Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 191 1388 Points

"People are all, now I will give you the requirements you need through this first phase." The old violet is open.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is slightly.

Task, they are now gathered here, only 13 people, and they have a total of fifteen people who participate in hunting, and there are no arrivals, but this Purple robe old says people are already.

The sword is unparalleled. They immediately understand that the two geniuses that have never arrived are afraid that they are falling in this hunt.

"My strength is better than they have to be strong, coupled with the detailed information of Tang Wuji, I know very well for the strength of the gang gang, so I didn't encounter what happened in this hunting, but others ... "The sword is unparalleled, but it is helpless.

Life and death.

This extremely East Hunting is a big chamber for many genius, but it is also a ghost.

The opportunity and crisis have always coexist.

"Take out your armband you get." Purple robe old man.

The sword is unparalleled, when he will take himself in these five days, and the arm is hard to hunt.

"This hunting, the integral system is used." The old violet is noted.

"The armband is divided into four kinds of black iron, silver, purple gold, blood jade, and different levels of armbands as different points."

"A black iron arm is equal to 1 points."

"Silver armband is equal to 10 points."

"Zijin arm, 100 points."

"Blood jade arm, 1000 points."

"Through this first phase of the requirements, it is 100 points."

When I heard this, the thirteen genius look at the scene was a movement, and many of them were very ugly.

"Now, before one by one, give me the armband you get." Purple robe old said.

When there is a genius, you will give yourself to the old people, and this genius is a bitterness.

"Hey." The old violet is finished, but it is cold and cold. "The armband is a lot, but unfortunately there are 18 pieces just black iron arms, even silver armbands only have two, you finally get points. Just only 38, the second phase of the points plundered, you are not qualified to participate. "

The gray robe old people directly announced the results, so that this genius suddenly faces like a dead ash.

It's just a genius to go forward.

"Points ... 84, it is much stronger than just that, but unfortunately, it is still unqualified to participate in the second phase of the competition."

"Point 61, no qualification!"

"Point 21, waste!"


Before connecting several genius, the results can be unqualified to participate in the second phase of the points and score.

At this time, the feather day from the life and death midnight, went up.

Feng Yu Tian, ​​in the Tianzong Dynasty today's landlord list, it is fourth.

"Oh, score 124, I finally appeared in the second round of robbery, but only this point, in the second round of the genius, it is also the bottom of the bottom, I am afraid I can only send it." Na Zi The old man said, then the armband of Feng Yu Tian is also gave him.

Although the words of the purple robe, the wind is very uncomfortable, but he is not annoyed, after passing the armband, standing next to it.

And others go forward, and the results are all come out.

Mu Yingying, the final result is 136.

Baili Morning, 349 points.

Yang Zai Xuan, 275 points.

Su soft, 115 points.

In addition to each of them, other disciples, the points got have not broken.

"Yang Zi Xuan, you have got two purple golden arms?" Baili Chen looked at Yang Zhai Xuan.

Mu Yingying and Feng Yu also stared at Yang Zai Xuan.

Task, ranking in the landlord list, Mu Yingying and Feng Yu are all on Yanyuan.

Results Yang Chang Xuan's final points, but it is much higher than they, and it has to be doubled.

How does this not surprised them?

Yang Renxuan is still there, and the face is also incomparable, and there is no explanation too much.

As for the 115 points, everyone is able to understand, after all, Su Guang is in front of the selection war.

In the many geniuses of the Tianzong Dynasty, the only thing left is the sword is unparalleled. At this moment, the sword is unparalleled, and the Purple Robe has gone.

Subsequently, the sword is unparalleled, and many of the arms of the five days have been taken one by one.

"Well?" That Purple Sign I saw that the sword was unparalleled and took out ten armbands.

Among these ten armbands, the black iron armband did not say it, but the only purple gold armband had three, in addition to this, there is still a bloody armband.

"Blood Emotion Board?" The old robe is surprised to see the sword.

The owner of the blood jade arm, the most at least the highest, the top of the yin deficiency, and the congenital golden Dan can kill this powerful, in which the twelve dynasties is very small.

Under normal circumstances, like the two large dynasties, there will be such a few medium-sized dynasties, and there will be such super genius, but now, a small dynasty, there have been a bloody arm. genius?

"A total of 1388 points, kids, good." The old people looked at the sword and the eyes were obviously different from other geniuses.

After all, you can get more than 1,000 points in hunting, and there are also the top in many geniuses throughout the Twelve Dynasty.

The crowd next to see the score that the sword is unparalleled, and it is secretly embarrassing.

"So many points?"

"More than one thousand points is more than one thousand points."

"It can kill the owner of the blood jade arm, it is really a monster."

These geniuses look at the swords and unparalleled, especially those who are unqualified to participate in the second phase of the war, and look at the swords and unparalleled eyes are full of envy.

Unfortunately, the points that the sword is unparalleled, and they can't be given to them.

"Well, I have already recorded the points you have received, and now those who are unqualified to participate in the second phase of the war, you can leave." The old violet old said.

We only get enough points of geniors who have not received enough points, one can only leave.

I also lived the thirteen genius, I got enough points, qualified to participate in the second round of robbery, only six people.

These six people are ... swords are unparalleled, Yang Zi Xuan, Suirou, Baili Morning, Mu Yingying, Feng Yu Tian!

"You are six, you can go now, it is very difficult, and then I will tell you about the rules of the second stage than the second stage." The old violet is narrat.

"The second stage is actually very simple, that is, points!"

"You have also gave you the armband of these representative points in hunting, and you can take the footsteps of the valley to kill the genius of the Dynasty and plunder them. armband!"

"After ten days, according to the number of points on your body!"

"At the end, the scope of the points, you can get the twelve dynasties."

"The higher the rank, the more you get it."

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