Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1878 Emperor Sword Palace

The sword is unparalleled with Luo Faizi, and the four-handed Hongyu Jinjian is continuing to impact, which will not be treated all the best.

The surroundings of the battle, they all showed a horror.

"This sword monarch's closeness of the mind is so terrible!"

"I heard that he has an ancient blood, and the ancient god can be the special ethnic group of the first to kill the ability, and the most important thing is that while he is killing, you can also urge the four sorts of gold swords. The speed and power of the golden sword are not affected, which is terrible! "

"The shock of the golden sword single, once, he defeated the Lord of the Wushan, and now, add such a strong close killing ability ... Scorpio!"

These strong people are amazed.

Of course, the sword is unparalleled with strong war, but the fairy is not weak.

Her swordsmanship, too strong, too amazing.

The sword is unparalleled as the sword, but it is simply in the sword. It is indeed a gap with this Luoxiai.

This roller's swordsmanship changes, or is like a torrential ocean, or is like a volcanic flame, or is more stacked with the mountains.

In addition, there is a magic sacred sacred attack, even if you have a fierce attack on the sword, there is no wind.

This battle, the abnormality of the war fierce.

Many strong people around the surroundings, they all look hot.

But this battle only continued to work hard, and the Rocky was stopped.

"It's a morutinating Sword of the famous knock, not only to manipulate the golden sword of the four sorts, and the closeness of the killing is so strong, the little woman admires, this battle today, I will take a flat hand." Luoxiao said .

"Playing hands?" The sword didn't have a double look, and immediately slowly nodded.

He has to admit that this Luoxiao's strength is indeed strong, and at least more in the Wushu Palace.

A sword is too amazing.

He has made all efforts to make up the four sorts of gold swords, and the ability to smoke is also perfect. As a result, it is still unable to have a half point advantage.

And he knew that although Luo Faizi did full, it did not really desperately, and many means did not show it.

For example, Luo Faizi was on the famous battle, directly hurting the sword of the peak, which was the strongest sword of Luo Faizi, and now there is no display.

Of course, Luo Faizi has some reserves, and the sword is unparalleled.

After all, there is no hatred, just a bet, this bet will not have any effect on Luoxiai, it is not worthy of her desperation.

"Emperor Sword Men."

Luo Faizi, Dijun, the main, but his eyes have become cold, "I have been going all out, but the result ... You also saw it, as for the next thing, you can do it yourself."

When I heard Luo Faizi, the big energy of the Emperor Sword Men and the Emperor's Sword, a bitterness.

They thought that there was a Lu Xianzi to come from personally, and this matter can be solved, but I didn't expect that Lochu fairy, I can't take the sword.

And now, they still face previous choices.

Either low-headed suit, or you can bear the disaster of the top.

Although the Swordsman of the Emperor, although some self-righteousness is, it is absolutely not stupid to knew in the life and death of Nijian.

When I saw that the Dark Swordsman took a deep breath, the sword was unparalleled: "Sword Monarch, Today's things, all my emperor swordsmen, my emperor is willing to apologize to the sword monarch, as for that One million Dual Crystal, I will prepare immediately. "

"If you are still not stupid." The sword didn't have a double of this emperor.

He saw that although this emperor is unwilling, but more, it is frightened.

Obviously his strength has been completely scared.

In the future, unless you are really going to the top, otherwise the emperor is arbitist of being afraid that there is no guts dare to shoot yourself.

Since the effect is achieved, the sword is unparalleled and there is no need to continue in killing.

"The Emperor Sword Men, the Emperor Sword will also open for a while. During this time, I stayed in the emperor door, and I didn't arrange for me for me." The sword has no double silence.

"Yes." Emperor Sword Men's main body tremble, but it is still looking back.

After being killed by the sword, there was a big energy, and he was seriously injured, and his emperor's sword is apologically, and now I have to respect the sword unparalleled housing, this emperor is naturally It is very wronged, but at the same time, he has finally recognized a truth.

That is absolute strength, enough to rush any rules!

And this strength must also be own, and the external power is much more, but it is only a virtual table.

Next, the Emperor Sword Men's Lord is also smart, and there is no dare to have no doubles for the sword.

The sword is unparalleled to stay in the emperor, waiting for the opening of the Sword of the Sword.

In this waiting time, the things happened in this emperor, and it quickly spread in the chaotic world.

One person presses a one!

Forced the entire Emperor's sword.

In addition, I didn't fall in front of Luoxiai, and at this battle, the sword was unparalleled, and the horrible to smother.

The key is that the sword is unparalleled with the front of Luo Faizi, and the four-handed gold sword still has not been affected and can be impacted.

This makes everyone in the world's chaotic world have a new understanding of the sword.

There were still many people who had a row on the sword unparalleled in the world. It is believed that the sword is not in front of the Tianling God, because in their view, the sword is unparalleled in the four sides Although the sword is terrible, but Tianling God can resist their positive, and once the gold sword can't create great advantage, Tianling can defeat the sword.

but now……

The sword is unparalleled with a record to people, and his means can only only have a single one in Hong Kong.

Even if Hong Yin Jinjian can't bring huge advantages to him, it is not a person who can defeat him.

Time passed, a shake for a few years.

The Emperor Sword is open, and it is.

Inside the Dangmen, there is a magnificent hall.

Many strong people who have been sitting in the main hall in the main hall, in front of this palace, sitting in two positions in the top of the top.

These two people are swords unparalleled with rockfon.

The two of them are very indifferent, and the people around, they will look at him from time to time, and they have a fear.

"Luo Faizi, Sword Monarch, there are also people, things are ready, we can go to the Emperor Sword Palace now." The Emperor's Swordsman is.


PS: Today is 5 more!

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