Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1883 refuses

The sword is unparalleled but I don't know.

This eight-handed emperor, the spirituality is extremely spiritual, they are understanding of the master.

Moreover, they are the emperor of the emperor for the emperor.

In this emperor, the general sword is strong, they will not be placed at all, and only those people who have realized the emperor's priests through the Jianzun, they are qualified to make their recognition.

As the founder of the Emperor Sword, it is because of understanding the emperor, so I got a little sword.

However, the founder of the Swordsman is limited, it costs a thousand years, but also barely understand the first style of the soul of the sword, but it is only to achieve the requirements of their recognizers.

Can the sword are unparalleled?

In the same one thousand years, it is exactly that only 870 years, he will understand the trial of the emperor!

This day, I'm trying to have more than the founder of the Emperor Sword.

Such a genius is enough to let these emperors fight for the recognition.

"You eight ..."

The sword is unparalleled in front of the crazy trembling eight hand sword, smirk: "Since you are willing to recognize me, don't leave me?"

The sword is nothing to do with the thoughts that have to take all the Eight Handle Swords.

You must know that this eight handle of the Emperor, but the eight handlands strong chaotic gods.

However, he heard the sword is unparalleled, and the eight-handed swords have become tone.

"Well?" The sword was not double-collected, and continued to communicate with the Eight Handle.

Those who are not far away, seeing this scene, the face is very weird, most people look at the sword unparalleled eyes with a strong jealousy.

Yes, it is jealous.

They do their best to let the soul of the soul of the sword, and there is no bird who is willing to bird.

However, the sword is unparalleled, but the Emperor Sword is striving to grab the desire to recognize it, this gap is really big.



It's cold, but I saw that the sword that is communicating with the eight hand of the soul, the face suddenly is cold, and the big hand is directly lighted, and the eighthovers will be trembled, and they will turn directly. There is not a half point on the way.

The eight-handed emperor fiercely burst into a burst, but then they returned to their respective positions and quickly calmed down.

This scene, made someone in the field stunned.

"Sword monarch, what is going on?"

Napianzi went to the sword in the first time, "should you just recognize you?"

"Yes, they are going to recognize me, and pick it up with me, but they are refused." The sword didn't live.

"Reject?" Luoxiai blinds.

People around them are also unbelievable.

The Emperor Sword is recognized, but the sword is unparalleled.

How can he refuse? How can I refuse?

"I have just communicated with the emotion of the emperor. It is intended to take all the eight sides of the soul of the sword, but unfortunately, this eight-handed emperor is very proud, it is true, as an emperor, high high, natural arrogant, absolutely I am not willing to share a master with any hand at the same time, so they don't just recognize me at the same time, and once there is a sly sword, I have to use it, I have to use the sword of the sword! "

"It's really enough to overbearing." The sword is unparalleled.

Overbearing people, hegemony, he has seen it.

However, hegemony swords, he is the first sword.

The eight-handed emperor, it is indeed very overbearing, proud, never allows you to have another sword, together with a master.

"But these emperors, since it is so hegemony, then fully explain their power, even if it is only used in the future, it will not suffer?" Luoxiao couldn't help but ask.

The people around them also look back.

The more hegemony of the sword, the more terrible.

This emperor is overbearing, and the power will inevitably be unparalleled.

With such a hand, the soldier is in hand, who needs to use another sword?

Therefore, the people present will not hesitate to agree to this condition, but the sword is unparalleled, but the sword is directly refused.

"I have my own gods, even if I think about the emperor, this emperor in my heart is just the second place, I want to give up my own soldiers, I will be completely based on it, but I am idiot." The sword has no double eyeline.

He just communicated with the eight-handed emperor, one knows the requirements of this eight-handed emotion, and the sword is directly angry.

That's right, the eight-handed Emperor's sword can be very strong, at least in the sword of the sword, the sword of the sword, but also stronger than that of the eighth hand.

Even if you put it in ancient times, the eight-handed emperor should be very high-end treasure.

However, although the emperor is amazing, he can be his blood and sword.

Perhaps the Sword of the Blood Sword is far less than the eighth hand, but the blood peak sword is the sword embryo, but also has a great growth space, it is completely growing in the future, not more than the Eight Handle Sword Weak, even more stronger.

And the blood peak sword is still from his master, and his master is given to him, and it contains the emotion of his master.

The most important thing is that this blood peak sword is in the sword!

You must know that from the green fire world, the sword is unparalleled with the blood peak sword, until now, I don't know how many years.

Like the king, the blood peak sword is his most trusted comrades, is his brother.

Don't say a sip of the emperor, even if you use an eight handle, eighty-handed swords, and even the eight hundred sorts of emilings, he will never give up the blood peak sword.

So just did not hesitate to refuse, but left.

Of course, this seems to be in someone, it is incredible.

Even some people can't help it.

They have been exhausted, they can't get a big machine, whitening to swords are unparalleled, and the eight handle swords will be selected by the sword, but the sword is unparalleled.

What kind of power is this?

What is the gap between them and the swords, what is the big?

It's just that people are more than people, mad people!

"The emperor's recognition is over, Luo Faizi, let's go out." The sword watched Luo Faizi.

Although Luo Faizi has not been completely fixed, he heard the sword is unparalleled. When you walk, you can't help but look at the Eight Handle, and sigh, then Export, leaving the Emperor Sword.

As for the rest of the strong, although the mood is quite complicated, some are not a taste.

But unfortunately, the sword chooses the old, but the sword is unparalleled, but they are not them, they are helpless, they can only be unlikely.

The big emperor is calm again, only the eight-handed emperor is still proud of the altar.

Perhaps many years later, someone will once again understand the emperor of the sword, take them away, but this person, it will not be a sword!


PS: Today is 5 more!

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