Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1881 Emperor!


The sword is unparalleled.

He can see that the emperor waves the golden dragon pattern in the picture, and it is a sword.

And it is still a horrible to extreme sword.

A sword out, all things surrender.

This is the sword of the emperor!

Under the trend, the king of the king, the earth is the land of the earth, and the kingchen!

His sword, representing the heaven and earth to the high power.


A message is also directly transferred to the sword unparalleled mind, so that the sword is unparalleled, the emperor in the picture, the instructions of the show, is the emperor.

The process of its display is a constant repeating in the sword.

The emperor once again and again, every sword is exactly the same.

This is the sword unparalleled.


"Big machine!"

He finally knew what the secret of this sword hooded is a thrilling sword!

Now, he found the door of this sword. It is done, and it is done to the truth.

Put this sword master and master.

"This sword is too strong!"

"It is definitely what I have ever seen so far, the most overbas, the strongest, and the most high-level swords, although I don't know how to create this sword, but there is no doubt that I can master this sword. , Then I will inevitably make a killer again. "The sword is unmarkable.

This emperor, although it is in the emperor, but the sword is unparalleled, this sword is never created by the Sword Emperor.

Although the Sword Emperor is the first era of the character, but he is almost impossible to create this sword.

So this sword is inevitably from ancient times.

At the beginning, he also heard the main hall, the reason why the Sijun Emperor can be able to have an amazing sword in the first era. Swordsman is his strongest and most terrible sword.

Inadvertently, the ancient sword is this emotion.

"The chant has been found, next, no matter how this emotion is to comprehend, even if you can't understand the complete emperor, even just simply understanding a two-story sword, for me, it is a huge gain." Sword is unparalleled Hold your hands.

Next, he immediately discharged it and started to carefully refer to the swordsmanship of the emperor in the picture.

The Emperor's emperor now only showed a sword, and the sword was the first style of the emperor.

The sword is unparalleled now, it is the first style.

Emperor sword, Xuanao is incomparable, high-profile.

Although the sword is unparalleled, especially in terms of understanding, this emotions can now come, but the process is still very slow.

time flies.

When all people put all the mind and body into the sword, the sword is unparalleled, but the sword is unparalleled, but the time is in the first time.

A shake, it has passed a fifty years.

On the cultivation platform, the sword is not open again, but the scorpion has a thick light.

"Emperor's sword, the first style finally realized!" The sword is unbolded.

Just understanding, it is a lot of surprise, but the sword is very surprised.

After all, just comprehend, you can slowly master it in the future, and now you have realized the first style, then you can continue to understand the second style.

Sure enough, there was a change in the picture in his mind.

It is also the emperor of the golden dragon robe, the hand holding a golden dragon pattern, and the sword is also exerted, but the sword is completely different.

"Demonstration ... Second style!"

The sword is unparalleled, and then it will continue to refresh.

Decorating the years.

For a thousand years, the blink has been in the past nine hundred years, only the last hundred years.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, but it has stopped the enlightenment of the emperor.

"Emperor's swordsmanship, one is more than one, and I realized the first style. Although I only used it for 150 years, but the second style used two hundred and eighty years, now the whole, nine hundred years, I It is also possible to understand the third style. "

"As for the fourth style ..."

Emperor's swordsmanship, there are fourth formations, or even fifth.

But now the sword is unparalleled just to understand the top three, and can only comprehend these three.

After all, I have passed a whole for more than a hundred years, and only one hundred years left, he wants to understand the fourth style, it is expected.


Next, he no longer placed the time on the essence of the soul.

I didn't try to master the emperor, but I put it into those swords and swords.

In the extent, he is also lifted by the exclusiveness of the sword.

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled, also starts planning to start the swords you have now.

The sword is unparalleled is a non-critical sword practice!

Swords, is his fundamental.

Nowadays, there is three kinds of swords with swords.

The first kind of followed, which is his own reincarnation sword and time and space sword.

These two swordsmanship are all combined with the wheel, the time-space road is perfect, and the swordsmanship will drive the vastness of heaven.

As for the third, it is an emperor, but this emotion is just a matter of understanding, and it is not perfect.

One hundred years later, the sense of enthusiasm for the swords and unparalleled swords was greatly improved, and there was a significant breakthrough in swords.

In the reincarnation, he has now created a sixth style.

As for the time and space sword, he has reached the level of the eighth floor of the Taoine, so the seventh style is now created.

These two swords have been flying.

Moreover, the improvement of the swords, and the power of Hong Hao Jinjian also has no small improvement.

It can be said that the overall strength of the sword is more than the previous improvement.

Of course, the most important, or the soul of the soul!

Unfortunately, he is now in the future, and once he truly mastered, his combat power will soar again!

"One thousand years, it is almost, my gain is also very huge, next, I will leave."

The sword was unparalleled, but he couldn't help but read the silence of the sword.

The broken sword has always been rusted, there is no movement, only the sword is unparalleled, one person has some difference.

Others, did not pay attention to the existence of this handle to the end.

"Unfortunately, if it is more time, maybe I can completely refer to the complete emperor."

The sword has a sorry regret.

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