Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1888 for two hundred years

The sword is unparalleled in the empty, watching the black boatfro, and there is no meaning to chase.

He is very clear, the strength, the black hammad is still above him, and there are many means, you can live in your hand, you want to completely fall through the black boat, that is a luxury.

"This person, who is it?" The sword was unparalleled.

It is said that the sword is unparalleled. The first thing I think is Huangquan Palace, or a bloody door.

But his intuition told him that this black honeyman should have no relationship with Huangquan Palace and blood.

After all, these two big yin's means, he is teaching.

If you don't show up, it is almost a bureau of death. It is like the last Huangquan Palace to him. If he is good, he encounters a star, he does not have any possibilities.

This time, although this black shipment, this black shipment is strong, it can also pay some costs to exhibit an emperor.

But just these, there is no way to force the sword to enter the desperate situation.

Huangquan Palace, bloody door, will never only have this level.

Since it is not the two big yin, the strength is so strong, and a strong person who has nothing is here, there is inevitable that only those who are on top.

"Those gods, finally can't help, do you have to do it?" The sword was almost gloomy.

The emperor of the Holy League, I don't want him to grow up, but there are some.

Just because there are some emperors who are expected to grow up, they are constrained by each other.

"Although I don't want me to grow a few great, I really show me a resentment and hostility. Temporarily, I only have a nine-Tei's holy master. I want to set up my death, it is the nine holy. Does the Lord? "The sword was unmainted.

Of course, he cannot be determined.

"Although I don't know who this emperor is, but fortunately, he also has some scruples, can't take myself to kill me, so I can only send the black boat, but everything is in the future. I still have to be more likely, otherwise the next time, it is very likely that the emperor personally shot. "


"Strength !!"

The sword is unparalleled with hands, and there is a hint in the heart.

He knows that he is now remembered by some emperors, but he does not have any ways, can only be beaten by passive, try to resolve a crisis.

This is because of the strength gap.

Only if he got the first step in the seventh step, he really became a big energy, he could be sitting with those emperors.

The sword is unparalleled in this void, so soon, continue to return to the star.


Here is a huge manor that is like a fairyland.

The center of the manor, there is this river, the river is crystal clear, and a lonely boat on the water is free to float. On the lonely boat, there is a lazy man wearing a purple robe, holding a bamboo pole in that fishing.

The whole manor is quiet and unparalleled.

Suddenly, the black boatman wearing a fight appeared in the corner of this lonely boat, and respectfully opened, "The master, I am back."

"What is the result?" The lazy man asked casually.

"I have already used blood director, but the result is still failed, and the armor warfare on the sword is not in general." Black Board.

"Oh?" The lazy man is picking up, but there is no smashing. "Forget it, let this sword have no pairs live for a while, yes, did you miss anything to him?"

"Go back to the master, I have passed the camouflage when I started, except for the master, no one knows that it is my hands." The black haircut said, but the appearance of the body is immediately starting with an amazing speed.

Originally, wearing black, dark skinny old people, only a moment of arrogance for a woman wearing a violent fascination.

This woman is beautiful, the skin is fair, and the body is bumps and is typical.

Even if it is a sword, it is unparalleled. If you see this woman, I will never think of a piece of black hamlet.


After the chance of the 'black shovel, there is not long, the sword is unparalleled back to the star.

He practiced a thousand years in the Emperor Sword Palace.

In this thousand years, the vast chaotic world has not had any turmoil.

Star has been very stable.

Since the battle with the Jiuqu Palace, after the strong strength, all parties have got a shock.

The news that the Star Palace is really fallen, it is still unable to determine, so these powerful people, although there are many ideas, but there is no one to show their stars.

However, the deadline closed from the ancient secret is getting closer, only the last two hundred years are left!

Two hundred years, it is short, there is not much time to stay to the star.

Built within the main hall.

"The Lord of Yuan Temple, how strong the strong is recruiting?" The sword didn't ask.

"So far, the invitation has been accepted, and the big energy of our star has a total of seventeen, of which the emperor has two, the remaining fifteen is the god, this fifteen gods, there are One person is also a ranking of the world, and the Jiuyin God that has been accepted before, now I am in a star, and the light is the power of the emperor. There is a five-footed foot! And there is a palace master you With the sword, the two gods peak. "The main voice of the Yuan Dynasty was a little excited.

The five great gods, this is in many ways in the Shengshi, there is no one for the time being.

But now, the stars have reached.

Of course, this is also because the conditions given by the stars are attracted enough, not only for the chaotic god treasure, and the temptation of the stars is too large.

"These people are now in a star in the stars?" The sword did not ask.

"The palace is relieved, first of all these people are still good, after they can't get stars secret surgery, even if they have a chaotic god, there is a certain limit, unless it is true to life and death, otherwise it will not abandon my star Go. "Yuan Temple.

"That's good." The sword didn't have a little bit.

Although those strong people have accepted the invitation of the star, they are only for the benefits of the benefits, they have not been here, and there is no mega of the stars, don't collapse the feelings, I want them to be full of mind and mind. The pulse is impossible, so the sword is unparalleled and only hoped to pass the stakeholders.

When there is really a war out, these people have never missed everything to be desperately desperate, but at most, they can also be able to upgrade the integrity of the stars.


PS: Today is 5 more!

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