Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1863 The sword is unparalleled, the strongest battle!

The three sorts of Hong Kong swords, like three humans, including the two sorts, which were attacked to Dan Tu and the emperor of Dan Tu.

"It's too fast." The emperor of the fairy can't help but muttered.

Dan Tu God is facial.

But as an emperor, they didn't even show their hands and immediately showed the resisted.

clang! clang!

At the same time, the sound of the two low spirits sounded at the same time, and the Dan Tu God and the fairy god were immediately shocked.

They are still in the trip, and the figure has not been completely stable, but they see the two sorts of Hong Yinjun slightly like a slight shock.



Dan Tu God and the fairy emperor have become very exciting.

Although the impact of Hong Yinjian is slightly improved than before, it is not too much, but it is still within the acceptance of his two, but the speed of the sword is only the seventh floor of the sword. When the time and space is sentiment, the speed has made him two people.

Now the eighth floor ... that speed is completely exceeded.

The two were desperately resistant on the way.

But he heard the ~~~ The sound of the plumber hit, and every impact made him two people.

After several hits, the two hands have been numb. But the two hands of Hongyu Jinjian is still not affected, and the golden light has once again killed his two, and directly toward him. Refericate.

The speed is too fast, which has made them too late to dodge.

But at this time ... Boom! boom!

The space is broken, from this broken space, the two shank is almost simultaneously, and the two hands and gold swords will fly, and they also resolve the two people of Dan Tu and the fairy emperor. crisis.


Dan Tu God and the fairy emperor are very happy, watching the Lord of the Wushan in front of them.

"You are two, step by side first." The main road of the Wushu.

I heard the words, the emperor of the fairy did not hesitate, and the figure immediately returned to the distance.

As for the Dan Tu God, it is a noodle iron green, full of unspeakable staring in the sword.

Before he didn't worry with the sword, there was no double in the heart of the sword.

It is not necessary to be borne than the sword.

Results really handed together, especially when the sword is unparalleled, he finds that he is emperor, there is no qualification to participate in this battle.

Yes, no qualification.

Forced to participate in, not only helping the Lord of the Wushan, but will also become the mourning of the Wushan Magnolia.

"Dan Tu, let it go first." Falling the fairy.

"Hey." Dan Tu God snorted, and heched himself in his heart, and quickly participated in the fierce battle next to the emperor.

As for this void, there is only the sword unparalleled with the main two people.

"The Lord of the Wushan, one by one, stop me?" The sword was unparalleled smile, the idea moved, the three hand Hong Yinjun was simultaneously illusion.

call out! call out! call out!

Three golden lights once again fired a sinch of the honor.

The main color of the Wushu Palace is cold, but there is a large piece of vocabulism, it is like a magical cloud, he does not say, but his other hand is in the palm of your hand, this The hitchhike is strong, and it is also a chaotic god.


The magic cloud rolls, and the main thing in the Wushu Palace is actually turned into an ancient beast.

He carries a horror, it is directly attacked, and the breath on the body has suddenly improved this moment.

A strong perpetration is also in the sword. This is more powerful than before.

He waves both at the same time, and the two hand hammers is like two hundred million pounds of mountains, and they have passed away.

Most importantly, this two shank is not only powerful, but also amazing at speeds.

The two hand hammers were crazy, and they also barely slammed the swords of the swords without the impact of the sword.

"Oh?" The sword was unparalleled to look at the scene in front.

He didn't expect that this Wushan master can block his three sink gold sword.

"It's a native of the Tiandi to the top of the 20th Wushan, you now break out is your strongest battle, I'm really good." The sword was unparalleled.

"Hey, swords are unparalleled, I admit strength is indeed strong, but I want to defeat me, you almost." The Wushan is a cold.

"Is it?" The sword is unparalleled, but it is a smile, follow the mind, and a golden light will rise again.

Seeing this golden light, the face of the Wushu Magnolia finally changed.

"First ... the fourth handle?"

The Wushan is completely stunned.

And the sword is unparalleled, "I can barely block the gold sword, I don't know how to encounter the fourth hand."

When the voice came, he saw the raised fourth hand of Hong Yinjin slightly shock, but it was instantaneous hole to wear voids, speed, but not before the three handles were slow, and the power is equivalent.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Four hands Hong Yin Jin sword flicked, issued a harsh blank voice.

The sound is shameful, and once again, I will go to the Wrope of the Wrope.

Any gold sword has a good power of the peak emperor, and it is also enough to kill God, and now the four handle is connected to the hand ... The Lord of the Cruver, I feel a unprecedented pressure.

He can only bite his teeth, which is trying to resist.

On the other side, the Lord of the Temple, the Nie Yun Dynasty main along with the four silver bacterium, 30 and the ancient Bronze Wars Arms and the Nine strong palace are fighting together.

The Dan Tu God and the emperor have also joined the battlefield, but their two were stopped by the two silver bacteries in the first time.

Although the Silk Aguard has a little gap with God, it is still a gap, but the two teamed up, and it is reluctant to be entangled with an emperor.

And the power of the Tao's body is strong, and the Dan Tu God and the fairy emperor want to break these silver bacteries.

God's hardships have fallen into a short stalemate. It is difficult to get out of time, but it is the gods of the two camps, but it is the fire.

And the two directions of the Die Temple and the Nie Yun Temple, the performance in this battle is still very dazzling.

boom! boom!

The strong power has exploded directly.

"Be careful, be careful!"

"Chaos Shenbao, it is a chaotic god, and the power is extremely strong!"

"damn it!"

The fifteen energy companies in Jiuqu Palace, the face is hard.

Before the loneliness of the temple, the Nie Yun Demon said with their enthusiasm, and the soldiers used by the use of the gods.

But now, the monette of the Die Temple is in the main hand of Nie Yun Temple. !

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