The old nest of the Yanyue River and the stars.

Although this time, the outside world has already lost the news of the star, the strong in the stars, the disciples have also been news, and the bottom is upset, but in the comfort of the Yuan Dynasty, There is no messy.

The star is still the same as before.

The main temple is that it is quietly waiting for the battle.

That battle, all parties of the Shengshi have spoons, and there is natural, and more.

The process of the battle was passed to the Yuan Dynasty, and when he learned that the sword was unparalleled, the Yuan Dynasty was touched.

Soon, the sword is unparalleled, and the two temples returned to the Xingchen Palace.

"Haha, welcome our three major heroes to return." The Yuan Dynasty was laughed and greeted.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is soaring.

"After this battle, my star has already revealed great deterrent, next, Yuan Temple ... If you can do it." The sword said unparalleled.

The Lord of Yuan Dynasty moved, and he certainly knew which thing is that the sword is unparalleled.

When the news in Starbor Palace was not spread, the stars had been pulling them in the dark, and the olive branches were thrown into many alone.

Among these exclusive power, there are also a lot of heart, but the stars have not allowed them to respond immediately.

After the news spread of the owner of Xingchen Palace, these exciteful power hesitated again. After all, at this time, the risks were too big.

The sword is unparalleled, so I never urge it to consider the time, I will give it a good consideration, until now this battle, the star is in front of the nine pool, enough to determine the quarter, and let the excitement The absolute strength of the Star is in a bottomlessness, enough to cope with any crisis.

In this step, you can truly come forward to officially invitation to those who are strong.

"Yuan Temple, how many strong people have to hold the invitation?" The Lord of the Demonsta looked at the main one.

"Before I have a battle with Jiuqu Palace, I haven't gratified it, I can invite two or three energy, it is good, but now ... conservative estimates, I can at least ask 10 big The unique strength of the capabilities, even more. "Yuan Temple laughed.

"It's great." The Lord of the Temple, the eyes of Nie Yun Temple are bright.

"This matter will be given to the main hall." The sword is unparalleled.

"No problem." Yuan Temple is full of confidence.

Just in the sword unparalleled and the three temples continued to talk about some things ...

"Well?" The sword suddenly moved.

"What happened?" The three major patriarchal sides also looked at the sword.

"I still remember that after I was overlying Hong Tianbao, I told you that I used a chaotic Shenbao's battle armor, I invited the Jiuyin God Emperor to join my star. The nine Yin God is on the spot. I promised, but he took some time, and now, this Jiuyin God has arrived outside the star river. "The sword didn't touch the nose.

"Jiuyin God Emperor?"

"Jiuyin God is coming?"

The three people in the Yuan Dynasty are big.

Jiuyin God Emperor, after all, is a genuine emperor, although it is not the peak of God, but it is definitely a great battle against the star.

"Let's go three, go with me to meet this Jiuyin God Emperor." The sword is unparalleled.

The three people of the Yuan Dynasty naturally followed the sword.

Not long after, four people came to the edge of the stars.

"Jiuyin God." The sword was unparalleled to look at the voids of the void, and the face showed a smile.

"Haha, Jian Mun." Jiuyin Shen Emperor took it directly, went to the sword and did not say hello to the sword. As for the sword where the three temples behind him, he nodded, and then opened, " I have said, I will definitely go to the star, now I am here, I don't know if the stars have a star, and if you are still willing to welcome me? "

"Welcome, of course, welcome." The sword is unparalleled.

"Jiuyin God is willing to become the old old man in my star, my star is in the heart, but I also said.

Jiuyin God has grinned, suddenly said: "Right, I came to the road, I heard that the nine pool kills you, what is it now?"

"Nine Hou Palace, has retired." The sword has no double.

"Return it?" Nine Yin God is surprised, "What is going on? This nine-pool palace is in the top three of the top three in the top three, and has always been strong, never the tiger's snake, this time, since this time you rushed your stars One pulse is coming, then it will definitely, weird ... I am still coming at all, I hope to help you. "

When I heard the emperor of Jiuyin, the sword was unparalleled.

He heard that this Jiuyin God is just a ventertainment of the star, but he heard the news of the Jiuqi Palace to the stars, and immediately hurry to catch up and help, but he is late.

"Nine Yin Shen Emperor, you didn't say anything wrong, Jiusong Palace never lost without reason, since it is necessary to do it, it will definitely be able to do it, but you are too late, just before, I am a star The pulse has been fiercely fighting with Jiuqu Palace, and they repel them. "The sword said unparalleled.

"Have you retired?" Jiuyin God is stunned, "Star has a front of the Jiuqian Palace? It's joking? Is it the star of the star?"

"The palace owner did not shoot, but the Jiuqu Palace did repeatedly defeated us, and they still defeated, this news wants to come to you, I will know." The sword said unparalleled.

I heard the words, the nine Yin God was taking a breath.

He looked up and was full of horror and watched the sword. He was slowly completed.

"For, since it hits it." Jiuyin God smiled, and the sword is unparalleled. "The Jian Mun, before the body of the body of chaotic gods, invited me to join the star, at the time I have said that I will come to you, and I will bring you a big gift, now I have committed my promise, and I also brought you a big gift. "

"Gift?" The sword was unparalleled.

Jiuyin Shen Emperor did so, the sword was not intended at all times.

But I didn't expect that he actually tried to bring a gift.

"I don't know what big gifts?" The sword didn't smile and asked.

With his current strength, the general treasure or the opportunity, he can't see it.

What is something, is it a big gift for him?

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