Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1889 The deadline is here

"Right, I met a mystery of the mystery from the way to the Emperor Sword Gate ..." The sword did not have the process of encountering the black boat, and the simple narration said.

"That black boat, the strength is extremely terrible, he even took out a strange bead, thus bursting out the power of the big hit, Yuan Temple, you know more than me, you can Know the origin of this black hace? "

"Black Handsman?" Yuan Demotine, "In the World of Digital Chaos, there is indeed strong strength, but there is no strong sense of arrogance, but they are clearly unbearable, but they can There is no name on the world, but this is not much, and the palace owner you said, the black haircut ... "

"According to the palace owner, the strength of the black crocer is enough to take the top three in the heavens and the earth. This is the strong person, there is really no in the people I know."

"Isn't there?" The sword was unparalleled and secretly shaking his head, and his heart was helpless.

He guess the black boatman may be the emperor.

But which emperor is, he can't figure it out.

"For the time, I will ignore him, now the top priority is the crisis that I may encounter in my star." The sword is unparalleled.

Two hundred years, only two hundred years left.

Two hundred years later, the storm will arrive.

And these two hundred years, the sword is no longer out, but stopped quietly on the sword star.

His hub, naturally the door you get from the Emperor Tamad ... Emperor!

He realized the three-star swordsmanship. The three emperors were shocked every word. The sword was unparalleled now. It is in these two hundred years to control the first style as much as possible.

Just master a sword, then it is equal to him again.

time flies……

In the sword unparalleled to the Emperor Sword Palace, the vast chaotic world is very calm, not to mention the sword is unparalleled, the strong power of the Shengling is naturally, and naturally do not dare to work.

One shock, two hundred years have passed.

The ancient secrets of the five million people will only open for 10,000 years each time.

Now, the term of 10,000 years is also finally gone.

The huge ancient ancient secrets, there is a total of four entrances, these four entrances are extremely extremely extreme.

With the ten thousand years of time, those who are swaying in the ancient secrets have come out from these four entrances during this time.

One of the entrances.


The light flashed, and then the two people across the huge space insect cave.

These two people are the Yunxun gods and aspira gods.

This is the two powerful top gods. These two people have always been in the ancient secret, and there are many gains.

And when the two are crossing from the space insect cave ...

"Well?" The pace of the Yunxue gods suddenly, and it was surrounded by the surrounding. "How can there be so many people?"

Yunxu will see a lot of figure around the entrance. These figure strength has strong weakness, and in the sense of perception of his soul, he also induces a lot of breath hidden in the vicinity nearby, and the quantity is not a few.

"I have traveled in the past, although there are some strong people waiting outside, but most of them are only some intelligence organizations, but there is much more than this." Yunxu gods are shocked.

"Dairy, do you know what is going on?" Yunxue looked at the aspirandon of the side.

"Well, I have heard some." Aspayer God smiled: "I heard that the news from Vientiane Tower, it is the star of the star, the star of the star, is falling, and it is falling in the ancient secret, However, this news is just that Vientiane Tower is speculated, and it cannot be confirmed. "

"In these years, there are many strong powerful people who want to test the star of the star, and even the Jiuqi Palace also personally shot a battle with Stars, but now, it is still unable to get certain, now The ancient secrets are about to close, which is a chance to completely confirm whether the Lord of Star Palace is falling. "

"It turns out." Yunxu god could not surprise: "The horrible star Herong master is falling?"

"Now I don't know if it is true, but waiting for the ancient secret to close, from Xingchen Palace owl from the ancient secrets, you can judge it, or, we are also here." .

"Well." Yunxun nodded immediately.

At this entrance, the strong strongest that gathers is increasing, and many are spoons from all parties.

And not only the entrance, at the other four entrances, there are also a large number of spoons to stare, and they have been staring for a long time.

Since the news of the Shi Shigemen owner, these spots have been staring here.

No matter from any entrance, the Word of the Shengshi can get a message in the first time, but now I haven't seen the shadow of the Lord of Stars.

Time is constant, it is getting closer and closer from the ancient secret.

"There is only the last half of the time!"

"After half a time, the ancient secrets will be closed again!"

"In the ancient secrets of the ancient secrets, all that they are still alive, I have already come out from the ancient secrets, but the star of the Star Palace is never seen, seeing, seeing, Vientiane Tower, is Really! "

"Hey, I have already guess that the star is dead, but I don't dare to completely definitely, but now, it can be sure."

The power of all parties, locks the eyes here.

When I see that the closed time is getting closer, the Star Palace is still in the heart of the trace.

Half time, it is also ending.

"Ten breathing, only the last ten breaths left."

"Na Xingchen Palace, it seems that it is true!"

"It can be sure, the star of the Star has been dead."

The strong people of all parties are squatting.

Under the calculation of these strong people, the ten breathing time was also over.

Ten thousand years of time, arrived!

According to the truth, the four entrances of the ancient secrets began to repair closed.

But now, the four entrances are not changed.

Four huge spatial worm holes, also silk, no sign of contraction, closed.

"what happened?"

"Time is clear, these four entrances, why not close?"

"Is it wrong with us, now I haven't reopened the ancient secret?"

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