Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1882's recognition!

Thousands of times have arrived, those who have been in the sword, the people in the swords will also open their eyes.

In this thousand years, a few people who stayed on the Jianzhao cultivation platform, or because there is no sword inheritance, it can only stay in one of the swords, more or less get it. Many harvests, most of the face with a smile, of course, there are some regrets.

Unfortunately, it is too short to make them in the sword road.

"Sword Monarch." Luoxiao appeared in the sword, "" How is it? "

"Not bad, what about you?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Others, I have improved a lot in the sense of Jian." Luoxiao said: "I heard that this emperor has not only contains great aims, but also hidden a thrilling sword, but unfortunately Although I have been looking for some time, I have not found it. "

"The sword is to look at the room." The sword has no double.

"Indeed." Luoxi nodded, "This emperor has already opened many times, so many years, only the founder of the Emperor's Swords is getting the sword, I can't ask for awareness. The founders of the Emperor Sword must be poor, but the luck is indeed. "

The sword is unparalleled, but not much.

The handle was too sharp, it was indeed too concealed.

Even if those masters of the film, it is extremely concealed, the sword is unparalleled, not just a few years of careful drilling, and there is a very large luck component.

As for the comprehension of swords, it is the talent.

The two did not say more, but they went to the Exit of the Emperor Sword.

After coming to the export, the sword found that those strong people who entered the Emperor Swords were once again walked towards the altar with eight handles.

When I came to the Emperor Palace, these strong people tried a look.

After a thousand years of reference, these strong people are obviously the second trial.

But unfortunately, the second attempt was still ended in failure.

"The sword is unparalleled, these people have failed, then, we will two, who do you come first?" Luoxiao fell in the eyes.

The soul of the soul, all people entering this emperor will try it, no matter what the results.

After all, even if you can't recognize the owner, there is no loss, but once there is a great sword, you will make a big hair.

"You please please." The sword is unparalleled.

Luoxiai also did not speaking, even if the altar is going.

Going to the altar, Luo Faii began the recognition of the first hand of the emperor, after failure, continued the second handle.

Soon, eight handle swords, Luo Faizi tried it, but the final result, but there was no reaction with no one.

In this regard, Luo Faizi couldn't help but laugh, and then went back.

And the strong people around me saw this.

"Lian Luo fairy failed, it seems that this emperor is recognized, it is not that simple!"

"For a long time, the Emperor Sword is open for so many years, except for the founder of the Emperor Sword, no one has got a secret sword, Luo Faizi Jianzhi's strength is, but the recognition of the emperor, it seems Still a difference. "

"Luoxiai has tried to recognize the recognition, then only the sword is unparalleled, I don't know if he has that opportunity, and the old man is a sword."

"He? He is strong, this I admit, but in the understanding of the sword, he is not as good as Luoxiai."

"Well, Louu fairy can't recognize the attention, this sword is unparalleled, it should not be recognized."

The people around are whispering.

That Luoxiao has returned to the sword. "It seems that my blessings are not enough, I can't get this emperor, the sword monarch, now only one of you, there is a chance to recognize the soul of the soul." Luo Fairy road.

"Haha, Luoxiai, you can't recognize it, I will take a rush." ​​The sword is unparalleled.

"Don't try, you will know the results, maybe you are lucky?" Luoxiao sounds.

Although the Luo Faizi said so, she obviously did not think that the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled is a brow, nor hesitated, and the body is straight to the altar.

Under the eyes of everyone, the sword is unparalleled to the altar.

However, he has not really appeared above the altar, but it is just a hundred meters of altar.

! ! !

The eight shares are sufficient to make the horror swords of the heavens and the earth, but they have a sudden rise in the altar.

This eight handles have existed before, but it is just a lot of implied, it can be, at this moment, these eight swords have been enlarged countless.

At the same time, in the sight of many strong people, the emperor who was quietly suspended in the altar, was crazy.

This tremor is obviously an excitement and ecstatic.

Seeing this scene, people around them are stunned.

"how come?"

"This, this is ..."

"When we previously recognized, this eight-handed emperor did not move, but now this sword is unparalleled just approaching, and the eight-handed sword has produced this change, it be so excited? How?"

The surrounding power, all of them.

Especially the Luo Faizi, she is also full of mistakes.

Is the Sword of the Sword of the Sword, is not the strength of the strength and swords?

On the strength, she is not more weak than the sword, but the sense of understanding of the swords, she is more than the sword.

Even she did not have any reaction, but now there is no double one, and the eight hand of the Eight Hands actually vibrate?

"Is it ..." Luo Faizi's eyes, she has thought of a possibility.

And this may soon be completely determined by him.

"This sword monarch, must be the secret of the hidden in the sword!"

"Yes, definitely this, otherwise, this eight handle sword can never be so excited!"

It is a shock of everyone around him, and the sword is still a step forward. Soon, he appeared on the altar.

And when he truly embossed the altar, the eight-handed sword on the altar is completely turning, and a handle of the sword is incomplete from the perspectives of the altar, and there is a unparalleled in the sword. They are trembling, it seems to be a sword is unparalleled, it is not more intense, and it seems that these emperors are also fighting.

"These emperors, even compete, to be a sword, unparalleled?"

Those people around the surrounding brains are a piece of hair.

Even the sword is unparalleled, it is full.

He realized that the emperor, but also guessed that if he came now, it may be possible to make the emperor.

But when he didn't expect it, this eight-handed emperor would actually be so excited, they are fighting for him.

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