The next time, the sword is unparalleled to continue to hunt in this East Plain, and that Tang is unpredictable, the old man is really real, providing some of his pirate information.

Have to say, Tang's helpless is from listening to the wind, his ability to master the information is indeed in the same.

His intelligence is high and accurate.

The sword is unparalleled, according to the information he gives, dealing with one of the robber gangs.

When the sword is not double-handed, it is still the simple and rude, directly into the old nest of the robber gang, and then kill the wanted crimes with the armband, then leave.

With his strength, the many threats of this Mandio Plain are really qualified to threaten his very little, plus Tang's unpredigatory and accurate intelligence, so act, naturally there is no need to be cautious.

Wink, four days.

At night, the star is bright, shining this vast plain.

The sword is unparalleled, sitting on the ground, but the feelings are some heavy.

"Tomorrow is the last day of hunting, and I don't know if the armbands I have now, is it enough." The sword was unparalleled.

This is the trust in the specific requirements of this first stage hunting.

Because no matter how many armbands you got, the bottom will not be able to kill some wanted criminals, and get more armbands.

"Tang has no pole." The sword is not a double towards the Tang, who is calling, sleeping.

Tang Wu has been awakened in an instant, and asked: "What is the command?"

"You said today, there is a group of pandareds around us, the head of the head is a wanted criminal, but also a wanted criminal of a bloody grade, is it true?" Sword is unparalleled.

"Thousands of true." Tang Wuyi nodded, "I am listening to the purple fire." This person is called ancient life, this is very high-profile, this is very high-profile, often held a banquet to participate in some famous pirates Like the purple fire, I have been to the family, I know that this ancient students are a bloody grade. "

The sword is not a double eye mining, "the blood jade level is general, generally the top of the yin deficiency, a small number reaches the yin, which step is this ancient life?"

"Yin deficiency is the top." Tang has no great way.

The sword is unparalleled, "" Well, let's go tomorrow's goal, this is the ancient Chinese. "

"Okay." Tang Wu nodded immediately.

If you change to ordinary people, see the sword is unparalleled, one of the golden Dan, actually trying to deal with a strong top of the yin, and will definitely think that the sword is unparalleled.

It is no longer.

After all, in these four days, he followed the sword unparalleled, and he had seen the only realm of the sword, and killing a powerful thief.

A thief like a yin deficiency, it is hard to walk in the sword.

Even if it is yin deficiency, the sword is unparalleled in these four days, and he also kills three.

And it is still directly into the other old nest, killing it under the other side of the pirate siege.

You can kill the clouds under the heavy surroundment, then kill the yin deficiency, it is naturally not much.


The next morning.

There is a cottage on the hill of the Poland, and a large number of pirates in the cottage gathered.

Before the book, a wine and food are placed, and there are still a few people who have been arrested in that dance.

"Come, white lady, difficult to see, old, respect you," A hardcover old man with a tiger's back bear, a bowl of wine, smile.

"The ancient is very polite, you should be, you should be right." A white dress, the beautiful and unparalleled business woman smiled, and her alcohol, all of them, all of them are fascinating, surrounding many pirates have already appeasing .

Can be disrespectful ...


The door of this cottage is directly opened, and the middle-aged big fat man after a circle will appear in front of everyone.

This middle-aged fat man is the Tang Dynasty.

I saw him at this moment, a one-toe high, and I shouted directly to the cottage: "Where is the ancient students, my family has something to convey to him."

The many thieves in the cottage immediately saw the Tang Dynasty, including the ancient life and the white lady.

"Oh, in that?" Tang Wuyi saw the ancient students, and immediately got a smile, "the ancient students, my boss told me to speak to you, saying that he is very interested in your head, so you will be in the plain outside the ten miles. When he is now waiting for you, if you are afraid of death, don't go. "

After saying, this Tang has no greatness to pay attention to the reactions of the ancient students, and turn it directly.

The atmosphere in the cottage immediately became down.


The ancient flowers have a bit gloomy, and the palm of the wine bowl is burst, and this wine bowl is bursting.

"I have to see, which is what I don't know how to live."

After that, the ancient students fell straight to the direction of Dangyu's unpredictable direction.

The white lady, and a lot of pirates in the cottage also followed this moment.

On the air away from the cottage, the sword is unparalleled with a long sword plate.

Not long after, Tang Wuyu is running over, while running, "the boss, came here, the ancient born."

The sword is unparalleled. When I saw a shadow of the voids in front of him, his mouth couldn't help but evoke a cold smile.

The sword is unparalleled to stand up, and the Tang is unpolated is to hide behind the sword.


That is in vain, it is ancient life, and it is still a lot of pirates behind the ancient students.

"Fat, your boss?" The ancient times went to the Tang Dynasty.

"My boss, just here." Tang did not poke the sword without double.

"Well?" The ancient students he looked at the sword. When he saw the only breath of Jin Dan, the Sword was only scattered, his cold eyes, Li Mang flanted.

"Do you dare to play me?"

"The ancient students." The sword is unparalleled, and the sound is cold, "he didn't play you, I was really me, and I am also very interested in people on you."

The three kill swords after the sword have no two, and a good sword slowly came out from him.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the group of pirates behind the ancient born have become quirky.

Just just the Tang's helpless, good or a golden Dan is successful, and now the sword is unparalleled, a golden Dan is big?

A Jin Dan has made a head of the ancient life, this is an interested person?

Is he crazy?

The sword is unparalleled, but it has not been ignorant so much. I saw a cold sword light on, and it was already shot.

"court death."

The ancient times are cold and faceless, and the figure is not moving. It can be in front of him in order to have a substantial shark, and it is already in the sword.


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