Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1859 Positive War!

At the beginning of Hong Tianbao, Hong Tianbao was headed by Hong Tianbao, gathered in the thirteen of energy, and this force is already amazing.

The sword is also because I invite the Gybani God and Jiuyin Emperor, and they will cover Hong Tianbao.

It can now be the lineup of the Jiuquan Palace, but more than Hongtimao, but also strong, especially the existence of the power of the Professor.

The Lord of the Wushan, the second fifteenth of the heavens and the earth, is stronger than that of the Emperor of Riwang.

Even if it is a sword, there is no double, but I have to admit that this lineup is really strong.

"The lineup is strong." The sword is unparalleled.

"Now, most of the strong people who are pulled by my star, most are still in the wait and see, it is impossible to make a decision, that is because they still can't see the vitality of my star, I think it's now in the stars, just follow the death. Without any difference, if it is a strong battle force, it will play a great shock effect, these strong people will see hopes, will be willing to join my star! "

Can become a top power, all are very smart, very embarrassing.

One party will cover the forces, even if the compensation conditions given are not low, they will make them their hearts, and they do not agree.

But if they think this is, it is not necessarily destroyed, and there is a lot of potential, then it is completely different, they will even take the initiative.

"The emergence of Jiusong Palace, but it gives me a chance of my star!"

"A chance to show an absolute power once again."

"This battle, my star has to win, and it is better to win, I have to shock the Quartet with this big victory!"

The sword is unparalleled, the cold voice echoed.

The three of the three temples below are both excited.

How is the Jiu Hao Pa Pa, as long as the Jiu Han Lord can't come personally, the stars will be fearless! !

"The palace owner has got news, the cross-section of the ship ride in Jiushan, has appeared near Yun Island, estimated to be more than half of the day, they can kill the Yanyu River." Yuan Demen.

"There is no need to wait a half day, I will go directly, go forward to fight them." The sword is unparalleled.

"The frontal battle?" Yuan Temple, the Lord of the Temple, the main three people of Nie Yun Dynasty saw the sword.

They have thought that the sword is unparalleled, with the great advantage of the Yanyu River, with the geographical advantage, there is a front battle of the Jiuqu Palace.

But now, the sword is unparalleled, but it is necessary to take the initiative to kill ...

"Just a nine palace, there is no need to let me expose the big brand of the Star River, even if the front should fight, I can get a big wins!" The sword is unparalleled.


"Front around!"

The three major palays are also looking up.

Immediately, the sword is unparalleled, and the two major gods of the Nie Yun Temple have been able to have a sword.

As for the main hall, he is just a spirit, can't go out, and he must stay in the town of Yanyu River.


The star continent, the voids, a giant spacecraft, flipped in front of the amazing speed.

On the spacecraft, the 18th eighteen of the Jiuqu Palace gathered there.

"People who follow us, it's really a lot, even if you have a few more people." A lonely youth's mouth wearing a silver-white armor is fascinating, and there is a smile.

"These people are spoons from all parties forces. They previously scrapped whether the star of the star is really dead. One is afraid of the first aftertaste, and I don't dare to act rashly, and now I am a nine palace. A bird. "A green girl said.

"Both the bird? Oh, I don't care about this, after all, in front of the absolute strength, anything is empty." The lonely youth disdain.

The various parties of the Sorrowfow are scruples to the Lords of Stars.

But the Jiusong Palace does not care, because they have the existence of Jiu Hao Lord behind them.

Even the Star Herong is really alive, they also dare to kill directly, let alone now the Lord of the Star Palace is not known.

"In these sponsiases, there should be a star of the stars? My Jiusong Palace is so high-profile, and the star will definitely get news. I know that the people of the Jiuqi Palace will be afraid. It is already scared. "Silent youth smiled.

"Don't look at the stars, especially the sword monarch, after all, before he caught the thunderous resort, the Thirteen of energy, killing Hong Tianbao," Green Girl. "

"Hey, cover Hong Tianbao, that is because there is Ryade God, as for this sword monarch himself, it is the general peak emperor, and this time I have come, who dares to help He, is it right with my nine pool? Even if he once again invoiced the Emperor's emperor, there is an adult in the palace, and there is a Ryadang, the district, and what is it? "

"That is." Green girl also nodded.

And the eyes of the two have seen the Lord of the Wushan, and they have awe.

at this time……

An ancient silver spacecraft drove directly from the front party, and many of the large energy people in Jiushan were in the first time.

"This is, the main ship of the sword monarch?" These big energy people in Jiuqu pava are one.

They are going to directly kill the old nest of the stars, who once thought that the nest of the stars did not arrive in the stars, the other person actually took the initiative?

"Haha, the people of the star, is really stupid, know that we can kill, do not hide in the old nest, don't take the best to resist, but take the initiative? Is this to send dead?" The first laughed.

"Star is a pulse, not this stupid? Is it going to negotiate or bow with my Jiuqi Palace?"

"Negotiation? Lower? Hey, there is really this possible."

"Walk, we will go."

Many strong people in Jiusong have a smile and walk out of the cabin.

Above the voids, the spacecrafts of the two items have stopped, and they are opposed to this distance.

Many strong people in Jiusong have already come out from the spaceship, appearing above the void, as for the star, but only one of the lonelies of the temple.

"The star is insert, I have seen the Lord of the Sharong, as well as the Jiuqi Palace." The palace is a humble color, but the words and deeds have no fear, "I didn't know that I suddenly came to my star mainland. What is it? "

"What is it?"

Many strong people in Jiusong are secretly smiled, and this is obviously known as knowing.

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