Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 85 of Chapter 1862

Dow soldiers, most of the strong people are also known.

In ancient times, some places, there are some troops, although the strength of power is strong, not weaker than the energy, but only simple attacks, so the threat is not big for the venue. But this is only limited to a few towns.

Which is like now ... Lead and 30th Trick, even if the three joints can weigh a god, it is also the top ten gods.

Plus the four silver bacterium, and the mainstay of the monette, the main two of the Nie Yun Demo, the stars, a simple pulse of the gods, still is not weak than the nine pool.

In fact, the sword is unparalleled, but he has a hundred and a hundred bronze trigger, he only took out the thirty respected.

If all the ancient Bronze War Tao soldiers are all, the gods of these Jiuhe Palace strong people will be more exciting.

"The sword is unparalleled, this is the last thing in your stars?" The main eyes of the Wushu Palace, staring at the thirty ancient bronze trigger, the face, but did not change, only Thirty-respecting the ancient bronze trigue soldiers, still within the category of the Jiuquan Palace.

"Finally,? Of course not."

The sword is unhealthy, his mind is moving, but the three hand of Hong Yinjian is coming at the same time, it is suspended in his face, "the Wushan Lord, you also know, I am best at this three sorts of gold swords. Today, I will use them to use them. "

"Just rely on these three sorts of gold swords?" The Lord of the Wushan did not smile.

When the sword is unparalleled in Hong Tianbao and Hong Tianbao, he personally browses it.

In that battle, the sword is not very dazzling, and any handle contains a strong power of the peak, and the speed is amazing.

Fully broke out, there is a small threat to the general peak emperor.

However, he didn't put these three sorts of gold swords at the eyes.

"You try to know." The sword is unparalleled, a vast space for time and space, instantly swept.

call out! call out! call out!

The three sorts of the three sorts of the three sorts were quietly suspended, and the impact of this time and space, slightly shock, then fierce.

Like the three lightning, the front of the Wushan master appeared, and the chest of the Wushan Master was first shot.

The original face disdainful Warrior, the eyes are awkward.

"This speed !!!"

It is not surprised to surprise the witch. It is really because the speed of these three golden lights is too fast.

Fight than the sword is unparalleled in Hong Tianbao, the speed is full, and it is necessary to come down.

The speed of such a horrible, even if the Warner is also full of accidents.

But can rank the twenty-fifth of the heaven and earth, the Wushu master's reaction ability is also amazing, while the three golden lights come, the big hammer in his hands is swaying, this One wave, it seems that the days can be smashed directly, and the terrorist power is enough to make many emperors are desperate.

Pong! Pong! Pong!

In the three hits, the main body of the Wushan is directly shocked from the far away, and he also felt that he has some numbers in his hands.

"Eighth floors?" The Wushan is dead and staring at the sword.

He is able to feel the power of time and space, that is extremely surprisingly, and there must only be a sense of time and space, and it can take advantage of the 8th floor of the Taoine.

The sword is unparalleled with a true god, the feelings of the time-space road have reached the eighth floor of the Taoist Palace?

"8th floor !!!"

"How can it be??"

The strong people who are next to many Jiuqu pavas can't help but exclaim.

The eighth floor of the Taoizhi, that is the generality of the general emperor.

You can know that in the battle of Hong Tianbao, the sword is unparalleled to show these three sorts of gold swords, the feelings of the time-space road, clearly the seventh floor level, even in the seventh floor, still count Don't top, but with his stretchable power, add the strong horizontal of Hong Yin Jinjian, still enough to match the peak of the peak.

Now, the battle, but in the past for more than two thousand years, the feelings of sword unparalleled pairs have improved so much?

"It's impossible, even if he is talented, how to fight against the sky, no more than two thousand years, in just two thousand years, his feelings of time and space, must not have such a huge progress, unless he At the beginning, I hidden! "The Lord of the Wushan is eye-catching, the voice has become extremely cold," The sword is unparalleled, you have been hiding? "

"I only know now?" The sword smiled without a double.

As the Wushan Lord said, it is only more than two thousand years, and there is no anti-sky. It is just to rely on its own enlightenment. His talent is also impossible to achieve such a huge breakthrough. The reason why it is now revealed, and there is a great difference with Hong Tianbao.

That is because the sword is unparalleled to the end, it is hidden with their strength!

He got a variety of opportunities for more than six thousand years in the ancient battlefield of the Qinglian, he got a variety of opportunities, and the largest one of them was a small cave.

He has a total of more than two hundred years in the small cave house. In that thousands of years, he has received an unprecedented improvement in the feelings of time and space.

Originally, it is only the level of the top sixth level of the Taoine. After the small cave, he not only breaks through the level of the Taoine seventh floor, but also in the section, it has been improved. The strength of the eighth floor of the Taoine Palace.

Eighth floors, general emperor's sense of sensation.

In addition, he has doubled the power than God, and the terrible of Hong Yinjin sword, the sword is unparalleled ... far more than everyone's imagination! !

"The Lord of the Wushan, you should be fortunate, because of these years, the first person to see my peak war, and today, I have to use your Jiuqu pava's blood, shock the four parties." Sword is unparalleled Slowly slowly swayed during this day.

"From the big!" The Lord of the Wushan is cold.

"Whether it is big, you look at it."

The sword is unparalleled, the time and space is once again ripple, the three handles of the golden sword once again turned into gold lightning.

This time, this three hand of Hong Yinjun is three different directions, respectively, and the three people, the Dan Tu, the emperor, the fairy.

That horror speed broke out, Dan Tu God has gained his eyes in the first time of the fairy.

"Not good." The main color of the Wushan is a fierce change.

Although the strength of the sword is stronger than the imagination, he can cope with himself, and the three sink gold swords can also resist.

But he can block, does not mean that Dan Tu God, the emperor, the emperor, can also resist it!

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