Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 1890 big vibration

Remember the wrong time?

"It's impossible, if you have a single one or two, it is possible, but it is absolutely impossible for everyone to make a mistake!"

"Ten thousand years old is indeed, this is no doubt, but the entrance to this ancient secret, but has not closed again?"

"Let's wait, maybe it will be reopened."

A large number of strong people at the four entrances are staring tightly.

One time, two hours ...

One day, two days ...

Wink, I have been a year.

But the four entrances of the ancient secret, still intact, there is no change.

Even some strong people have tried to enter the ancient secret, and then come out from the ancient secrets, still unimpeded.

This is the child, everyone is getting off!

At the same time, this news also spread throughout the Shengshi for the first time, spread throughout the world!

Ten thousand years has arrived, the ancient secrets have not closed again?

Everyone knows this news, it is full of mistakes.

You must know that the ancient secrets come from the ancient times, in the second era, to now, long years, this ancient secrets have already opened it, don't know how many times, I have formed a law, and five million years will open. The opening time is 10,000 years.

There are countless times, all this, no error occurred.

But this time, it is obviously an accident.


Thunder Island, the top of the holy mountain, a hunter house.

Wearing the old man in a simple gray, sitting on the wooden bridge and fishing on the wooden bridge.

Suddenly, a middle-aged man in a silver white is directly broken into this hospital.

"Tianchen ancestors, there is an accident." This silver-white hair man solemnly walked to the side of the gray clothes.

"What happened?" The old man, the fourth Tianchen old ancestors in the Tiandi Supreme Plan, put down the bamboo pole in his hand and saw it.

"I just got the news. After the ancient secrets opened for 10,000 years, I didn't be closed again." Silver white hair man is low in the Emperor Emperor.

"What?" Tianchen's old ancestors immediately changed.

Whether it is Tianchen ancestors, or the East Emperor, it is the highest level of the Holy League, and is also the most peak of the Outstanding Chaos World.

They know the deepest secret of the world's deepest chaotic world.

It also knows what this is hidden in the old secret situation.

Previously, the ancient secrets have been very orderly open, closed, they never care.

but now……

"Several other people already know?" Tianchen old ancestors asked.

"I have already sent them, but that ... I have to tell him to him." Emperor Emperor Da Dao.

The one mentioned in his mouth is nature is the strong, Bai Emperor who is recognized by the Holy League!

The Bai Emperor is unpoiled, even if it is in the many emperors of the Shengle, there is only a few of the few people who can find the white emperor.

Like the Emperor Emperor, although he is also an emperor, the strength in the emperor can only be considered, and it is not too much to share with Bai Di, so he can't contact the white emperor.

"Give it to me." Tianchen Laozu said, and immediately took out anorge.

After a while, Tianchen ancestors opened again. "I have already submitted it to that, but he has no return, we can only wait."

"So, then wait." The Emperor Emperor is helpless.


Not only single, the Tianchen old ancestors and the East Emperor, the great strengths in the Shengshi, have already learned the incidents of ancient secrets.

These gods, all over the next day, very few things are able to put them on the heart.

But this time is also alarmed.

No way, the ancient secret dry system is too great.

For the strong persons of the parties to the Shengle, the ancient secrets have never been closed.

You know, the ancient nuts have endless, countless strong people are eager to go inside, but it will open it five million years, once only 10,000 years.

But now, the ancient secrets have been opened for 10,000 years, not to be closed again, this is not to say, the next time, can they continue to swim in the future?

Of course, although the disturbance of the ancient secret causes a huge vibration.

But there is another thing, the same turning is not small.

That is the fallen news of the Lord of the Star Palace, finally got a definite!

Although the ancient secrets have never been closed, the Lord of Xingchen Palace has never came out from the ancient secrets in the long term of 10,000 years. This is a fact.

Lost the biggest and deepest fear of the bottom, although there is still a sword where the sword is unparalleled now, but the threat of swords is far less than the star.

For a time, the parties in the Shengba will move again.

Stars a pulse.

"The end is still coming." The sword is unbolded.

The main hall next to the palace, the Lord of the Temple, the main three people of Nie Yun Temple are also unbearable.

"As early as more than 3,000 years ago, the palace owner has fallen, and my star is in more than three thousand years, and I have killed a lot of enemies, it is already good. Therefore, as for the next crisis, I will see the creation of my star. "

In fact, they are very happy with their hearts.

Fortunately, all parties have a scruple to the Lord of Stars, giving them more than 3,000 years.

More importantly, for more than 3,000 years, it is too important.

"Yuan Temple, to call my guest feelings of my star, I am also the time, I really show up with them." The sword has no double.

"Yes." Yuan Temple nodded, when the news is turned off.

An alarm hall, the main hall is a vast void.

On the void, a respect of the throne stood there, with a full 20th throne.

These people are the many big energy people who have a huge interest to recruit many of the big benefits in these years.

In addition, Jiuyin God is in the 18th place.

At this moment, these eighteen large energy people are talking about, and their look seems to be a bit better in the discussion.

"I didn't expect the Lord of the Star."

"Although I have already guess, I am still unacceptable to this fact."

"The news of the main body of Xingchen Palace is determined, the star will be willing to be a big crisis, and you must have psychological preparation."

The news of the Star Palace at the main body of the Star Palace is boiling, and these big energy people have naturally known.

at this time……

The four-way figure is slowly condensed in this void, and it is the four people headed by the sword. Among them, the sword is unparalleled, and the top of the top, Wang Zun, and the main hall The host is standing next to him.

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