Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1874, one person is pressing one (on)


The violent broken wind sounded, and the void is directly fell here.

At the moment of seeing swords, there is no double-handed hand, the Emperor Sword, including the Emperor Swordsman, the big energy, the face is a big.

Although they are seven large energy, now they are in the face of a real killing, a champion.


The sword is unhappy, the power is condensed, combined with the power of the ancient blood, under the cover of the moment.

~~~ It seems to have a huge palm printing of the entire round of back.

Out of a palm, the sky is discolored.

And this palm is actually covered by seven people such as the sword.

This posture, sword is unparalleled, it is necessary to take an enemy!


The monk of Jianjie first sent a burst, while the sound rushed through the sky, a pound of the sword was rising from him.

This emperor, although some 'stupid', but its strength is still good, he is also a genuine peak of the goods.

I saw a glitcher with glare and contained a faint golden Thunder. I appeared in his hands. The power was immediately rising, "broken!" With the word of the emperor, this long sword instantly Bringing the endless golden thunder, inserted out, put the turn back to the palm of the middle hole.

~~~ A lot of power is dissipated around, and the body shape of the Emperor's sword is more, and his scorpion is cold, and the death is dead, "swing the sword!"

When he heard him, the energy of the six Emperor's swords behind him had burst out of the sky.

Six of the energy of each other form a resonance, and it has formed a big sword in an instant.

Emperor's sword, the sword is main, the sword array in it is also extremely famous.

Now, this six big energy is displayed, it is a six-story sword, it is an attack, defending a strong sword array, this sword array is displayed by six gods, and the power is more strong.


The sword array has completed, the six major energy people were obedient, and in an instant six people drive the big array while the sword did not kill.

The Emperor Sword Mencher also attacked.

The sword is unparalleled to look at everything in front, and his right hand finger, but there is a god of power to gather.

"The seventh finger of the ancient gods, the sky is finger!"

boom! !

A horrible space of hundreds of thousands of miles of space appeared in the sky, this spatial swirls were crazy in the world, and there were many palace halls in the Jianmenmen. They were shredded at this moment. Fortunately, those emperor The true gods, the boundaries have already retired, which has not been affected.

Otherwise, single Single Swirl sweeps, it is enough to come into river in the river in the emperor.

It can be followed, from this spatial vortex, but extends a giant finger throughout the black jade, this giant refers to the huge, and the terrible power of the carrier pointed out.

"Sixth is mixed, the world is out!"

Among the six big energy of the Sword of the Jian Dynasty, one of the people made a good time, and the six shares of the swords were combined with each other. Booming ~~~ Handle excited the huge sword of the endless position, this giant sword Destroy the earth, under the removal of the big array, directly swim.


The two collides, and the void is suddenly quiet.

After only a moment, the black jade giant finger, and the huge sword that exudes the endless position with the handle, all collapsed.

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled.

He has used his own power and ancient blood, and it is the seventh finger of the ancient god of the whole, and the sky is a finger.

As a result, will it be used to use the sword array with the sword array?

"It is a bit mean." The sword was unparalleled.


A sharp, as if you can tear all the swords, the sword is unparalleled, and I saw the emperor's sword. I didn't know when I had already appeared on the side of the sword. The handle in my hand panned faint. Thunder The long sword has been attacked.

The sword is coming, but it has moved the surrounding time and space and swords, there is a kind of meaning that does not kill the opponent, never stop.

The sword has no double eyes, the blood peak sword is instantaneous, but it is a single-handed sword.


A low impact sound, the Emperor Swordsman is finally the peak of the emperor, although the ranking of the world is not as good as the Lord of Hong Tianbao, but the strength is still weak, this suddenly attacked A sword, the sword is unparalleled and there is some rush, it is inevitable to be shocked.

The emperor is in the Lord, but it is faithful, "Sword is unparalleled, today is your self-found, dare to shoot directly in my emperor, this seat will never say more what."

"I killed me on the spot. The Emperor Swordsman, you really dare to say." The sword couldn't help but laugh.

In the surrounding battle, I heard the words of the emperor's door, and they all had a nose.

The sword is unparalleled, and the Tiandi is ranked twenty-two super existence.

Such super existence, I am afraid there is only the emperor, or the first God of the emperor personally shot, and the party has to grasp the kill.

And the Sword Men, only the existence of the bottom of the peak, but said to kill the sword is unparalleled?

Even if it is in his emperor's sword, he still has six big energy to form a sword argon. It is also a lot to try with the sword.

Kill him sword is unparalleled ... I would like to ask everyone, this emperor, who is so big?

"The Emperor Sword has such a door, it is really tragedy." The sword is unparalleled, but it has a faint Li Mang.


Three golden lights and suddenly rising.

These three major golden lights are all incomparable, as if the three golden sun, is the sword.

"Golden Sword?"

"It is the famous gold sword of the sword monarch!"

"Golden Sword is out, this sword monarch seems to be full."

All the people around the battle have been embarrassed, while one by one is looking.

The sword is unparalleled, but there is no nonsense, and the three sides of the three sides in front of him is just a slightly perturbation, but it is an instant to take out.

The three golden light flashed in the void, it is like the fish in the water.

And these three golden lights easily wrap the Emperor Swordsman, but the first time appeared in front of the six powerful people of the Emperor Sword.

These six major people have also reacted immediately.

"Be careful!"

"Quickly urge the big array, block the three sink gold sword!"

~~~ A strong sword is burst, and these six energy people are fully equipped.

But the sword is unparalleled, but it is disdainful, "useful?"

clang! clang! clang!

The three hits of the three hits, and the three handles Hong Yinjian is slightly retired, but it is again attacked again.

Carry out the second impact!

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