Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1856 Swordless Sword

At the moment, the candle dragon emperor, only felt the five organs in the body, and the breath was very slight.

And at the same time, he is also shot, "It's too strong, just like the material, this sword is unparalleled, the three sorts of Hong Yin Jinjun, the whole force has urged, any handle is equivalent to a peak emperor A one-end power, the three handles, the ordinary peak emperor is only pressed! "


The three golden light is suspended in the void, and it is suspended in front of the candlelong emperor. It is only necessary to swim. There is no double thinking. This three hand Hong Yinjun will come again and will kill this candle.

"The sword monarch, forgive!" Candlelon God and the Emperor, "I have no malicious, there is no malicious."

"There is no malicious? Yes, you don't have malicious, but your goal, what you think, you know, you don't need too much nonsense, you listen, go back to tell you the people behind I want to try to try my feelings in my star, I want to know if my husband is really falling, then send a useful power, it is possible to resist it, I will directly force my star, forced to the end. The limit, don't know anything? "

"Where is a waste like you, what is it used?" The sword laughed.

The candlelon God is heard, the heart is anger.

Task, he is a god emperor, ranking on the heavens and earth, can be said, but the result is unparalleled by the sword is a waste?

"Candle Dragon Emperor, I will give you two options now, or leave it completely, or ... roll!" The sword is unparalleled.

The face of the candle dragon god is green, but it is not good to attack, and the anger is turned around.

Seeing the candlelong emperor left, the three people around the Yuan Dynasty were relaxed.

And the sword is unparalleled, watching the surrounding law enforcement, the disciples, these elders, the faces of the disciples are quite complicated, obviously because the candle dragon of.

"What do you do, what should you do." The sword didn't have a double low.

Those who have awe for the elderly disciples look at the sword unparalleled, and the radius will leave one by one.

It's just that although people leave, their mood is probably it is difficult to calm down.

In this regard, the sword is unparalleled.

"I didn't expect that the glosal god emperor would have this trick?" The sword is unparalleled.

The words of this candle dragon god, the sword is unparalleled, even if he deliberately angered, and is also in the meaning of the sword.

However, the sword is unbearable. This candlelon God actually deliberately put the status of Star Palace. The news is disconnected in the stars, and the many elders of the Stars will be heard.

You must know that the Lord of Xingchen Palace is the founder of the star, and is also a real Optimus.

There is a day in the day, and the stars will be safe.

But now the Lord of the Stars, even if the news has not been confirmed, the people in the star, the disciples will inevitably be suspicious.

In particular, it is estimated that I am afraid I will pass a message to these elders, disciples in the ear, when they arrive, the star is completely chaotic.

At this point, unless the Star Palace is re-expanded, it is difficult to clean up in front of everyone.

"Just I really want to give the candlelong God to slaughter." The sword has no double cold channel.

"The candle dragon God is coming to visit, and there is no positive provocation of my star, and we will kill him in the stars, then some can't say." The main hall said.

"I know, because of this, I will endure it." The sword is unparalleled, "but in the test of this candle dragon, we didn't show anything in the sky, the parties of the Shengshi, still It is not possible to determine whether the Lord of the Star Palace is falling, it is also good, but those who are always, the disciples have to be comfortable, this will give you the main hall. "

"No problem, I know what to do." Yuan Demen.


The sword nodded, and then he continued to return to Jianxing to start cultivation.

Now, he must take a minute and one second to improve the strength.

On the other hand, the candlelong emperor didn't take long after the star of the star, and there was a strange void.

This void is suspended with the four thrills. The throne is sitting on the road. Of course, these four people are just a consequence of consciousness, and their representatives are the four parties of the ancient chaotic world, like Lingxiao Temple. , his consciousness is in four people.

"The candle dragon emperor, what is the result?" Tian Xiaoyi's first looks.

"I also use it, look at him, I will definitely touch a nose ash." A villain is weird.

The candle dragon god is a cold snort, and then takes out a contest. "This is the scene after I entered the star, I used the mirror token to record, I have tried the test. It is as for you to judge your own. "

After that, this candle dragon got away.

He is because the benefits of these four parties have given it to the star.

He has made it in accordance with the requirements of these four parties. As for the last result, he doesn't care.

At the end of the candlelong emperor, the four consciousness on this throne immediately explored the mirror screen, and after seeing the scenes inside, four people were silent.

"Three, what did you come?" Tian Yan Shen looked into three people around him.

"Nothing." The evil charm is shook his head. "When the end of the end, the strong in the stars is very calm, as for the sword monarch, it is also as strong as it is, there are also the long and old disciples of the stars From their performance, they should do not know the news of the Star Palace. "

"The calmness can be installed, and those who are elders, the disciples don't know the news of the Lord of the Star Palace is also normal, so big things, once spread out, the whole star is chaotic, I am sure of the sword Will not announce, really make me care, is the sword monarch, his strong, let me surprise. "A burly middle-aged opening said.

"The news of the front of the Star Palace is not spread, he is so strong that it is normal, but now ... I want to know that the candlelong emperor is also an emperor, and he also represents a strong horizontal force behind himself. , Only because he angered this sword monarch, this sword monarch is directly hurting, and even if it is because of the old nest of the Star, I estimate that he will directly shoot the candle dragon. Give it! "

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