Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1866 is worth it

"The array is broken, hurry." The Wushu Master immediately shouted.

However, when he turned and saw everything happened behind, his face was turned.

"Do not!"

In his ear, a scream in his ear, under the eyes of the Wushu Palace, the Dan Tu's nature is red, and the knife in his hand has already been shocked, but in his In front of it, there is still two golden light to shoot.

Dan Tu God is desperate.

He is not like the Lord of the Wushan Magn, and the attack of the chaotic god hierarchy, the face of the sword is unparalleled, he is impossible to resist.

laugh! laugh!

The two golden lights were almost worn from the head of the Dan Tu God, and the scorpion of his head shocked.

The super genius of this Jiusi Palace immediately fell.


The Wushan is an angry.

He didn't think of this engraving effort in the top of the beads, and the sword did not kill Dan Tu Di.

And not only the Dan Tu God, the gods of the Jiuqi Palace, was also ruthlessly slaughtered at this moment.

The situation is also extremely miserable.

Until the beads of the beads were completely broken, these strong people in the Jiuqu Palace were big, and one was not hesitant to escape the wolf.

Although the Wushan Master is extremely angry, there is no stay, but also fled the first time.

There is no hindrance to the beads of the beads, and the strong people in the Jiuqu palace must escape, and the sword is unparalleled and other people can't stay.

Soon, many strong people in Jiushan have completely disappeared in front of the sword.

On the empty, the sword is unparalleled, the Lord of the Temple, the main three people of Nie Yun Temple stood foremost, and behind him is with many foreign soldiers.

Looking at the backs of the Nine Palace, the faces of the three people are extremely indifferent.

"Unfortunately, my horizontal beads, although I can think of it, but this is limited, this Wushan master is too strong, he fully shot, only three attacks will defeat this big array. If this big array can hinder them for a while, these big energy people in Jiuqu palace can be left. "The sword is unparalleled, and there is a regret.

"It is a bit unfortunately." The Lord of the Director and Nie Yun Temple nodded.

Three people face each other, half rang, but they have exposed a smile.

"Haha ~~~" The sword is unlikely.

The Lord of the Director is also laughing as the Lord of Nie Yun Temple.

This battle, although the strong people of Most Jiusong escaped, let them feel some regrets, but the result of this battle is the defeat of Jiuqu Palace by them.


It is definitely no doubt failure.

This battle, the one of the stars, just a few ancient Copper soldiers have been damaged, only some resources can be recovered, and there is no loss.

But the nine pool is big!

"The Jiu Hao Palace is the power of the Shengling, the face of the strong, so high-profile kills my stars, but the result is defeated by my star, and the energy is not falling. Less, if this news spreads out, it is enough to cause a small sensation. "The monette is excited.

"The sensation doesn't matter, the key is the shock effect of this battle." The sword has no double eyes flashing, "Jiuqu Palace dispatched 80% of the highest level of war, all were defeated by my star, but How many Jiusong Pa Pa will be included in the Holy League? "

"By this battle, all parties will be more jealous of my star, and I know that Xingchen Palace owner has fallen. Then they have repeatedly addressed the amount before I started with my star."

"Yes." The Lord of the Director and Nie Yun Temple will look back.

They took the initiative to come out from the Yanyue Hano, and they took the initiative to fight, just to use the battle to shock the quartet.

And now the result has made them very satisfied.

"Walk, let's go back." The sword has no paired hands in the Qiankun.

When the sword is unparalleled, the two major temples took this surprisingly huge strike, and they went to the stars.


A void from the extremely far from the battlefield.


Digital shadows stayed in this void, the strong people of these Jiusong Palace, before the arrogant to the stars, what kind of sense of hair, but now one, including the Wushan Lord In the case, all the wolves are very different, just like the dog of the funeral.

Especially a lot of gods, still have a fear and fear of fear.

These gods, all over the next day, although it has encountered a life and death crisis because of the outside world, it is very few, but today, they are really truly at the ghost door.

Like a little, they can't come back.

"Only this person is left?" The Wushu Palace is overcast, and the people in front of him are hungry. His body and mind can't help but shake.

These Jiuhe Palace strong, and also saw the surrounding scenes, they all went down.

The reason why it is because they are ashamed!

You know, at first, they have dispatched the 18th eighteen of the energetic people, this 18th larger people have three great gods, fifteen gods, how horror lineups.

but now……

Entering the eyes, still or standing in this void, but only nine!

Yes, there are only nine people, including the two gods in the Wushan Lord, the emperor, and the rest of the seven gods, and the nine people who lived, it also pale, many Some hurts.

As for the other nine people ..., they are all killed in that battle!

Nine big energy, including the Dan Tu God, all in this battle, falling!

And each other, even if you have died.

So do you really have a nine palace?

The overall heritage of the Holy League, the strength is enough to take the top three Jiuqi Palace, and be made in the stars?

"The Holy Lord is to go to the sword without a double kill, and the stars will be destroyed. The stars secretly want to get the hand, but now, the power of the battle, my Jiusong Palace is so fate, how to Controversy to the Holy Lord? "The main color of the Wushan is ugly.

"It's not only unable to explain, and after this battle, my nine-pool palace overall strength sharply, even in the next period of time, will also become a smile in the Shengling!"

"The sword is unparalleled, huh, good, a sword is unparalleled!"

"This time, I am planted in Jiusang Palace, but this feature will definitely remember, how long does it take for it, it will be ten times, hundreds of times and even a thousand times!"

"Wait, then……"

I went a few words, and the Moulong owner took the many strong people in Jiusong Palace, and they all left.

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