Within the majestic palace, there are more than ten shadows to stand quietly, waiting.

Among these ten people, the head is a middle-aged man wearing a loose green robot. This middle-aged man is shaped, and the breath on the body is full of convulsions.

His name is Blairo.

The Lord of the Wushan, the peak emperor, the world, ranking twenty-five!

It is to know that when the sword is invited to invite Hong Tianbao, it is only a row in the second seventeen.

The Lord of the Wushan, who has to be a bit more points than the Emperor of Rikawa.

However, this is a powerful existence, but it is a strong standing there, and in front of him is a dark body.

The black mood is dark, there is him, as if this world will never have a general.


"Go to the sword without double."

"That star has no need to continue to exist."

The dark body is connected to a few words, and then its body shape is slowly dissipated.

After the Wushan Lord sent this , he turned over to see the many strong people who respectfully stood in the past. "Depart," Departure ... Star Mainland! "

Soon, a message is destroyed and spread in the Shengshi.

The nine pool is doing hands on the star.

The star of the stars, after the news of the Shimen Palace, the news was spread, and he had been in the tip of the wind, just because this news was still causing thoroughly confirmed, this can temporarily get Taiping, but the parties will force the door, the star Pulse Tiger.

They are all waiting, waiting for them first.

Who will go to this bird.

Nowadays, Jiu Hao Palace is obviously couldn't help.


The star, the sword is unparalleled, the Yuan Temple is the owner, the owner of the Temple, the four people of Nie Yun Temple gathered.

"Nine pool palace, it is a nine palace!"

The main color of the Yuan Dynasty is ugly.

You know, though the strong power of the stars is very much, but there is no Jiusong Palace.

Now, those who have great enemies with the stars have nothing to do, this nine pool is the first to jump out.

"Nine Pang Palace, Jiu Han Lord, this account, I remember." The sword is unparalleled and also clasped with hands.

The nine pool is one of the oldest power in the Shengba. It is also a large force in the Shengshi, in the heritage, strength is enough to take the top three super forces.

On the chart, the strength is even in the famous gas, the nine pool is more than the Temple of the Thala.

In the Jiusong Palace, the number of light is more than 20, which is the four people, as for the palace, the palace, the twenty-fifth witch ranking on the world. Palace owner.

And this is not the most horrible, truly horrible is that the founder of this nine-poby palace is the third earthquulture, and the Tani Wang Ping will sit in the sky, second only to the Nine Holy Lord of the White Emperor! ! !

Subject is so strong, plus the nine-year-old Emperor, which is the third place behind it, how horror is this nine pool?

Under normal circumstances, even if it is the Ling Xiaobao Temple, which is overbearing, it is to bear to endure when in the face of Jiusong Palace.

The Jiusong Palace and the Star Tiche itself did not have any hanged, and the battle of the Lord of the Star Palace was killed. The Jiu Hao Palace did not participate, and the Star Palace owner did not kill them, but now is the first One shot is directly in the stars.

The sword is unparalleled, and the Jiuqi Palace is not rushing to the stars. It is true for him!

Jiu Hall, want to kill him!

As in it, the sword was unparalleled. At the beginning of Hong Tianbao, he saw that the Nine Holy Lord's dislike and hidden killing, and the glance in the Shengshi also knows the name.

"Yuan Temple, now killing in my star, only the Word of Jiusong Palace?" The sword did not ask.

"Ming is it." The main road of Yuan Temple.

"March? Is it in the dark?" The sword will continue to ask.

"I don't know, but my trailing will definitely have a lot of power after the Jiusong Palace, but they are afraid that there is no courage to do it before the Jiuqi Palace is so powerful. The main road of the temple.


The sword is unparalleled, but he has gone with the killing of ignorance. He looked around, the cold voice spit out from his mouth. However, the nine holy owners are the emperor, and they also have a lot of constraints in the Shengfa, and the battle between the stars and the Jiuqi Palace, and the fight will be fierce under normal circumstances, as long as it does not kill nine He won't come forward in the Nest of the Palace, he will not come. "

"More more, this time or Jiusong is active towards my star, I have no counsel!"

"Nothing, since Jiquang Palace wants to be a bird, then I can only go all out, I will fight it!"

If you hear the sword is unparalleled, the Trinity of the Temple also has been grasped, and one is cold.

Nowadays, the West is already in the past, even if there is no such powerful combat power, it is not a slaughtering.

Since the Jiuqi Palace wants to kill the door, they will naturally fight.

"Yuan Temple, the order, let me stay in the stars in the stars, the disciples immediately return to the Star Hano Hanoi with the fastest speed, as for other holy places, or the strong However, it is not anxious to call them, in addition, starting from now, staring at Jiuqu Qi, I want to know their movement. "The sword has no double silence.

"Yes." The main hall is immediately ordered.

At the command of the command, the disciples were immediately returned to the Star Hanoi with the fastest speed.

Ten days later.

A giant warship appeared above the Star Mainland. This big ship did not cover up. After that, he immediately fell quickly to the old nest of the star.

Along the way, it hits it all the way, and there is no obstacle.

The star has also received a message in the first time.

"The palace master, the Jiusong Palace has appeared above the Star Mainland. They are directly coming directly, and according to the intelligence you get in our star, there is a total of 18 people. They are all energy, including three emperors, fifteen gods, or that the Wushan Lord personally leads. "Yuan Dynasty mainly said.

"It's really fast, and the strong is really enough, the three gods, the fifteen gods, this lineup ..." The sword is not double-sided.

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