Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1877 Luoxiai

The words of Luo Faizi have been a horror.

War on a battle?

One ranking 21, a rankings twenty-two, these two strong people, to fight?

Is it just just because of an emperor?

"Sword monarch, this way, you and I am a big battle, you are winning, the apology of the Emperor Sword, I will never interfere, but if it is better, I still can guarantee the emperor. Jianmen will never dare to be difficult to get it, but apologize, but is free. "Luoxia said.

"Yes." The sword didn't want to agree directly. "I heard the name of Luo Feizi, I also want to teach one or two."

"That will be, please." Luoxiao said, but there was a lot of purple soft swords in his hand.

Luo Faizi is also a strong in the sword.

And I saw Luo Faizi's move, many strong people who were watching the battle were looking forward to.

Before the sword is unparalleled, he is just an emperor door. Although there are seven big energy, the exterior of the Swordsman, but the sword is unparalleled, but there is nothing to struggling. However, the fairy is completely different.

On the rankings, Luo Faizi is much higher than the sword.

The war of these two people ... no doubt, will definitely be very exciting.

"Luoxiai, be careful."

The sword is unparalleled, while his voice is falling, the foot holder of the foot holder in front of him is out of the moment.

The three glasses of golden light appeared in front of Luoxiansi.

Luo Faizi just just saw three golden light, and the longevity in his hands was free.

The three sorts of Hong Yinjun have a purple light on the front, like a meteor.

clang! clang! clang!

The three sides of the three sides of the Tammen mainly defeated the main, and at this moment were actually shocked.

Although the three sorts of Hong Kong Jinsheng came again, Luoxiao was still just a simple sword, and it was easily to resist the three sides of Hong Kong.

Whether it is powerful, or on the speed, this Luo Xianzi sword is not weak than Hong Yinjin sword.

"Sword monarch, when you defeat the Lord of the Wushan Obviously it is over.

"as you wish."

The sword is unparalleled, and the idea is moving, the fourth handle Hong Yinjun immediately broke out.

The four handles were simultaneously disposed, and the speed of terror was completely broke out, and the pressure of Luoxiai suddenly increased.

It can suddenly, this Luoxiao has a slight magical figure. It is actually an exact same figure. This is the same hand holding the sword, and the sword is still strong, just on the power of power, than her The seat should be weak.

"This is the magic fantasy of Luo Faizi?" The sword is unparalleled.

Some of the rock fairy and swords are also a little understanding. He knows that this Luoxizi has a magical difference.

This is divided into a special secret caused by Luoxiazi who has been left in an ancient times in ancient times in ancient times.

This secret can first refine the magic gods with amended price, and then integrate it into its own blood into this violta, which will make your consciousness to control this Magic God.

When you want to fight, you can directly divide a consciousness to control this magic god, let this viode can show the same secret, attack means, is equal to it.

Like the swords, there are many doors, these Taoism clearly have the power of the power of energy, but because of the attacker secrets, or other means, the power is big, and Luo Faizi's illusion is divided. It is to let the mood, show the exactly the same sword with yourself.

This secret is very good.

At the beginning, there were many strong people, but later Luoxiao directly announced the practice of this secret, but it was an instant to lose interest.

Because of the current vast chaotic world, there is no way to refine new fantasy.

Luo Faizi was also lucky. At the same time as this secret surgery, he had just got a magic god, so he had her magic god.

The magic god is separated, and it is also a strong sword. It is easy to resist the four-handed Hong Kong sword with Luo Faizi.

And at the same time, Luo Faizi's book is divided into illusion, and it is still in the sword.

"Looks like Hong Yu Jinjian, I can't open this Luoxiazi."

The sword is unparalleled, and it is not surprising.

~~~ A strong blood atmosphere broke out from the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, and the whole body is also instant into black jade. On the burly body, a head, a arm also extends.

Football seven, fourteen arms!

Every thick arm is holding a long sword.

Next moment, the sword has no double shape.


The sword is unhappy in the hands of a sword, carrying the Thunder's War, directly in front of the Luoxiai fierce.

Luoxiai swords, the hands of the long swords, in order to continue the waves, welcome up.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is clear that it is the feeling of Soft sword in Luo Faizi. It seems that it is a cotton in a population.

"Good strange swordsman?" The sword was unparalleled, but he flakeed with his life. ,

The fourteenth hand sword crazy waved.

As for the four sorts of Hong Yinjun, did not have any effect, continue to mad shock to Luo Faizi.

His close killing ability and four sorts of Hong Kong swords, perfect combination!

The strength of the sword is completely broke out.

"While he is fully controlled to the four-handed gold sword, can you still kill me?" Luoxiao faces.

The two battles of the sword are unparalleled ... one is a battle with Hong Tianbao, one is a battle with the main owner.

On the two battles, the sword is unparalleled, and when he controls the Hong Kong Sword, he is still sleeping next to it.

This makes many people have an illusion. It is not easy to think that the sword is unparalleled. The gold sword is not easy.

But now ... The sword is not bold to kill her positive, and the four sorts of Hong Kong is still impact on her.

Obviously, both can exist at the same time.

In fact, the sword is unparalleled Hong Yinjin swords will rely on the strength of the soul, and there is no relationship with him to kill.

It is equivalent to that he has urged the soul in the killing, and it is very easy to afford it.

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