Chaotic Shenbao?

The three gods of the main Sword of the Emperor Sword, a naughty battle armor, it is a chaotic god?

When I heard this, the first thought of many strong people present was this emperor.

Chaotic Shenbao, even if it is just the most ordinary attack, it is enough to make a lot of emperor and even mad. After all, there are many fascinating emperors. Even a chaotic god is not, such as the Xuanwu God.

Not to mention that it is more precious than attacking the soldiers.

Just just enter the emperor palace, the sword is unparalleled or already has a swords and waves, and under this premise, it is necessary to ask such an incredible price.

This is indeed crazy.

But I thought that the Swordsman who had just said that the sword inheritance, the sword inheritance, may be imitation, and everyone is released.

They know that this emperor's swordsman is all in the heart of the sword.

As for the attack of the three chaotic gods, one of the attacks, one tale, just he said, I am afraid that he also knows this is impossible.

"Emperor Sword Men, this time, the heritage of the sword should be more than me, I don't know what price they have made?" The sword asked.

"In addition to you, there is also Luoxiansi inherited by the sword. As for the price of Luo Faizi, the value will not be lower than you." Dianjianmen smiled.

"Yes?" The sword was unparalleled. He watched the Luoxiai.

Unfortunately, the latter is still an ice-cold model, nor does it say a half sentence.

"It seems that I am coming." The sword is unparalleled.

"Since the sword monarch can't get these expenses, then I am sorry, you can only leave, before leaving, the swordsmanship order, you have to stay, just this time I am new in my emperor. A genius really god, this sword is given to him, it is right. "The Swordsman of the Swordsman said, but the voice is full of ridicule.

"That is sorry." The sword is unparalleled, it seems to be full of helplessness, but suddenly the sword is unparalleled, but the mouth is also raised, "the Hand of the sword is not as good as we change. "

"Change the condition? How to change?" The Emperor Swordsman also looked over.

"The three-handed chaotic god hierarchical attack, the body of the body is free, take the life of many disciples of the emperor, come to the emperor, how do you see?" Sword is unparalleled .

And he came out this, the entire palace was instantaneous.

Many strong people in the palace, all of them wide, and the completions have become stunned.

Do you have a lot of people who have a strong disciples?

The meaning of sword is unparalleled ...

"Sword Monarch, I don't know what you mean this?" The main color of the Emperor's swordsman became cold.

"Why is it? Do you really don't understand?"

The sword is unparalleled, "I heard that before coming, I heard that you have had a festival with my husband owner, and I have already guess you will deliberately mart me, and I originally planned that you are martyrics. After all, the emperor is controlled in your emperor's hand, as long as you don't have too much, look at the lonely sword emperor, I don't care if you eat a loss. "

"But unfortunately, you are too stupid!"

"It's too self-righteous!"

The sword is unparalleled in this palace, and the intensity of the strong people in the scene present is a sudden.

The bottom of my heart has risen a bad premonition.

And next moment, this pre-sounded really realized.

I saw a horrible neighborhood of the sword and sword, and the Shenwei was also accompanied by strong swords. I wanted to tear the sky. I instantly covered the Swordsmanship.

Under this and swords, the energetons in the palace are still good, but the true God of some emperor's swordsmen in the palace, including a large number of emperors outside the palace, most of them instantly Volume, there is a blood over the near the ear, nose, and mouth.

This scene, the main color of the Emperor Sword.

"The sword is unparalleled, live fast!"

A big drink, a strong breath, also rising from the Swordsman's main body.

Two horror stasions collided with the front of this palace, bombing!

The entire palace, under the impact of these two breaths, all directly smashed, and many strong people in the palace also lit up.

Many strong people, appearing above the void, at the same time!!!! From the surroundings, there are also numbers in the emperor, which is some of the big energy in the Emperor Sword.

Emperor Sword, although there is no Jiusong Palace, the Lingxiao Temple is very strong, but it is too old, the heritage is also very deep, plus the Mo Dabao, which is controlled by the Emperor, and the number of strong people, the light is Daleener, there is seven, but the emperor has only one of the Emperor Sword.

At this moment, seven large energy people, including the Emperor Swordsman, stand together, I have anger the sword is unparalleled.

As for the strong people who have come for the emperor Palace, they are standing aside, obviously don't want to have the meaning it.

"The sword is unparalleled, what do you want to do?" Emperor Swordsman angry.

Although the sword is unparalleled, it is just a little consideration, but there is no more injuries in the emperor, but the sword is unparalleled, but the sword is still equal to the face of the Sword of the Sword.

"What do you do? Do you guess?" The sword is unparalleled but smile, "I said, your door is too dead!"

"In fact, when I came to your emperor's door, you should pay attention to me, don't say deliberately, if it is a wise door, I am afraid that it will be very polite. And if you don't need any price, please go to the Emperor Palace, even if you do everything, I have to pay with me. "

"Because he is clear, don't say that I have a swordsmanship, even if I don't, with my strength, I still have to blow away the power of the emperor."

"But you ... huh, no wonder the Jian Jianmen, this Mo Daibao, which is the Emperor Sword, but there are many big power in the Shengshi."

The sword is unparalleled, but it is harder to let the emperor's main colors.

"Let's go! The sword is unparalleled, you don't forget, you are in my emperor, not in your star." The Emperor Sword is anger.

"Yes?" The sword is unparalleled, "You still don't understand, whether it is the star of the throne or the sword, for me, is not all the same?"

The voice is falling, but the shape of the sword is unparalleled is yet moved.

Just within this emperor, the old nest of the Emperor Sword, the sword is unparalleled!


PS: Today's four is more!

The daughter-in-law is already discharged today. Although she is taking care of at home, she is more convenient than the hospital, so she starts slowly from tomorrow. It is more or six more, the limit is like this, then in eight Month, wait for my wife to sit after, I have a big outbreak, everyone will wait and see.

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