Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1871 Emperor Sword

"In the past few years, it is the day of the Emperor Sword, this emperor is obviously prepared. I know that someone will come to visit this time. I actually sent a goddess to meet." The sword has no double touch the nose. He has already perceived the existence of a white hair head in front of the emperor.

This white-haired old man is like an old man in order to stand the ordinary disciples who come back to the Sword of the Sword, and the strong is not a matter.

The sword is not hesitant, the body is moving, and it will go forward. On the way, the sword is unparalleled and deliberately distributes its own part.

And I feel the existence of this uncle, that is like the old man in the white hair, but immediately opened his eyes, and he saw the sword in the direction of the sword.

"The old man is bones, I don't know which friend comes to my emperor's sword?" The cool voice of the old man echoed.

"Heaven?" The sword is unparalleled, and its figure is very fast to stop in front of the heaven, and the body shape is also condensed.

As the distance is close, that day, the bones feel the breath that the sword is not doubled, and the color is changed.

When the sword has no double shape, let him see the face, this day, the brow is deeply frowned.

"It turned out to be a famous sword monarch, the old man was courteous." The heavenly bones fierce the swords, and they respect.

Although the sword is unparalleled is only a true God, but the strength is there.

An ordinary goddess in the Tianzhu District, facing the sword, unparalleled, respectful treatment.

"I heard that Gu Zong's Controlled Emperor Palace, will open, I will visit." The sword is unparalleled.

"Sure enough, it is coming to the Swordsman." The heart is sinking in the heart.

The emperor is about to open. This is not a secret. There are also a lot of strong people who come to the Emperor's visit to visit.

The sword is also a strong person who is good at the swords. It came to visit and fell. It is just ... The Dammer of the Sword Men and the Star Palace of the Star Winner, once had some holiday.

"Sword monarch, please wait, the old man first messages to my home, tell you what you come." He said.

"I have to ask first to ask? Isn't it necessary to take a variety of strong people? Is it still don't do the Lord? Or don't you say that the Swordsman does not welcome me?" The sword didn't look at the heaven.

"Do you dare to dare." Tianzi shook his head and smiled: "Just the Sword Monarch, you are expensive as the world, the top of the world, personally come to our emperor, my emperor is naturally fear, the old man is now Give me a house owner, but also let the palace master will prepare, welcome you of the sword monarch. "

"Oh? Is it?" The sword is unparalleled, and not much.

The immediately put the sword unparalleled news message to the martial art.

In a huge palace at the core of the Jianjie, the emperor is sitting on the side of the moving, which is the power of visiting visit before the Temple Palace.

And these strong people, most of them are the swords.

The Emperor Sword is the first era, the land of the Sword Emperor, now the biggest opportunity in the emperor, is the inheritance of the sword.

This sword is inherited, only the talents who have a swordsmanship will be eligible, but the sword inheritance is only only five, and the two of them have been in the hands of the Sword Palace, that is, the sword inheritance of the outside world is only only Three, each Emperor Sword is open, and only three strong people from the outside world can enter the depths of the Emperor Palace.

However, there are still some small swords in the emperor, and there is also an attractive force for many swords.

So even if you have never had a swordsmanship order, you can open a strong person every time the Emperor Sword Palace will come over.

At the top of this hall, I was sitting in this hall. It was a red robe, and he was an emperor's sword.

But at this moment, he is holding a glass of wine, and there is no a righteous woman in front of the front square.

"I didn't expect this emperor to open, I can let Luo Faizi you come in person. My emperor's sword is really peng." The Dijian Mart is laughing, and the words are even in the words.

But the lattice woman's face is extremely indifferent, and the words of the souls are just barely to deal with one sentence.

Emperor sword door is not annoyed. After all, he knows what temper is this Luoxiazi.

And at this time ... there is a message of the bones outside the parade.

"What, sword monarchs?" The sky became a change, and he couldn't help but muttered. "The sword monarch came."

He is unparalleled with the sword, there is no grievance, and the Emperor Sword and the Star have never had a big holiday.

He he himself has eaten a big loss in the Lord of Xingchen Palace, so that there is a grievance to the Lord of Star Chen Palace, it is inevitable that it will be angry to the strong in the stars.

So there is no pair of swords, and he is not welcome.

"Since the person is paste, since it is coming, please come in." Emperor's swordsmanship told the heaven.

Not long after, this Tianzhu personally leads the sword unparalleled, and came to the palace.

As the sword has no one, the many strong people who have been laughing at the palace will be quiet, but it is quietly quiet.

A look is completely locked at this moment on the sword unparalleled.

I don't need the heaven, and I don't need to introduce the emperor, these strong people have already recognized the sword.

It is to recognize the identity of the sword, the atmosphere of this palace will become so subtle.

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree, the sword is unparalleled in the vain chaotic world, it is too big!

Especially in the last thousands of years, the light of death is dead in his hand, I don't know how many people, even the emperor is full of good.

There are more than ten strong people in the field, although all of themselves, but in addition to the Luo Faizi, it is afraid that no one can stay in the face of the sword.

In addition, there are a few people, and it is even more fear when I see the sword.

These people, they are a great hatred with the stars, and now I have seen the sword, there is a murder, and it is inevitable.

After all, if the sword is unparalleled, it is straightforward, then they are miserable.

But fortunately, swords are unparalleled into the palace, and they have not ignored these people, but they stay in the first time in Luo Faizi.

"I didn't expect her too?" The sword was unparalleled.

For Luo Faizi, the sword has never been handed over before, and never has seen it.

But the strength of Luo Faizi, the sword is unparalleled is a clear.

Peak God!

And it is still on the heaven and earth, and it is still in the twenty-up, just above him.

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