
The sword has no doubles, and the sword in his hand is also a sorrowful.

The sword light suddenly came out, with the power of the vast reincarnation, this sword is a sixth style of the rebonton!

It is also the strongest sword in the sword, the sword.

Under the urgency of the strong and blood of the sword and the blood of the blood, this sword is extremely terrible.


The metal impacters sounded, and the sword was unbolded.

He is on the way back, the bombarding ~~~ pound of blood is spread, the sword has no double shape, the whole body is immediately turned into ink jade, and at the same time a head, one arm extends from him. .

The ancient people are revealed, seven-headed fourteen arms, swords unparalleled force instantly reached the peak.


The four sorts of Hong Yin Jin sword came out again. At the same time, the strong sword was swept, and the sword had no double varying arm each holding a long sword, and it took out.

The black shovel is not afraid, and the black edge in hand is connected.

clang! clang! clang! clang! clang!

I only heard a fierce confrontation sound, and the sword was unparalleled, and the swordsmanship, and the smart, the ability was perfect, and then with Hong Hao Jinjian crazy impact.

Even so, the black shuffle is still a hurt.

"The sword monarch, compared to the Millennium Millennium Millennium, your sword is greatly improved." Black Board is smiling, suddenly his body is strange.

It is like a mirror refraction, and the successful jump appears in three different voids. The sword is unparalleled. When the black haircut is rescheduled, the latter has appeared on him.

And the black blade will come again toward him, as always, the darkness, and the powerful sky.


The sword is unparalleled again to be shocked.

After standing stabilized, the sword was killed and the cold scorpion stared at this black honey, and the face was dignified.

"This person, so strong!"

Strong, it is really strong!

You must know that in the millennium, the sword has bonded to Hong Yinjian with Hong Yin, and he can be ranked with the Tiandi to defend the twenty-one Luoxiao's front. Millennium cultivation, swords are unparalleled in the swords, and the overall strength has also improved a lot.

He is now stronger than the millennium.

However, the result is full, and the sword, the ability to kill, and Hong Yinjin swords will play the ultimate, and the result is still in the wind.

"This black haircut, who is it?" The sword was muffy.

It can be pit is that this black haircut is not a great emperor, and it is just a great power.

However, the emperor of the heavens and the earth, obviously did not have this character of him, but his strength was in the world, and it was absolutely able to take the top three, even second only to the god, if it was before The gray fog did not have the sword without double relying on the majestic dramatic, with gray fog, this black haircut will encounter God, it is estimated that it can be positive!

This is definitely a terrible existence.

"There is no existence on the world, is it a bloody door or a human body?" The sword is unparalleled.

Bloodymen and Huangquan Palace, existed in the dark, their strong people almost will not appear, so even the strong people who have the strong in the two big-yin situations know more.

If you say that this black haircut is a bloody door or a person in Huangquan Palace, it is also a bit possible.

At this moment, the black shuffle's eyes have not seen the sword.

"Ding Ding's sword monarch, strength is indeed weak, it seems that it is an old husband, I have to kill you, I have to pay some expense."

At the same time, this black haircut is suddenly turning, and has come up with a strange black bead.

Seeing this black beads, swords are unparalleled with a fierce.

And the black shuffle has already broken this black bead, and the beads are broken, and the dark energy of the sword is unparalleled, and the dark energy is controlled by the black boat. All over the black blade in your hand.


Black boatman shot.

Black blade is a diameter.

The moment is unilaterally dark to full world, in which there is a dark villain, a bright villain shines everything.

This picture is too bright.

It is definitely the brightest of the swords so far.

And its speed is incredible.

As soon as the sword is unparalleled, there is no chance to show the eight-pole hills to the front of the sword.

At this moment, the sword was not double-colored, and his fourteen arms, four of which were suddenly awkward, and the four hand swords were also shot.

Four ginseng Tiangojings collided with the positive collision.

The hill, a giant transfer, almost instantly, the sword has four long swords in the four arms, it is directly shocked.

And that position is the rest of the storm, and continue to be on the sword unparalleled body.


A blood is sprayed in a bite, and the sword has no double shape directly to count hundreds of thousands of miles away, and the half ramps are stable.

After standing stabilized, the sword is unparalleled but suddenly looks up. "The Emperor hits?"

There is no doubt that I have just been more than the gods of God.

It must have reached the level of the emperor, which is equivalent to the power of the enemy.

In this way, it can continue to have a double injury in the sword while the sword is unhappy.

And the black boatfricted is a little bit slightly, "" It's not dead? "

The power of the big one is enough to kill the emperor, which is absolute.

On the Tiandi Supreme Plan, many emperors can block the power of the big blow, only two people.

But now, the sword is unparalleled.

"It seems that the armor on your body is not just a general chaotic god treasure." Black Handfrievan looked at the red warfare of the sword.

He knows that the sword is unparalleled to block the emperor and do not die, and it is this tale.

In this regard, the sword is unparalleled.

Although his own gods is comparable to God, the sage of the ancient tribal blood, the body is also quite gains, but the ability of his own body of the body wants to block the power of the big one, but it is impossible, however, he has Wu Bao War!

As the only treasure for him to him, it has been damaged. It has been damaged, the ability of the body is still strong, just the power of the big one, after the Wu Bao Warrma, the power has been weakened. After 90%, the remaining is only a small part of the power, and naturally kill him.

"Even the big one hits you can't die, it seems that the old man is not you."

"Sword monarch, this time is good, let's next meeting next time."

The voice is falling, which has fallen in the far away.

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