Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1861 uses your blood, warn the world!

"The sword is unparalleled, death!"

Dan Tu God is pumbenstrointestinal, and he has erected the endless murder.

The Dan Tu God itself is also a super genius. Whether it is the boundaries of the world, he has also hailed as the first person in the same order, and now it has become a big energy, but it is not It is his limit. He still has a great potential. It will be able to achieve the peak emperor level in the future, and even more likely to surpass the Wushan Master, this also is extremely proud of him.

However, when he knew the existence of swords, he knew that the sword was unparalleled, he couldn't sit again.

The sword is unparalleled, especially in the real stage, there is a peak of God, which makes his inner arrogance.

Many people have compared him with the sword, but the result of the final result is that in front of the sword, his Dandu is not able to do it.

This makes the Dan Tu God have been full of resentment, and now there is a chance to kill the sword. He has worked hard.

call out!

A knife is ruthless, the sword is not a double-headed, this knife is a hateful hate.

On the other hand, the emperor of the fairy is the same.

See this, the sword is unparalleled, but it is a smile.


The horrible blood is completely broke out, and the sword has suddenly skyrocketing at this moment, and when it climbed to a height, the party stopped.

At this moment, the skin is completely used for black jade, and the physical table is wearing a red dragon armor, a head, a stick extends from him, foot seven heads, fourteen arms, this Let him look an unusual scaryness, it is like a Glass of Devil.

His fourteen arms, every one is holding a long sword, at this moment, the long sword is immediately fierce.

clang! clang! clang! clang! clang!

A variety of violent collision, the convergence sound, and every collision was shocked.

His close to the smashing skills completely broke out, with the strong strength and swordsmanship, and the strength of the strong battle, the two gods, the result of the absolute superior, these two gods were pressed by him Dash defeat.

Fortunately, the Wushu master immediately came.


The horizontal hammer fell, the big hammer broke the space, the huge oppression, the sword is unbolded, and the fourteen arms are in the middle of the eight arms at the same time.


A big sound, the sword is unparalleled, the whole body is bombarded downside down.


Next to Dan Tuc, the killing of the two gods of the fairy is swept, and the six arms of the sword are unbounded.

But strong power, but still retreats the swords.

"The Lord of the Temple, the Lord of Nie Yun Temple, retreat!"

On the way, the sword has a low drink in the sword.

The Lord of the Temple and the Lord of Nie Yun Temple jointly with the four Dao soldiers, and the fifteen gods in the Jiuqu Palace, six people on fifteen, despite the four silver armored and two patriarchalism It is very strong, but it is still pressing, but fortunately, there is no casualty.

When he heard the sword unparalleled, the two temples and four silver armored troops immediately pulled up.


Although the sword is unparalleled, although I quits the battlefield, I didn't escape, but I left the empty, I was in the distance, the owner of Nie Yun Temple and the four silver bacterium, and quickly returned to him. Behind.

In their front, the 18th strong people in the Jiuqi Palace also retry together.

This battle was actually a short stop, but did not end.

"I am alone, Nie Yun, how do you feel?" The sword watched the two temples behind him.

"It's okay." The Lord of the Demonsta is flat.

"I haven't been crazy for a long time." Nie Yun Demon is a cold.

See this, the sword has no double smile, "The warm body is over, next, the killing!"


The Lord of the Director and the main eyes of Nie Yun Temple.

"Kill them!"

"Let them know that the stars of my star!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The two palays are killing the sky.

And in front of the empty, the 18th strong people in the Jiuqu Palace have slowly approached, and the Wushu is even more cold, "the sword is unparalleled, you have taken the end, my Jiusong Palace, you escape I can't escape, and even if you are lucky, you can escape, the stars have been killed! "

"Right, the star is boutique? Every time I am now, I am not willing to show, it seems really fallen?"

Hidden in the nearby void, the probes from all parties have heard this, and the inner heart is a move.

Indeed, the star has been fighting with the Jiusong Palace, but the Star Palace owner has not had any messages, which is indeed verified the judgment of the previous Vientiane Tower.

But he heard the sword of this words, but laughed, laughing very exciting, laughing also echoed in the world, "Haha ~~~ ridicule, you will rely on these goods, I also want to let my husband owner adults," It's really ridiculous! It's just that all parties in the Shengshi will be present. I use your nine palace's blood, tell the world, and provoke my star! "

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled to come up and take out the beads.

The purple energy is covered, and it is completely covered with a void of millions of voids in an instant.

One horizon, big array!

Seeing this scene, the many strong people in the Jiuqu Palace are all condensed.

On this scene, they didn't feel unfamiliar, they also knew that the sword was unparalleled, including Hong Tianbao's main destruction, including the murder of Hong Tianbao, is because he has a strange bead, you can read Active, let Hong Tianbao owner may not escape, only the fight of sleepy beasts.

And now, the sword is unparalleled now.

But what they don't understand is that the strength lineups are clearly different, and the sword is unparalleled. What is the big array?

Is it ...

They just thought of this, but they saw that the sword was unparalleled, and an angelica appeared in front of them.

These ancient bronze figures, one body is very incomparable, and whether it is a reminder or appearance, all the silver warfares who have traveled with them. Different, these ancient copper shadows are all the bronze tact.

"Dao Bing? Ancient Bronze War Army?"

The strong people in Jiusong Palace are all.

They all know that they are also the difference between the ancient bronze trigger and the silver road, and the atrium is far less than the threat of silver.

But at this moment ... Seeing these ancient bronze warfares in front of them, a strong palace is extremely ugly.

No way, because of the ancient bronze battle army, the number is too much!

Determine, look at it, there is a full 30th!


PS: Today's four is more.

Thanks to the blessings of the brothers and sisters. Last night, my little princess was born, I looked at it, less than three minutes, I was born, it was very smooth, the mother and female were safe, I was happy.

Really, the first time, when Dad, I am too happy, my little princess is too cute, I published photos in the group, everyone can go see, QQ group: 317601474 Sword Houfu.

No accident, my daughter-in-law will be out of the hospital. Before the third, I will update it. After the third, I will slowly add more.

In August, after I finished my wife's month, I will prepare a big outbreak, and finally thank you for your support and blessings.

Kill wedding!

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