Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1860, comic excuse

"I am I am."

The cold voice sounded, and the Nine Palace is in the roughness, the Wushu Palace, who is wearing a green robe, step out, sharply with endless glance, I have seen it.

"This seat came today, only for one person, it is the sword. There is a unparalleled man with my Jiusong Palace. I will kill him in Jiuqi Palace, as long as you can make him up, this seat is immediately Turn the head to leave. "

After listening to this, the main color of the temple was slightly changed, and he said: "I don't know if there is no palace, I have envisable the nine pool?"

"Once upon? Oh, just before, he killed the Emperor of Vanwok, and the Vanwuxi God is the person of my nine pool!" The Wushan is cold.

"What?" "The Lord of the Temple of the Temple.

And the sword in the silver spacecraft didn't hear this, but I couldn't help but laugh.

"The Lord of the Wushan, is really shameless, actually moving out this ridiculous borrow."

Excuse, there is no doubt that this is definitely an excuse.

The Vanwut Emperor, that is the sword where the sword is killed in the killing and the stars, there is a great enemies of the gods, and then kill.

The sword is unparalleled. This Vangen Emperor is an excitement, and there is no intersection with Jiu Hao Palace. It is not possible to be a nine maternity.

After all, if the Vangen Emperor is a nine maternity, when he is greatly threatened, he will definitely move out of the Jiu Pa Palace, but the result is not.

Obviously, this Vangen Emperor is just an excuse for Jiuqi Palace.

Anyway, the Vangen Emperor is dead, there is no allegation, and the Jiuqi Pa Pa will be said.

"The Lord of the Wushan, the Vanwen God is indeed, how can the Vanwen God may be a nine palace?" The Demonstimate Temple was questioned on the spot.

"Hey, this is said to be, that is, nonsense, or you have no double, or I will kill the sword, or I will kill it directly, I will completely put your star, you choose." The Lord of the Wushan is cold, echoating on this sky.

However, his words are just ...

"Haha, I thought that the Ling Xiaobao Temple was already overbearing, but now it seems that your Jiuqi Palace has nothing to do with the Lingxiao Temple."

The laughter is shocked, and the vastness is hung.

While this laughing, the sky is on the silver spacecraft, the long sword is back, and the cold sword is slowly moving.

He appeared, the eyes were like lightning, tearing the sky, direct sunly to the Nine Palace.

At the same time, a sound that contains endless chills is again sound.

"Jiusong Palace is it? Don't say that the Vangen Emperor is not your nine palace, even if the sword is unparalleled, you will kill, how can it?"

The sound echoed, not only the people of Jiushan also listened clearly, those who were hidden in secret, from all parties forces, including a few big energy, and also listened clear, one time, whole There is a slightly in the world.


"I don't know the stupid goods!"

"No wonder so many people, want to kill him."

The strong people in the Jiuqu Palace will be angry.

The son of the Wushan is a glimpse, staring at the sword, there is no parallel, low and drink: "Since you are looking for death, today, this is full of you!"


No more nonsense.

At the moment where the Solo Palace is falling, the Jiusong Palace is 18th large energy, and it will be killed.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! ~~~

Eighth roads are strong to the extreme breath, unscrupulous spread and oppress it.

Especially the three people, the three gods, unlimited murder, all people stared at the sword of the in front.


At the same time, the two figures appeared in the sword unparalleled, seeing the killing of the Jiuqu Palace, the Lord of the Temple, the main color of Nie Yun Temple is extremely lighter.

"Two, you are careful." The sword watched the two behind him.

"Reassured, we will pay attention to." The main point of the temple mainly

The sword is no longer more, but only one waved, and there are four wearing silver wars in front of them.

These four tributes are cold, and they don't have a slight emotion.

The sword is unblocked in the bumper.


A low drink, sword is unparalleled, the Lord of the Demonsta, the Lord of Nie Yun Temple, and the four silver warfare, also kill directly.

The sword is unparalleled, naturally the first rush, rushing in the forefront.

Two larger in the lineup, obviously not proportional camp, and in an instant to come forward.

"Dan Tu, Dai Xian, you will join hands with me, first, the sword is unparalled, the rest of the people, the two gods of the stars, the four tributes are destroyed, you are four I can't be trapped, wait until the sword has no doubles, we will find a way to control it. In the future, there is also a great role in the Jiuqi Palace. "The montery of the Wushan palace.

"Yes." The energy behind him nodded.

And the lonelo-proud youth Dan Tusi, the green, the girl, the goddess, fell, followed by the owner of the Wushan.

Time, the two sides fight together.


The martyrdom of the Wushan is skyrocketing. The whole person has a flame, just like covering a layer of flame armor, has risen to five meters high, and he holds a hundred million kilograms at the same time. Heavy hammer, the big hammer is in the direction of the sword.


The void is not damaged, but there is an invisible corrugated, rippling, as in the water.

These ripples have each other containing horror power of the gods, which is spread out of the foot.


The sword is unparalleled, and the blood peak sword is directly out of the sheath.

"Renovation of swordsmanship, fourth style!"

Put the sword, sword, instantly complete.

This sword contains a strong reincarnation. This round of reincarnation is the feelings of swords and unparalleled rounds. It has reached the seventh floor peak of the Taoine.

In addition, the most important thing is that this sword contains the horrible power of the sword.

The third stage of the ultimate God, coupled with the blood of the seven-star ancient power, the combination of the two, the power is doubled than God.

The horror of a sword, whistling, and immediately spread the ripples, broke through half, the sword light continued to swept, and finally, the birth of the hundred ripples were all crushed.

"The force is weak." The main gaze of the Warner is a one-catching.

But at this time, the two ghosts appeared in the sword without double.

Dan Tu, the emperor of the fairy ... These two gods ranked unweound on the heaven and earth, and the Dan Tu God is very close to the peak of God. , The war is completely broke out.

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