Donned, this burly middle-aged continued: "This sword monarch is so strong, and it can be said to be unscrupulous. This is not so easy to install, inevitably there is a great bottom gas to do this, and his Where is the air from? "

Next to the three people face each other.

The sword is unparalleled?

They thought of the Lord of Star Palace.

"You really is a Vientiane Building to push the wrong, the star is not really dead, just falling into special land, can not be sent?" The evil charm old man said.

"It's hard to say, but just a candle dragon emperor, I can't come out, I can't come out." Tian Yan Shen Dao said.

They don't know, the sword is unparalleled, not from the Star Palace Lord, but the power of his own, and now the many big cards in the star.

As the sword is unparalared back to the stars, there is still a sword, the ancient power is sitting in the town, plus his strength, this makes the sword unparalleled, including the star, and then lost the main town of Xingchen Palace. After that, there is still a great confidence.

Especially the sword is unparalleled ... he cultivated so far, no matter what kind of risk crisis, he met, and it was often accused.

And he has long thought about retreat, if it is a war, and the stars will not be able to fight with the other party, he is not able to take the core power of the star, and directly escape.

There, not only hidden unknown, and there is a big array of Xun Xuan, no one, there is no one.

The most important thing is that the cultivation environment of the fire industry is better than the top ten holy land. He can take the green world to hide for a while, wait for his sword to completely restore strength, when the big emperor For one, the fire community was born again, and who dares to make it?

Of course, this is also the last level, and there is no way to make this sword.

But because there is this backward, the sword is not afraid.

"I want to really know if the stars are falling, there are only two ways." The burly middle-aged squeezed.

"First, it is waiting for ancient secrets to close. When you look at the stars, there is no coming from the ancient secrets, but now it is closed from the ancient secret, there is a long time for more than a thousand years. "

More than a thousand years, the top of these stations in the world of the world, and the old guys who didn't know how many years, they did not have anything, and they fell in an instant.

But now, if they wait for more than a thousand years, they will arrive at some uneasiness.

After all, the sword has no double progress is too fast!

It's just a speed!

For more than a thousand years, his strength is probably possible.

And the most important thing is that in this more than a thousand years, the Star is fully prepared, and the next crisis can be paid to the core power of the Stars, including the star secret. The method of inheritance is transferred, and it is just an empty shell.

"For more than a thousand years, there is too much," the evil charm old.

"I don't want to wait for more than a thousand years, then I only have a second way, and I will forced the Stars in the Sword Whenever, and I have to lead a lot of power. Directly kill the star in the star. "The burly middle-aged voice is indifferent.

Three surroundings also nodded.

If the stars have been in a desperate, the star of the star has not come out, or some news came, it will definitely fall.

However, the key is to do this?

"Heaven, this time, you will be the most fierce, the sword is the most fierce, you are now in the door, but you will be a chapter." The buretual middle-aged Dynasty looked over.

"I gave a good fortune with the sword before, I lost a lot of big energy, if it was a battle with the Star, and I still died, I won when I won, I was afraid of the Temple of Lingxiao. Also almost. "Tian Xiaoyi is a smile," it's three of you. These year your respective strength has reached the peak. Don't go to the star, I have to go on a trip? I want to know, if it is the first to enter the star In the case of a pulse, the law of the inheritance of the stars, is it? "

"My Kings Island is not as big as you have three great powers, and you can't afford to fight with the stars." The burly middle-aged shook his head.

"The ancient secrets are born, I am going to be in the past, I can't help but kill the stars in a short period of time." The evo is slightly smile.

As for the last person, it is straight: "I will not shoot," I will not shoot. "

Seeing this scene, the Tianshi God is slightly, but the bottom is cold and cold.

Although they are together, they are now together, but they are not a heart, all of which have a selfishness.

It is still unclear that the star is really true, nor does it have to determine if the star of the star is really dead, even if you know the first to kill the stars, it is possible to get the lantern of the stars, but no Dare to do this.

"Since no one is willing to shoot, then it will be scattered." Tian Yan Shenmi waved, his body is the first to dissipate.

The other three have smiled, and then they also disappeared in this void.

Not long after, the candlelong emperor went to visit the star, because the words of the sword were swayed in the Sorrowflood.

The sword is unparalleled, and many people are amazed.

"So strong, this sword monarch is afraid to be full."

"Is the Lord of Xingchen Palace not dead?"

"Who knows, but now I want to figure out whether the Lord is falling in the end of the star, leaning on a simple trial, must be useless, there must be someone to shoot, fight with the stars, and will force the Star Punctual to the desperation, But the key is, who is willing to be a bird? "

Bird ... This word is described very appropriate.

Bottom bird, although it is possible to get the biggest benefit, but it is often facing huge winds.

The bird is playing out, and this sentence knows.

Once the Lord, the Lord of the Star is not dead, then this bird is about to face, it is the ruthless slaughter of Star Palace.

Although a lot of forces in the Holy League is ready to move, but these forces, almost nobles to go to this bird, next, for ten years, despite the prospects, including the entire vast chaotic world, but But no one dares to shoot directly to the star.

Until this day ...

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