Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1865 is fully defeated


The low impact sounds, and the owner of the Wushan is immediately bombarded.

It took over 10,000 miles to stop the body shape, and at this moment, the face became more miserable, and the mouth also overflows blood.

Obviously, I just hurt him.

"Yes, don't just have a tattoo body of chaotic gods, and your body's secret surgery is also very strong, and I am full of hardships, but I can only make him slightly injure." Sword is unparalleled Staring at the Lord of the Wushan, with a strange smile, "But if you come back more, even if you have a chaotic god war armor, it is not necessary to hold it?"

The voice is falling, and the sword has once again burst out of the strong power and blood.

"Is it still coming?" The main color of the Wushu Palace changed.

As the sword is unparalleled, it is one attack. He can also pick up the front and will not be too heavy.

But such an attack, if it is a few more times, it is completely different.


The void is another tremor, the whole world, the whole time and space is once again oppressed.

Four hands Hong Yinjian also broke out again.

The same scene appeared again.

This time, the Wushan Lord's impact of the Hongyu Jinjian, but he couldn't help but send a sultry.

As he just stood in his body, the sword is unparalleled, but it is still the same.

"How is it possible?" The Wushan is completely shocked.

He has a lot of understanding of the monarchy of the ancient gods. This trick is the strongest secret of ancient gods. It is necessary to show it without general, and the power to the blood is very large. The consumption, a normal ancient god, in a fierce battle, showing a month or twice, has reached the limit, and it is impossible to display the third time.

Can you sword?

He successfully applied two months, and it did not have a little stress.

Now I have directly displayed the third time?

His spirit, his blood, is so vast?

He didn't know that the sword is now the third stage of the ultimate God. It has a feet of one hundred drops of the ultimate draft, and the king is fully recovered in his body. His power is constant.

As for the power of blood, he now has an ancient blood, the blood is much stronger than the ancient people, and the secret surgery of ancient blood is used, which can be easier than the ancient gods.

Therefore, don't say that it is two times, three times, even if there is a total of ten times, the sword is unparalleled.

He born, but the Wushan Lord can't stand it.

"Monster, this sword is unparalleled is a completely tailbled big body!"

"No wonder everyone has a tribute to him, want to take him in advance!"

"I am playing with a monster?"

The Wushan is looking at the eyes, but the next moment has been decided immediately.


"Everyone, quickly withdraw!"

The Lord of the Wushan is echoating throughout the battlefield, and he is also in the first time.

Seeing this scene, the many strong people in the Jiusong Palace are all shrinkage, and they are full of heart.

You must know that they are Jiusong Palace.

In the whole of the large-scale power of the Chinese, it is enough to take the top three, and this time, they dispatched more than 80% of the power, personally leading from the Wushu Palace, and the murderous murderene, and the result is the Chinese The face of the strong persons is actually defeated by the other party?


This is definitely a shame!

Once they are now returning, they are totally likely to become a smile in the Shengshi.

However, even if you know this, they can only retreat now.

Because this battle, there is no suspense.

Even the Wushan owner was defeated by the sword without double, what they also reveal the situation?

Many strong people in Jiushan, immediately started withdrawn.

Unfortunately, now, they are going to retreat, but they have to go through the consent of the star.

"Haha, kill, kill them!" Nie Yun Temple was excited, and he did not hesitate to chase it.

Although the Lord of the Demonstimate Temple did not speak, but there was a cold and mitting, and her speed was not slow, and continued to be killed.

Those troops, they also chased them.

And Chong in their most ex-square swords, single hand holding the sword, killing the sky, four golden lights in front of them, it is already attacked with the Thunder.

Today, it is the day of the stars.

He depends on this battle, and he is shocked to shock the parties in the Holy League.

Now, although the Jiusong Palace has begun to defeat, the lost strong is not enough, and the blood flow is still too small, and there is still no demand for swords.

"Not enough, people who kill, not enough!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the whole person is like anger of the wild beast. He looked at the madman palace in front of the madness.

"The three gods, the Wushu master will definitely kill, as for the rest of the Dan Tu God, the emperor, the emperor can kill, and my first goal, it is him!" The sword is not a buddy, death Death locking, the man is a lonely youth, is the Dan Tu God.

At this moment, the strong people of Jiusi Palace have come to the most edge of the big array formed by the beads.

The Lord of the Wushan is in the forehead. I looked at the purple light film in front of him. The migrant flashed, but the big hammer in the hand was bombarded.


Low, ancient sounds sounded, and the entire big array began to shook crazy.

"Well?" The sword was not double-colored, he was able to feel the huge pressure from the beaded array.

True Brusher's owner's attack is really terrible, no accident, he only needs to bombard the big array, it is enough to defeat the big array.

Now, the first time has been bombarded, it is still two times.

"Before he will break the big mistake, let's leave the strong people of Jiusi Palace as much as possible!"

"The two great gods, at least one is also left!"


The sword is unparalleled, and the test of the moon is now displayed.

Void tremors, horrible world time and space, actually oppressed everyone of the nine pools in an instant.

Although the power is somewhat dispersed, but Najian is too strong, and the fundamental movements that God are mostly pressed.

Take this opportunity, the Lord of the Temple, the Lord of Nie Yun Temple, and many soldiers, it is crazy to go out.

The sword is unparalleled, and his scorpion completely locks the Dan Tu God.

"Not good!" The Dan Tu God is toned.

Rumble ~~~ The horrible killing is once again explosing.

This is the first time to participate in the first time. After all, he has to break the big array of the beads.


It is also a dramatic roaring, a big array of beads, finally broken.


PS: Today's four is more!

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