Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1879 Nine Handle Emperor

"Let's go."

Under the leadership of the Montera Men, the sword is unparalleled, Luoxiai and others have come to the Sword of the Sword.

Emperor Sword Palace, in fact, a huge independent space, but this independent space is in turn off, only every one million years, will be opened once.

A dark space insect cave, with mystery within the wormhole.

"The sword monarch, Luo Faizi, there are also people, this is the entrance of the Emperor Sword, now this entrance has been opened, will be closed again, the time is limited, the time is so good." Wen gee.

The sword has no doubles this emperor, and it flashes a singular color.

But there is no hesitation, and a step will enter this space insect hole.

Luo Faizi, there are more than ten strong people, including the two true Gods that have a sword inheritance in the emperor, and have also entered the emperor.

The big space, the sky is dark red, and the earth is a dark yellow.

"Here, is it the inside of the emperor?" The sword has no double eyeliner, and he did not feel this space in the first time.

Suddenly ... a few mirk swords are never distant.

The Sword Wushuang Soul is now spread, but he sees that it is not far from a altar, but it is suspended a long sword of another handle.

I look at it, there is an eight handles.

And the most important thing, this eight-handed long sword is not deliberately revealed, but it is still strong.

"Chaotic Shenbao?" The sword was unblorated.

If he didn't see a mistake, the eight hand sword hanging on the altar was the attack of the chaotic godhouse.

And Wenton, in the chaotic god treasure, absolutely be very amazing, at least a blood peak sword in the sword, the sword, and the power will be strong.

But the sword is unparalleled, how can the Emperor's Sword will make this eight handles such as chaotic gods, a long sword, in the Emperor Sword Palace, and the reason should be collected.

"It seems that the rumors of the emperor, it is right." A indifferent voice sounded, I saw Naru Fairy, I didn't know when I had already appeared in the sword.

"Emperor Sword?" The sword was unparalleled to see Luoxiazi.

"I just listened." Luoxiao explained, "This emperor is the first era of the first era of the most sharp level, the Sijun emperor stayed, the Sword Emperor is not single in this emperor. Leave a lot of swords inheritance, and also left the nine-handed sword! "

"This nine-handed emperor, every hand, the powerful, in the chaotic god treasure, it is a top, and the emperor itself contains alarming sword. The founder of the Emperor Swordsman is because I got a sword, the strength of the sword has increased, so that the Diwangmen doing the Diwang in one fell swoop. "

"However, the emperor is not a person who can get it, and the Sword of the Jianjie has begun to come to the present, and this emperor does not know how many times have been opened, and it is strong in this emperor. Visiting countless, but unfortunately, in addition to the Emperor Swordsman who had got a sword, no one can get the second hand. "

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

Nine-handed emperor, and now, there is still eight handles that are intact stay.

At this moment, those strong people who come in with the sword, Luo Faizi come in, including the two of the world of the Sword, have gone in the past.

When they came to the altar, these strong people have begun to try to make a recognition.

As a result, no one can get the eight handle of the soul, as for the forcibly taken this eight handle sword, then I want to think about it.

"Sword Monarch, this eight handle sword is endless, you don't try it, you can get the emperor recognition with your talent." Luoxiao said.

"This emperor is recognized, and it should be aware of the understanding of the sword. It can be talented with talents. I can recognize the chance of the emperor. I am afraid that it is not big. Far on me, you should try it. "The sword smiled.

"I don't want to be anxious. Now I just entered the Emperor Palace, and there is still a thousand years of time to find a way to improve the Jianji, waiting for a thousand years, I have a new progress to Keh Road, and try to make a recognition Luo Faii said.

The sword is not a double brow.

"Let's go, let's go to the ground."

The sword is unparalleled with Luoxiai to go to the front of the country.

The most central, the most center of this emperor, is also a sword.

Specifically, it is a sword.

In the sword, there is a dense numbness of the sword, whether it is the long sword, the sword, soft sword, and the sword ... all have everything.

These swords are all inserted into the ground, and they are afraid that there is a full-footed sword, surrounded by a circle.

In the five corners of this sword, there is a platform for enlightening cultivation. This platform has been fully integrated into the surroundings.

"It is said that the swords in this emperor have inherited, and there is a great role in the Sword practitioners. It is a great emperor who is good at the swords. It can have a sword inheritance in this emperor. What is the effect? ​​"The sword smiled smiled.

"I don't know." Luoxiai smiled faintly, but the figure was a shake, and there was already on one of the platforms, so soon closed his eyes.

The sword is unhealthy, nor hesitant, and it also appears above a platform.

When the platform, the sword was unparalleled immediately found that this platform was resoned to the sword inheritance of himself.

Subsequently, the sword of the sword is unparalleled, it immediately became different from the people.

!!!!! ~~~

I saw countless swords of swords, almost at the same time.

The entire sword is already in the ocean of swords.

Very vast, pound!

These swords are too vast.

And all kinds of swords have, as if it is tolerate.

This sword has a full-handed sword, and now the sword is unparalleled, and the foot is in the foot.

This is a sword, anything, the sword is unparalleled.

"Good guy, these swords ..." The sword is unparalleled, and it is shocking.

Not only one of him, Luoxiazi on another cultural platform, also exposed the color of shock.

Countless swords are full of heavens and the earth. These swords will soon gather a clear and strong swords, appearing in front of the sword.

These swords are equally inconstant, and they are very deep.

Swords like swords have been opened and enlisted, they are equally, and they are also more vast.

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