The soul attack, it is indeed a soft rib to the current sword.

For this reason, he has also spent a lot of resources to enhance the soul. Now he has formed a substantive soul, and the substantive soul is extremely strong, far more than the general ordinary gods, so strong soul, the more tough.

In addition, he also got a soul ring from the ancient battlefield where the fire industry was located.

Although the soul rings are damaged, they can still have a small defense effect on the soul attack.

This is the relief of the sword unparalleled in the soul, but now he faces the black boatfriens' strength, he is not able to attack the soul attack ... The sword is unparalleled. I don't know if I can block.


The power of the horrible soul is like a handle sword to tear everything, directly impact to the essence of the sword.

The first time was encountered in the hindrance of the soul, but its power was in an instant to weaken most.

And the rest of the power has also encountered a sword where there is no double temporary to form a heavy soul hindrance.

The gray spacious center, the sword is unparalleled to bite the teeth, the face is gloomy, and the strength of the soul is really impact on his substantive soul, his body shape is fierce.

A lot of pain is generated, which makes him forehead on the green gluten, and want to fell.

But fortunately, although a painful pain, he has an anti-coming from this soul attack from this soul, just suffering from some damage.

"Fortunately, fortunately, I deliberately spend a lot of resources before going to improve the power of the soul. I have been able to get a soul ring in the ancient battlefield. Even ..." The sword has no double one piece is full of affection, he knows, if it is less, it is a factor, He has been killed directly by this soul attack.

Suddenly ... a tragic sound is rumored.

The sword is unparalleled, he just barely smashed the soul attack, but now the black shovel's killing is again coming.

The speed is too fast, too sudden.

Key This black boat doctor does not show up, the sword is unparalleled. I don't know where his position is. Wait until he discovered that this black shuffler has arrived behind him. The killing of the show is just just a stone .

"Month"! "

The power of the pounds and the power of blood suddenly broke out.

The most powerful secrets of the ancient gods took a moon, direct display.

At this moment, the monarchy of the sword is unparalleled, but it is directly for this void.

Rumble ~~~ The endless world around, endless time and space in an instance.

Not only the black hamlet, including the sword, there is no double, which is also subject to the oppression of this world.

But in relatively, the sword is unparalleled, the limit is too much.

I saw that the sword was unparalleled with a slight shape, and it was a black light that came with the black boat.

"Avoid it." The sword is unparalleled.

In the absence of the moon, this is to compress the other side to the sky, it is a big kill who is full of killing each other.

But now, it is used by swords and is used to avoid killing.

"It is smart enough." Black Hands also exposed a surprised color.

Just in the sword where there is no double-driven, the golden sword is ready to counterattack, this black shower is again integrated into the surrounding gray fog, disappearing within the sensible range of swords.

"Damn!" The sword is unbolded.

"The sword is unparalleled, this guy is completely integrated with the surrounding gray fog, the trace is hard to see, as long as these gray fog is in the battle, as long as he attacks you, you don't attack his, you can say, he is invincible "The voice of the King is in the sword."

"In this case, then these gray fog is scratched." The sword is unparalleled. "

"The ancient gods, the heavens and the law!"

!!!!!! ~~~

Void tremors, a huge ancient gods appeared in the sky behind the sword, and they were afraid to have hundreds of vain.

These vanes are all condensed by the pound of the god.


The sword has no double one low, and it has a palm of the power, and suddenly takes out.

And in his back of the old gods behind him, at this moment, there was also a vast power gathered, and then the palm was launched, and it was also a turn!

You know, the round-back palm is the sword. There is no double-enforcement star, and the cerebelings are shocked. The ideal is also extremely strong, and the power consumed to consume, and the general god is once fame. , Like this, the top can also display ten palms.

But now, the sword is unparalleled, including the ancient shadow of his formation, but it has been exhibited this palm, this power consumption ... generally can't bear it.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is directly displayed.

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

I only heard a dramatic roar sound, these seem to contain the whole turn, the sky, crazy bombardment of the voids around, and bombard the surrounding void, only one round, the sword is unparalleled. It is full of more than ten million miles, all bombarded.

Even the space is unfosit, those gray fogs existing in this space, naturally swallowed with ruthlessness.

Without the obstacleness of gray fog, the sword is unparalleled to lock the figurus of the black boat.

At this moment, the black haircut is quietly standing on a void outside.

"Oh, it is a rebellion, the power is really enough, such a dense offensive will cost the power should be very huge, but you will make it easy, there is no pressure." Black Hands said, even if there is no The surrounding gray fog, he is still unhappy.

"Now, you can fight fair." The sword is unblocking is cold.

The moment, ! call out! call out! call out!

Four golden light, instantly exploded.

The speed is fast enough to make the general emperor fear.

The sword is unparalleled to the end of the time-space road, and because of the improvement of the Justice of the sword, the Fourth Hand Hao Jinjian's power is better than before, and the power is more shocking.

"Even if there is no gray fog, the old man can still kill you."

The black shovel is smiling, when the four golden light appears in front of him, the handle in his hand exudes a black blade of the position, is a strange one, like a poisonous snake, instantly passing the center of the four golden light.

The four golden lights were shocked by the black blade, and this black boat was there without stopping, and the figure had no double in the sword.


There is no more than a chance, the black blade is coming.

The sword is unparalleled only, I feel that I instantly caught the boundless darkness.

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