Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1872 is hard!

While the sword is unparalphed, the latter also looked at the sword, the sword was unparalleled, and the indifferent scorpion was flashing, but it quickly disappeared.

"The sword monarch is coming, this is a loss, please invite the redemption." The main hall was on the top of the secretly opened.

Although he is a sword monarch to be atone, he faces the sword, the unparalleled strength is better than him, but it is still self-proclaimed, and his body is still sitting there, never stand up, this is not very Put the sword unparalleled.

"It's just a late generation, and you dare to work for the Swordsman, you will meet." The sword is unparalleled and smiled.

"Oh, I said that the sword monarch, you kill, and even a full-featured killing. Once you have provoke you, you will be very miserable, but now, the rumor is not the case, the sword monarch is quite easy." Emperor sword The door is like laughing.

"Is it close?" The sword has no double heart, but it has not said much.

"Sword Monarch, I don't know what to come to our emperor today, what is it?" Emperor Swordsman finally asked.

"The Emperor Sword is open, I came now, naturally it is inherited by the swords of the Sword of the Sword, this is my swordsmanship." The sword has directly put the sword inheritance order.

Seeing the swordsmanship order, the faces around those strong people are always moving.

That Demen, the monk, the brow is also slightly frowned.

He knew that the sword was rushing to the emperor, but he didn't expect the sword to have a sword inheritance order.

The swordsmanship order, but it is very difficult.

Among these big energy in the present, there is only one Luoxiai who has a swordsmanship, and there are no other people.

"Emperor Sword Men, It is said that as long as you have this swordsmanship, I can enter the heritage inheritance, I don't know if it is so?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Sword Monarch is motivated."

The Emperor Sword Menner is a slight smile. The appearance of the inheritance is also public. Naturally, there will be a lot of people who have a lot of people. It is like a homework for the swords and waves. It is the same as that, but in fact, it is possible to be imitated."

"Emperor Sword Men, what you mean, don't you want to say that the swords in my hands are fake?" The sword is unlikely.

The people around, but they are taking a breath of cold, and the soul of this emperor is really dare.

The swordsmanship order, there is really false, this is indeed true.

However, the imitation of the sword inheritance is very small, two, even if it is really imitation, the top more is only circulating in the world of chaotic world, selling someone who does not know the goods with high price, that is, the so-called A big head, who will kill the imitation of the sword inheritance to the emperor door?

Everyone knows that the Swordsmen can identify the true and false in the heritage of the sword, in this case, isn't it interesting?

In addition, if now takes out the swordsmanship, it is a contest or true God, then there is a truth that can be made out.

But now, I will take out the swordsmanship order, but the sword is unparalleled! ! !

The sword monarch, what will be taken out, will it be fake?

This is impossible, the Sword of the Sword of the Sword must say this, this is clear, it is a somewhat martial arts and unparalleled meaning.

I found that the sword is unparalleled, but the soul of Sword is a laugh: "The Jian Mun is mistaken. This seat can not say that the heritage of the swords you brought is fake, but only the Emperor's Palace is 1 million The year is only opened, the quota is limited, so everything is very cautious. "

"Well, you are right." The sword is quiet, seeing can't be angry. "In this case, then the Dammer is invited to distinguish the true and fake of this sword."

After saying, the sword is unparalleled to pass the swords in the hands to the Dynasty's sword.

Emperor's swordsmanship took the situation, spread in hand, did not need to be explored, he knew that this sword inheritance is true.

He just wants to deliberately mart, but he didn't expect this sword who would be so straightforward to give him the sword inheritance, and the sword is unparalleled. He is not worried about what he is doing in this controvers, but it is true. Have you changed?

"Oh, the sword monarch took out this swordsmanship, it was indeed true." The Sword of the Emperor smirked, and the sword was also sent to the sword.

"Since I distinguish the true and false, can I go to the Emperor Palace next?" The sword asked.

"It can be, but the sword monarch also knows that this emperor has been controlled by my emperor, and there are three swords of healing, and there are three only my emperor, including the sword monarch. This one, my emperor's sword door took the initiative to hand out, and of course it is impossible to ask. "The Emperor Sword is laughing at the sword.

"This I know, but I don't know what the emperor wants to pay for me?" The sword is unparalleled.

There is no white lunch in this world, and this sword is unparalleled.

The Emperor Swordsman controls the emperor of the emperor, and it takes the initiative to give the three swords inheritance, and the purpose is nothing more than enough interest.

As this strong person who came to the Emperor Sword, even if there is no one who has only some minor swords, there are only some people who can only get some minor swords.

"There is not much price for my emperor, and you should only be slightly insignificant. I will just attack the gods, and one of the body gods will be opened."

"Is it simple?"

The sword is unparalleled to look at this Emperor's sword. The slap is that it is connected to the true chaos of the three hand of the true gods, a true god, a true god, a true chaotic nursing body armor.

"I don't know if these things, is the Sword Menner who are satisfied?" The sword is unparalleled.

The true chaos of the true god, the value is not lacking, these four treasures add up, the value is more than 30,000 DC crystals, it is already a cost of money.

However, I saw the three sorts of the three sorts of the swords, a war armor, and the Emperor Swordsman didn't see: "I want the sword monarch you misunderstood, what I said with the armor, but not Qibao, but ... Chaotic Shenbao !! "

"What?" Everyone under the main hall was shocked.

And the sword is unparalleled. After hearing the words of the Montera Men, the eyes are also fierce.

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