The cold sword is bruised, and the substantive knife formed with the spiritual force is hit together.

It can be just instantly, the cold sword light is like ruining and pulling the solid knife.

"Well?" The ancient life of the ancient times showed a surprised color, "this Jin Dan ..."

Task, he is the strong man of Yin deficiency, from the essence of the essence of his spiritual force, according to the reason, even if there is a yin deficiency, the strong, must be full, it is possible to block.

And yin deficiency is generally dead.

In front of you, this innate golden Dan not only blocked, but also touched the knife directly.

call out!

Sword Yings is like the Sen Cold toxic snake in front of the ancient life.

The ancient students snorted, I didn't know how to have a blue war knife, and the war knife was burst into the fire, and the sword was not double. ,


The fierce confrontation, the power reached this moment.

"What?" The ancient students were shocked, because he found this collision, it turned out that he was in the bottom of the wind, and even his body shape was affected by the anti-vibration, and then refunded a few steps.

At this time, the sword has no double long sword to brick out again, and it is a streamless.

"Nothing, , very virtual!"


The dazzling streamer is in front of the cave, and the ancient students don't dare to have a smart, and they want to resist the knife.

However, until he pays attention to the sword is unparalleled, it is obviously late.


The terrible power is hit, the ancient times are boring, and the figure of the stones will be detached.

The sword is killed in the border.


Just see a sword light.

Fast incredible.

The sword is unparalleled, it is the ninth style of the sword!

In these two months, although his overall strength did not achieve too much breakthrough, the proconstruction swords were still not small, like the ninth style of volatile, he has been able to master.

Now this ninth type is out, that is fast to incredible swords directly from the ancient sore throat.

The ancient life is full of dissatisfaction.

He is not willing, because his strength has not really been realized, and it will not be able to show ...

If you give him a chance, you will never be afraid of swords, but now everything is late.


The ancient bodies fell above the ground, and the sword didn't have a double eyed, overlooking his body.

"Too self-assured, too little to see me." The sword was unparalleled and smiled.

On the real strength, swords are unparalleled to fight with Yin deficiency, and this ancient Chinese is also the top of Yingui, and the sword is unparalleled than him. It is absolutely strong.

The front is killing, the sword is unparalleled and confident, but he has no confidence to completely kill him.

After all, he reached the strong in the yin and yang, and he didn't have any way.

However, this ancient students, did not put him in the eyes from the beginning, see him, and even forth freely, did not play all the best, and the sword was unparalleled, it was the opportunity to explode.

Just a few photos, this ancient life of the real strength did not come and completely, and it was already killed by him.

Kill the ancient life, the sword is unparalleled to take the bloody arms on the arm.

Blood jade armband, the sword is unparalleled, "With this blood jade arm, the armband I have reached the request?"

"Tang has no extreme, let's go."

The sword is unparalleled directly to leave, and the Tang has helpless and rushed to leave.

Only the old born body is icy lying there, and there is a group of stunned pandareds.

Like the white lady, the beautiful face is also horrible.

"The wind, fire, drip three swords!"

"Just a golden Dan, kill a golden Dan to the top of the top!"

"So en enferged, should it be that the twelve dynasties participated in this genius hunting?"


After getting ancient born blood jade armband, the sword is unparalleled to determine that he should have reached the first phase of the requirements, so he is too lazy to find the trouble of the wanted criminals.

Soon arrived at night.

"Tang has no extreme."

The sword is unpredied, and the hand will give him a Qiankun ring. "I killed a lot of yin deficiency in these few days. This is the property you got, I will give you."

"Boss, do you want?" Tang said that the sword was unlocked.

"I have something to do next, it is not convenient to bring you, you take these property back to the Dynasty Dynasty, don't worry about the nine emperor, now the nine emperor has just hit hard, I am afraid that there is not much effort to chase Kill you. "The sword has no double.

The Tang has an extreme eyebrows, solemnly read the sword, the sword is unparalleled, and then heads, then leave it directly.

There is not long after the Tang's helpless go.

A brifice sergeant riding a lion, landing in front of the sword.

"The Tianzong Dynasty, the sword is unparalleled."

"Five days has arrived, your hunting has ended, now, let me go." This brifice sergeant is indifferent, and the breath that is emitted by the body has also reached the hierarchy of Yinmou.

"Okay." The sword is unparalleled, and even if she is sitting on the grybolus, the most central version of this brown has rushed over.

The Polar Plain, although it is a vast plain, can still have some mountain rivers in this plain.

In the center of the Polar Plain, there is a very large canyon, this canyon, named Tiantu!

Tiantue, means a step.

The black armor sergeant with swords and walked one of the entrances to the valley.

"Your Tianzong Dynasty gathers are there, go on," Black Battleman ".

There is no double point of the sword, and then subsequently jumped.

At the entrance to the canyon, there have been several genius waiting for it, there is Su soft.

When Lu Xuan appeared at the entrance, the genius came over.

"Old 3." Su Guo immediately came to the sword unparalleled side.

"Old four, how many armbands have you got in these days, have you grasp the requirements of this first phase?" The sword was unparalleled.

"I don't know." Su Guang shook his head, "I got a lot of armbands."

The sword is not double-colored.

The armband he got is enough, and it is not necessary to reach any problems, but he can't turn your own unnecessary arms to Su.

"You are here, you are waiting, waiting for your Tianzong Dynasty, the genius of the Dynasty is all, I will come to the number of armbands you need to meet the requirements." A robe old cold ice station at the entrance.

At a look at this old, I know that people who are not the Tianzong Dynasty, but from other dynasties, otherwise the attitude towards them is not such indifference, even disdain.

The sword is unparalleled, and it is waiting quietly.

Not long after, the Tianzong Dynasty's genius is gathered by the genius in hunting.


PS: The first stage hunt is just an appetizer, but it is not written, I have tried to streamline. If there is a brother, I don't have a bit boring, and the second stage is the real heavy head of the East East Hunting, that is really true Wonderful place.

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