The sword is unparalleled, and the expression is alive.

The Twelve Dynasty is given?

No one will care in the scene.

They really care, is those ancient sectors.

And the points in Tiantue will take the battle, which is the platform that they put their own strength to those who look at the ancient doors.

Like the hunting of the previous five days, like the selection of the inside of the Tianzong Dynasty, those the ancient doors are not present.

Only this valley, the points of the sky can take the battle, and the strong people of the ancient Zongmen will pay attention to the performance of them in the Tiantu, can be truly being seen in the eyes of the strong people of the ancient.

"The points plundered in Tiantu, tomorrow will really start, will continue for ten days, and you can stay here, you are ready to turn." After that, this Purple robe is close to it. The eyes have never seen the sword.

And this night, for this six genius, it is destined to be a nightlight.


Night, beautiful.

On a hill near the valley, a palace stands there, the lights are clear.

Task, this extremely East Plain is a plain relationship, so the building is very small, like those robber gangs, it is just a simple Anshan village.

On this hill, there is a palace.

Inside the palace, the song and dance is flat, and a strong breath is spread.

Gathering in this palace, it is the monarchs of the Twelve Dynasty. It is also among the Dynasties of the Tianzong Dynasty. However, because the Tianzong Dynasty is just a small Dynasty relationship, the emperor can only sit. At the corner of the palace.

These monks have smiled at drinking.

At this time, a red woman came in.

"All the kings, the twelve dynasties have reached the entrance to Tiantu, and they have been counted by the five days of hunting, this is a list." The woman in the red dress.

"Haha, come."

"Fast, give us a look."

"Hurry and look at."

Under the shouts of these monarchs, the red woman gave every monarch hand on one list.

A famous genius was recorded in detail in the list, and the ranking was set according to how much points.

"Haha, the first list," Sure enough, my dream of Tianxian Dynasty is no day. "

The palace has two seats, and there are two seats on the top, two people have two people, and the two are wearing royal robe, one of which is old, and the face is full of majestic.

Another person is to have many young, although there are some light floats, but they say that every sentence is very domineering.

These two are the twelve dynasties, the two large dynasties, Daxie Dynasty and Tianxian Dynasty.

Like a laugh now, it is the national monarch of Tianxian Dynasty, which is the more lightweight young man.

"Hey, the little bit of bloody feathers is too unrestrained." The old man is low in the old man.

I saw the ranking on the point list, the first place is a dream of the Tianxian Dynasty.

The second place is the bloody feather of the Daewoo Dynasty.

"Haha." The light floating man smiled even more.

"You don't have to be proud, this is just the points you got in the first phase, and this first stage hunting is just a appetizer, the weight is the next point of interest!" That is the old man, the old man is beautiful. I have seen it.

"Dream is now the first place, after the score war, he can rank first, then it will not be."

"Oh? Perhaps?" The soft man is still smiling, but it is still very much.

He knows that this is the fact that the old man is saying, but what is it?

At most least, he is now the wind of Tianxian Dynasty is to cover the Dawu Dynasty.

And other monarchs below are also looking at this list carefully.

"Hey, Sure enough, several of the rankings are from the two major dynasties."

"Let's have a genius of these medium and medium-sized dynasties, it is good to appear in the first twenty of the standings."

"Well, you see that in the top ten people, one is actually the Tianzong Dynasty."


The whole palace suddenly exclaimed, and immediately, I was brushing into the emperor in the corner.

The emperor also looked at the list, when he saw the top ten people, when there was a sword, his eyes fierce a variety of light.

"Haha ~~~ Ok, this little guy does it." The emperor can't control it again, laughing directly.

The monarchs in the surroundings of the Dynasties saw that the emperors appeared, and one of the expressions were somewhat unnatural, and a few are still quite embarrassing.

"I am also a medium-sized dynasty, this year, no one can be ranked in the top ten in the standings, and a small dynasty in the area of ​​the Dynasty, and some people rushed into the top ten?"

There are several Middle Dynasties of the kingdom feel that the face will not go.

However, they can control it.

After all, this is just the first phase of the points list, indicating what you can't.

It is about to carry out the second phase of the points, that is the real competition between the Twelve Dynasties.

The integration list that is re-established after the end of this competition is the most important.

"Right, tomorrow, I will start the game, and the power of the ancient sects will come." The soft man suddenly said.

As soon as I heard the four words of the ancient sects, the group of the monks in the palace immediately calmed down.

"There is a lot of the ancient sects of this arrival, and I know that there is already six. In this six ancient gates, there is one or a big sword!" Bright man smiled.

"Great Swords?"

"One of Nanyang Eight Bigmen!"

"This time, the pool hunting, even the strong people of the Swordsman were attracted?"

The whole palace shocked.

The same is that the ancient Zongmen also has a strong point, like the big swordsman, is known as one of the eight major sects of Nanyang Continental, and the strength of the strength is much stronger than the other ancient sects.

Natural, I will be better than the wormy swords, but also better than the other ancient.

"The Sword of the Wildness? The top of the sword is the top of the sword." The emperor is also bright, "the sword is unparalleled, just also is the sword warner, and he is in the talent on the sword, maybe there is a chance The strong strong people value. "

"Okay, this banquet is here, there is one night, you can go see the genius of your Dynasty, give the points list, in addition, the is also in motion, start tomorrow Everything should be seen in their own. "The old people in the face are magnificent.

The many monarchs on the basnel began to scatter one by one.

The emperor took this list for the first time, and went to the valley.

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