is only a small fist size, and it is still very transparent, only the future will continue to improve, essentially The soul will be clearer, and the volume will slowly improve.

Now the substantive soul, a formation is enough to have a baby fist, and it is very clear and strong.

"This is perhaps because I started to step on the power of the soul from the road." The sword was unmainted.

But in any case, after his essence, the previous soft rib has also been greatly compensated. Now he, the soul of the general gods, is afraid that it is difficult to affect him, as for the emperor level The soul attack ... Although it can also pose a threat to him, the threat is not that huge.

In addition, in the ancient battlefield, there is a special treasure for many years, there is a special treasure in the treasures of many opportunities, that is a ring, named soul ring, this soul is now being used by swords. In hand, it should be a soul defense treasure, but unfortunately, there is a lot of damage, but it can't play the peak power, but it can also play a lot of defense to the sword.

"Form a substantive soul, and the soul rings play a certain soul defense, now I, the protection of the soul should not be weak than the general emperor, and I still have time, you can continue to improve." The sword is unparalleled, and it quickly closed his eyes and continued to rise.

His substance is just formed, it is not quite fragile, and the promotion is naturally large.

Time passed, a swaying has passed a thousand eight hundred years.

For the former five hundred years, the sword has been closed for two hundred and three hundred years. He is still not going to go.

At this moment, it is in the Shengdi of the purple moon, just in another continent of the Purple Moon, Cabernet.

The hegemony of the Cabernet Sauquious continent is the Chung Qixian, which is a powerful force that is enough to focus on the front of the star.

Huge ancient Fairy, a peak of a seat.

On one of the peaks of the peak, there is a delicate bamboo house, on the air in front of the bamboo house, a white robe woman sits there, but is embroidered in a green shirt, she uses the fabric It is only a very ordinary kind, but the green shirt is full, but it is very silky, the color is like Wen Yu, and it is good.

Just then, ! A purple robe suddenly appeared above the peak, and came to the front of the white robe.

This is a violent robe, graceful woman, and the woman is emitted from Hech, and it is a gods that achieve the peak.


Cabergathy, the existing palace master, Chifeng gods respect the white robe of the clothes.

Women in the White Robe did not turn toward Chifeng gods, but they still embroidered clothes, but they said: "I just got the old and old, said that my Cabergox Fairy is time. Some friction with the Lingxiao Treasure? "

"The mother already knows?" Chifeng goddess is moving.

"Let's talk, what happened?" White robe woman asked casually.

"Things are because of the mysterious ice gods, the mother also knows that the Xuan Bing Shen Jun has grown with my Cabernet Xianchai, I have always wanted him to kill him, but now this Xuan Bing Shenjun, but joined the Lingxiao Temple. He has a Lingxiao Temple to support him. It does not place my Cabergox Fairy. You said that you are not angry? "Chifeng God.

"Xuan Bing God Jun? He will join the Lingxiao Temple? And the Lingxiao Temple also promised to pay attention to him?" The white robe woman exposed a surprised color.

"Mother, you have been staying here, don't ask the world, I don't know if this time the mistakes occurred in the chaotic world. The Xuan Bing God is forced by the Sword of the Stars. This will choose to join the Lingxiao Temple. "" Chifeng Shenjun said that a series of things happened to this time is simply narrow.

Especially the sword is unparalleled.

After finishing ...

"You are said, not only this sword monarch, the stars have another two gods, but also hunting some of the true gods with the star of the stars?" White robe woman stopped the movements in his hand, Feng Shenjun looked over.

"For the time before, it is indeed a big kill before that time, but maybe because it is to kill it with their excitement, but now I will calm down, but I heard that I heard that I heard that I heard that. The star is intertwel that there are some strong people, and I don't know what they want. "Chifeng Shen Jun said.

"Oh?" White robe woman browed, after a moment, his face was revealing a weird smile.

"I understand, no wonder."

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