When I saw the sword without having a few people arrived, this kind of void discussion, and immediately quiet.

The sword is situated in the top, and the eyes are like electricity, sweeping from the many versators in front.

These big energy, including the three emperors, one touch the sword, unparalleled, and the heart is not surprised by the autonomy.

The same is God's strength, but the sword is unparalleled, and the Emperor of God has reached the topmost of God.

The gods present in the scene, there is no double comparable to the sword, and the gap is too big.

"All, I want to come to you, I have already got news." The sword is unparalleled, "Yes, Xingchen Palace is indeed fallen, it has fallen more than 3,000 years ago, and after he falls, you will serve as a star. Pulse new palace master. "

Many of the big energy in front of them are silent, and there is no one to speak.

"In fact, this result, you should be mentally prepared, isn't it?" The sword is unparalleled again.

These big-energy people are moving, but no one is refuted.

The news of the Lord of the Star Palace is not a day and two, but it has not been confirmed.

And they naturally learned about this news, so they have had sufficient preparation before accepting the invitation of the Stars.

Now, only the news has been confirmed.

"Sword Monarch!"

A thick voice suddenly sounded, and only one of the crowd was close to three meters, just like a big mountainous burly man standing directly.

This burly man, it is the extremely strong Xuanwu God that is extremely strong in defense.

"Jian Jun Lord is relieved, I will wait for the invitation of the star, I will never pay for the West, and I will wait for what I will encounter, I will wait to stand at the star, I will not say it. Once everything is a star, it will definitely try our best. "Xuanwu Shendi Shen Sheng.

"Yes, I will wait for the stars, I will have a thin force!"

A big energy is standing up and shows the position.

These energy inviting for the main invitation of the Yuan Dynasty, there is no problem on the monument, and the reputation is still guaranteed.

See this, the sword is unparalleled.

"That's it, then I have been working." The sword is unparalleled, "I also don't worry, my star has been in the past, even if the star of the Chenshen Palace is falling, but not what A cat A cat can be able to me. The star has threatened, as long as you work together, it is enough to cope with all the crisis. "

"Well, you will prepare it."

The sword is unparalleled, it is already letting these energy from getting off.

But at this time ...

"And slow!"

A low voice suddenly sounded.

The sword is unparalleled, and the people who are in the scene will look at the sound of the sound.

But I saw a man wearing a black robe that was revealing the smile of evil.

"That is the Northern Han Shen Jun, there is no problem in the reputation, but the word of mouth is the worst of everyone, and his person, it is more private." The Yuan Dynasty quietly messd.

"Selfish?" The sword is unparalleled, but it is indifferent: "I don't know what the North Han Shen Jun, what else?"

"Sword Monarch, according to I know, many years ago, Xingchen Palace owner has sailed in the vast chaotic world, so there are many enemies, including a lot of great power, those enemies have been killed in these years. The murder is almost the same, but those great power is still there. "North Hall God said.

"When the front of the star palace, I caught the great power. But now the Star Palace owner will die. These big forces are likely to join together, and now the stars have a strong strength. And there is a sword monarch, you are sitting in the town, but I want to resist so much power at the same time, is it very difficult? "

"It is very difficult, but I have no surface in my star, even if I really broke out, it is enough to have a long and short way to follow those big forces." The sword is unparalleled: "More than one, even if it is true, it is. When you are desirable, you can also leave directly. My star will not stop, and I will not ask the teacher to ask for guilty. "

"This is true, but it is really destroyed, and the stars secret will definitely fall into the hands of the great power. When I wanted to get stars secretly from those big forces, I am afraid it is impossible. That is to say, in the end, we have worked hard to fight for your star, but what is the benefits? "Northern Han Shenjun voice evil.

This time, many people around them change.

Among these energy, there are many of them who are rushing to the stars.

The star is perhaps, as long as they have a stars for more than 100,000 years, they can get inheritance of Star.

However, as this north is said, if it is in the big war, the star has been completely covered, then who is they still looking for stars?

Bai Bai Ticard a War, but nothing else?

This is not what they want.

"North Hall God, what do you want to say?" The sword didn't double this north of the north.

"I just want to give you a suggestion." Northern Han Shenjun laughed.

"What suggestions?" The sword is still calm.

"It's very simple, it is before that the war has not completely broke out, it is now, it is now inheriting the stars in my waiting, so that I can not only fight for the stars, but the most important thing is The stars secret, equal to all the people waiting for everyone to come, wait until the battle, I can use the bottom card, and you can make the stars a few more ways to win, this is not two full beauty? " North Hall God.

When I heard the words of Beihan God, the surroundings were changed.

There are several people who have not read the North Hall of God. In fact, they also have the same idea as the north of the gods, but they did not dare to say it.

The sword is still not moving, but the heart is quite gloomy.

"Now let you get the inheritance of Stars? North Hall God, what you think is enough." The sword is unparalleled, "Now the war has not been completely started, and the position has not really started to force my star. I want to get all the compensation and benefits? It's a ridiculous! "

"Don't say that it is life and death, even if you have a simple task, you have seen all the rewards of completing the task, and then complete the task?"

"At this day, how can this good thing?"

"North Hall God, do you sure you are not in the world?"

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