Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1855 Trial

See the main hall of the Yuan Dynasty, the candle dragon god emperor is a right, laughing: "I don't think about it, I came here, I came to find a star palace master."

"Find the Lord of Xingchen Palace?" The three director moved.

They saw that the candlelon God came to visit at this time, never no reason.

It seems that this candle dragon emperor is specially tested. Try the faintness of the star, but also want to test whether the Lord is really falling.

Clear inner, but the main hall of Shangyuan Temple does not move, said: "Candle dragon emperor, you should know that the ancient secret is open, my house owner has been staying in these years, and it is not returned yet "

"Nothing returns, as long as he can make a promise to complete my business," Candlelong God Dao. "

"Not your business? I don't know when my husband is, what is your thing you?" Yuan Dynasty is still flat.

"Not long ago, before he entered the ancient secret, he had helped him with a few strong people to help him, as a condition, he promised to let me enter your star, Tibetan class, go Take the stars secret, this matter, you can know? "The candle dragon gods.

"What?" The main color of the Yuan Dynasty.

And he immediately knows that this candlelong God will definitely lying.

Xingchen Palace is extremely important to see the stars secret, and will never agree with the candle dragon emperor, let him cultivate the stars secret.

Now, this candlelon God dares to say this, nothing more than a test.

Anyway, no one can contact the Lord of the Star Palace, no matter what he says, it can't be confirmed.

"Candle Dragon Emperor, I can't get in touch with my house owner, and I don't know if I have this, so I still wait for a while, wait for my husband owner from the ancient secrets, you will come back. "The main hall smiled.

"Wait for a period of time? I have no idle workers." The candle dragon gods have a sink, "I am the Lord, the Lord of Xingchen Palace is about the first, no matter what, I have to cultivate the stars today. Surgery. "

"Sorry, I can't let you go to the golden Pavilion before the Palace Lord, I can't let you go to the Golden Pavilion." Yuan Dynasty mainly.

"Hey, this is the way to treat your star." The candle dragon goddess and slammed, and his voice contained anger. The most important thing is still under his spiritual action. The whole star is all in the entire star, and the disciples in the stars in the coensene, heard this cold.

For a time, the Star is shocked.

"what happened?"

"The sound of this sound is the same as the stronghold of the candlelong, it should be that the strong people who come to our star, just see that he is not happy with the people of several temples. "

Many law enforcement is old, the disciples are full of this star.

This scene, the Lord of Yuan Temple, the Lord of the Temple, and the main three people in Nie Yun Temple are difficult to see.

But at this time ...

"The candle dragon god is right, is the temper?"

A cold voice suddenly sounded, the sound also echoed in the world, and then a young man carrying the long sword slowly came over.

"It is the owner of the palace!"

"There is no double temple."

The law enforcement of the Stars, the disciples saw the swords and unparalleled, and suddenly showed the color of the fanaticism.

These law enforcement are old, and the disciples don't know the news of Starbor Palace now. Naturally, I don't know that the sword is unparalleled has become a new palace master, so I still say that the sword is unparalleled.

And I saw the people, the candlelong emperor with an angry, and an anger is now dissipated.

"Sword Monarch." The candle dragon is slowly exposed on the face.

The three people in the Yuan Dynasty are only God, but he can not be in the heart, but the sword is unparalleled, but he is ranked thirty in the heaven and earth. He dare not drive in the sword.

The sword is unparalleled with the candle dragon, the body is shameful, and the main hall is the top, the ice-cold scorpion is obvious. "No matter what your husband is committed to you, you must have my husband owner. Back to the star, and confirmed that you can redeem, before this, you are still good. "

"I am too anxious." The candle dragon gods smiled, "But after hundreds of years, I have to go to the second nest, there is a lot of danger, I still hope that I can get a stars secretary before this. It is used as a life life, and the Lord, the Lord of the Star Palace from the ancient secret, obviously, so ... "

"It's better to this, the sword monarch tells me the position of the Star Palace owner, I personally go to the ancient secret to find him, then let him pass a message, how?"

When I heard this, the sword was ridiculed, "It's really ridiculous, my husband owner, he just got a lot of the chair, and was in a critical period. At this time, I will tell you his position? Candle dragon God, You will be so distant? "

"Even if it is in a critical period, simply passing a message, but I can't affected him, the sword monarch, you don't want to tell me his position, I really have been guessed by Vientiane, Star Palace Lord ... Is it falling? "The candle dragon goddess took a different color, staring at the sword.

And his sentence, the same in the bustling spread of the power, the entire star has retired.

Especially the last few words, even a time echo, long time.

The law enforcement in the stars, there are many disciples, and they are all glimpse.

"The palace master, is it falling?"

"This, really fake?"

Many elders, the disciples have a bit.

And the sword is unparalleled, but it is a cold, and the murder is killing.

"court death!"

A low drink, but I saw the golden light of the three bright.

call out! call out! call out!

The three golden light appeared, and immediately turned into Jinhong, and the cave in front of the Candle Dragon.

"Not good." The candle dragon has changed.

The purpose of his trip is just to try to detect the true truth of the star, he has never thought about it, and it is necessary to fight with the front of the famous Hero.

And he has already brought these three golden sectors, and he is a famous treasure of the sword monarch, and the three silends Hong Yinjian.

Booming ~~~ The strong appearance of the power is coming, the crisis is crisis, this candle dragon emperor is also full of outbreak, his big hand covers the flames, and take an instant to shoot three palms.


Each of the three roars sounded, and every roar accompanied the appearance of huge space.

After the roar is over ... "Hey!", The gods of the gods were mad, and they were sprayed out of blood.

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