Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 193 Two monsters

At one of the entrances to Tianzhu, the six genius of the Tianzong Dynasty gathered together.

"Feng Yu Tian, ​​congratulations."

"The brother, it can break through the Tiantiang, you have nothing to say."

"I have some envy."

The eyes of other five people are concentrated on the wind, and there is a smile on one face.

Just just, Feng Yu suddenly welcomed the opportunity of breakthroughs, and now he has already acceded to a half-step yang.

A breakthrough, the strength of Feng Yu is naturally skyrocketing.

And the plunder battle in Tiantu is a plunder battle of the Dynasty, and the strength of Feng Yu Tian is also the power of improving their squad. They are naturally happy.

"Haha, luck is very good." Feng Yu also smiled hard.

At this time, a sturdy body is coming, it is the emperor wearing the royal robe.

"Meet it."

Six geniuses such as swords have respectfully.

"Seeing Tianzong Guo." The Trojan of the vioo robe is also slightly.

"I have something to say to this group of little guys, you should avoid it first." The emperor glanced at the violet.

The old violet should have a no longer withdrawal.

"You are six, very good." The emperor hit the sword without double six people, the face was very solemn, "but the plunder battle in the valley is not more than the first stage of hunting."

"The first phase of hunting, you are just that those wanted criminals, the strength of those wanted crimes is strong, but it is not a truly threat to you."

"You can play the plunder in Tiantu, but you are the genius talented with other eleven big dynasties!"

"The genius of these Dynasties, every one will be weak than you, even better than you are ..."

"This is the standings I have brought to you, let's take a closer look."

The emperor handed him to the sword in the accumulation of him at the banquet.

After the sword is unparalleled, it will be opened directly, and the other five people have come together.

This point of interest is recorded in five days, the twelve dynasties are ranked.

The sword has not seen it.

"The first, Tianxian dynasty, dreams, 6877 points!"

"The second, Daewoo dynasty, bloody rain, 5900 points!"

"The third, Daewoo dynasty, Gu Yan, 1944 points!"

"The Fourth, Tianxian Dynasty ..."

"The fifth, Tianxian dynasty ..."

"The Sixth of the Leader", Da Yu Dynasty ... "

At a glance, the sixth place from the first to the first to the standings, which is all the Dawu Dynasty and the Tianxian Dynasty.

These two big dynasties actually took the top six of the standings, and the average of each Dynasty occupied three places.

And the most important thing is that the points they get are not comparative.

"The first dream of ranking is no day, I got 6877 points?"

Even if it is a sword, there is no pair, see this number, can't help but hop, let alone a few people in hundreds of mid.

Task, in six people, there is no pair of swords, but the last points can only be 1388 points.

Others, the most hundred miles, only 349 points.

And the dream is no day, and it is 6877 points in just five days. What is this concept?

"Blood jade level, he also killed six! Zijin-level wanted criminals will definitely kill a lot." The sword was unparalleled.

He did his best to kill a bloody grade killer, but this dream is more than him.

More than dreams, there is also the second rain rain.

The points of these two people far away from others. After all, there is only 1944 points in the ancient Chinese in the third.

"The two people, how is it killed so many blood jade levels in just five days?" The sword was unparalleled.

Blood jade grade killer, the lowest is the level of yin deficiency, this strong, if it is positive, the sword is unparalleled, and the other party will never be stupid.

Only when I see it is wrong, the other person will definitely escape immediately, and the Yin and unity can be taken away. Once it is going, you only have a dry.

Like the sword is unparalleled, it can kill the blood jade level, and it is also lucky, the other party is too conceited.

Can you pay attention to all blood jade levels?

Since it is impossible to be luck, there is only one explanation.

It is the dream between the dreams and the rain, the strength is really terrible. It is terrible to even let the strong people who have the top of the yin and even the opportunities of the sky, and they will kill them directly.

And such strength, even if the sword is unparalleled.

"Terrible, I originally thought that the sword was unparalleled with blood clouds, which can obviously these two large dynasties are peerless geniuses, more than swords are unparalleled with blood clouds, and more terrible."

"6877 points, my day, how did he do it?"

Benli Chen and Feng Yu are full of eyes, and a face is incredible.

Especially Feng Yu, he just broke through, it was originally convinced of the next day, it was unclear, but now his heart is cool.

The Mu Yingying next to Yang Zi Xuan is also unbeatable with Su Fu.

"Fast, the sword is unparalleled, see where your ranking is?" Benli Chen.

The sword is unparalleled, and it quickly found his rankings soon.

"The ninth, Tianzong dynasty, sword, points 1388!"

"Ninth?" Bai Mi in the morning, even watched the sword unparalleled. "You are allestology, just row it in ninth?"

And the sword is unparalleled, but it is more shocking in the bottom of the heart.

Yes, it is shocking.

He is in the Jin Danqiang in the Tianzong Dynasty, is now the absolute first person, and it is undisputed.

The Tianzong Dynasty is just a small dynasty. Outside the Tianzong Dynasty, there is also a more vast world.

The light is the Northwest Twelve Dynasty, with countless geniuses, which are not weak, even more than him.

"Look this list, how do you feel?" Asked the emperor.

"There is a lot of pressure." Between Baili Chen, "I thought that I broke through half a step in half a step, the strength rose, and how to say it in the twelve dynasties, but I didn't expect it to now Row in more than 20 years later. "

Benli Chen also saw his ranking on the list in that list is twenty-six.

"Sword is unparalleled, what about you?" The emperor also looked at the sword.

"Just this hunting point list, explaining what you can't." The sword is unparalleled.

"It's right." The emperor smiled slightly, "this starting point list, just to make you understand the strength of the genius of the respective Dynasties, there is no use, there is no use."

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