
The sword is unparalleled, directly grabbed the neck of the gods, just like a chicken, then the figure is shaking, returning to the original place again.

On the empty, the sword is not double-finished, and the big hand caught the goddess, a cold drink, and it is unbelievable in the emperor's face.


The whole head of this goddener was unblocked by the sword.

A gods, moments.

"What?" The remaining gods of the Dunjutou took over this reaction, and one was shocked.

That Emperor's sword door is anger, "The sword is unparalleled, you dare, dare ..."


The sword is unparalleled to interrupted the Dinnama owner. At this moment, he kills the sky. It is also cold until the sky. Put your emperor, directly tuned! "

The main body of the Swordsman is shameful.

The left of the five Emperor Swords is also a big eyes.

The strong people who watch the battle next to see that the eyes of the Martyls dozen are full of ridicule.

They have long known that the sword is unparalleled, but this emperor is a matter of self-righteousness.

That's right, Dianjian is a certain contribution to the Shengshi, and there is also a lot of strong people in the Holy Government.

However, these things are just just something.

What is the most important in this world? That is not an external boost, but it is your strength! !

Self-strength is the foundation.

The sword is unparalleled and always believed.

What is the emotional enthusiasm with some strong people? If the sword is unparalleled, it is now directly to give the Emperor Sword, this emperor is covered, these are a few money?

These have a large energy of these sex, and there are several people who are willing to report their swords for an emperor door that has been destroy.

What is it afraid?

And even if there is, can they have no swords?

The sword at this moment is unparalleled.

If you change to do something else, when this emperor is three times five times, when the sword is unparalleled, the sword has been killed, and this emperor is afraid, killing the cold, there is no need to trouble.

But now the star is in the wind, this emperor is also a great power, and the heritage is profound, it is also very wide, so if it is not necessary, the sword is unwilling to completely tear the face with them, even if it is forced, sword Warriors have never been down, otherwise there are several energy people who have just killed, and can they live a few more than those of the Damidites?

He is thinking that he is already enough to be enough.

But I didn't expect this kind of sword, it will be self-righteous.

"Anyway, now my star has been stared by all parties, and it is not bad. This emperor is one!"

The sword has no doubles on the idea.

However, this emotional swordsman dare to say more, he immediately shot, kill all the enemies of the Emperor Sword, with a nephew.

The strong people in the field of the Emperor Sword, have already felt the murder of the sword unparalleled shares, and that decreased.

They know that swords are not joking!

He has guts, and there is absolutely that it can resist it, and they will be tuned on the spot.

The Emperor Sword Men was also lost at this moment.

He was just because of the holiday with the Lord of the Star Palace, and his heart was not awkward.

But I didn't think about it with the sword, and I also knew that the strength of the sword was unparalleled.

But he didn't expect the sword to come to the emperor door. When he faced him, he would be polite, so that he thought that the sword was unparalleled and there was no legend.

Therefore, he will become a sharp martyrdom. In the end, it will not allow the sword to enter the emperor palace, forcing the sword.

The next result is that he did not think of it.

It can be said that because of his thought, a god of his emperor is already falling, and now the entire Emperor's door has reached the edge of life and death.

One of his words, a move, now there is a possibility to bring a destroyed disaster to the Emperor Sword!

At this moment, he is facing two options.

The first is to continue to tough, the result is that the Emperor Sword is killed by the sword. After the future, there are also the strong people who have a feelings of the Emperor Sword, there must be a revenge to the Emperor Sword, but he There is also these strong people in his emperor's sword, and must be dead.

Second, then there is no double low-end service to the sword.

"I, I ..." The main mouth of the Emperor Sword is muttered, and the heart is also struggling.

However, when he struggled in his heart, in the many strong people who were watching, a figure was coming out.

When this person came out, he immediately attracted the eyes of all people in the court.


"It is Luo Faizi, she actually came out, is it going to go to the Emperor Sword?"

"It is very likely that the Emperor's sword is promised to let Luo Faizi enter the emperor palace. This is also a love for Luo Faizi. Luoxiai should not look at the emperor's swords and swords."

Those strong people are discussing.

And the people of the Jianjie, I also excited, and I used Luoxiazi as the last life of the straw at this moment.

As for the sword and unparalleled, when Luo Faizi came out, his eyes were also slightly smashed, while opening: "Luoxiai, is it not going to do this?"

"Today, it is indeed a martial arts, but the sword monarch, you kill the emperor's goddess, and also gave the Emperor Swordsman a heavy lesson, it should be enough, so the little woman wants Old, I hope that you can stop this, how? "

"Want me to stop?" The sword is unparalleled, "can be it, but the Swordsmen must have to apologize to me, and the other hundreds of DV is coming as a lift. This is done!"

When I heard this, there was a turmoil when I was.

Several people in the Sword of the Sword, including the Demolders, and the completion is very uncein.

Unparalleled to the sword?

Although this matter is that they are in the first, the sword is unparalleled, and they have killed their gods, and they will seriously hurt them, and they have made them a big loss. Now I have to apologize.

There is also a million cary lodge.

One million Dualism, a whole family of God is just like this.

"Why, don't you want?" The sword is still cold.

"Sword Monarch." Luoxiao opened again. "Isn't you gambling?"

"Bet?" The sword didn't have a double, Luo Xianzi, "How to bet?"

"You and I have ranked twenty-first, one ranked twenty-first, one ranked in the twenty-two digits, the book is similar, and all the swords that are good at, since it is seen, you can do it again. One? "

Luo Faizi smiled.

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