Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 194 of the chapter begins

The emperor continued to say: "Even if it compensates for the second point list, it will not be too big!"

After all, those strong people who come to watch the battle, most of them are not what you show now, but look at your potential. "

"You just need to perfectly show your talent potential in the Tiantu, as for the first ten in the first place, there is nothing to do, as long as the talent potential is high, the strong people of the ancient Zongmen will naturally come to you. "

When you hear this, the eyes of the swords are bright.

Indeed, this root war in this valley, they don't have to compete for the top ten of the standings, after all, the top ten give them not too much attention, they value those ancient sectors.

As long as those ancient sects can look at them, they will receive them as disciples. This is already enough.

"Tomorrow, there will be a lot of ancient sects that come to watch the battle, and there is one of the tops of the top, named the wild swords." The emperor smiled and watched.

"Great Swordsman?" The sword didn't have a double look.

He is a sword warrior, naturally desires to pay such a Zongmen who have a sword.

And this big sword, it is obvious that it is best for him.

"The sword is unparalleled, with your talent, as long as it performs a little in the battle of Tiantu, maybe it will be seen by the strong people of the wild swordsman." The emperor said.

"I understand." The sword has no double heart, and there is a long desire in my eyes.

"Right, there is one thing." The eyes of the emperor have come again.

"The points of the Tiantu's points are taking the battle, and it is a tribute to fight for a team."

"The Twelve Dynasty will have a twelve teams, but the two large dynasties participated in the number of geniuss, the overall strength is strong, so they should be separated, the two large dynasties should have four squads, all Add up, participate in the squad, the team, should have 14. "

"And you are naturally a squad, but since it is a team, he has to have a captain. This captain has to pick it up by yourself!"

"This still needs to be elected, strong, the six people are the strongest in the sword, the captain is naturally him." Feng Yu direct.

"I have no opinion." Baili Morning brow one.

"I agree." Mu Yingying nodded.

Yang Changxuan is naturally agreed with Su.

See this, the sword has no double touch the nose, helpless.

"In this case, then it is so fixed." The emperor smiled, "the sword is unparalleled, the next half a month, you will see you."

"I will call you again ..."

"When you leave tomorrow, I will give you a token. In the next paramount, I will find my own to the limit, I will immediately crush the token, this is equal to the abstament, how long does it take? Some people will pick you up to the valley, no matter what to say, keeping the life is the first. "

"Yes." The sword has nodded.

"Okay, then, I will see yourself, I wish you good luck." The emperor said, then left directly.

And the sword is unparalleled, and there is a hot look at the huge canyon in front.

Tomorrow, in the gorge, they will truly meet with the genius of the eleven Dynasties.


Early morning, Tianmeng.

When the beginning of the rising sun shines on this vast plain, a shaft of the battle has also been raised.

On the 12th entrance, the many days of the twelve Dynasties have already been rubbed, and they only wait for time to come into the top of the canyon and start the most intense competition.

One of the entrances, the six genius of the Tianzong Dynasty also waited here.

"This is a token representing your identity, one, after entering the Tiantu, you must always wear this token, and it is a conspicuous place so that you come in the genius of other Dynasties." That Purple Sign.

"What is the case?" The sword is quite surprised, but there is no more asking.

And after a long time, with a huge bell conveyed, the entire Tiantu instantly became boiling.

"When I arrived, let's go." The old violet waved.

The sword has a shiny excitement in the sword, and then six people go directly along the entrance to the dense canyon.

At the same moment, the genius strong in the Dynasty in other entrances, has also entered the Tiantiang.

The ten-year poiny hunting, the real weight, that is, this beacha valley score will immediately kicked off.

At the same time, the genius of the Twelve Dynasty flooded into the valley, on the void of the top of the valley.

Booming ~~~ a stunning breath stands there.

These atmospheres, some are hot, some ice is cold, some are rushing, and some are followed.

The 12th Dynasty's monarch, all of which were all under the guard, in addition to this, more attractive but the power of the ancient gates.

The strong people of these ancient sects have been here today.

At a glance, the ancient sects of the scene, there is no more than ten, and the most striking, there is no doubt that it is the big scribe.

The wild swordsman, a total of three.

The three people are headed by a triangle middle-aged man, and he carries a long sword, and the body is on the sky. The whole person is like a swift, sitting on a suspended seat. .

After this middle-aged man, he also followed the other two, the same, the same back, the breath and cold, and he had stepped into the hierarchy of the yang deficiency.

The yang deficiency, in the Tianzong Dynasty, nature is the top super existence.

However, in the ancient Chinese in Nanyang, there is still a lot of rumors.

"Mr. Ling Tian, ​​did not expect this time, it is that you arrived."

"Mr. Ling Tian, ​​I have not seen many years, don't come."

"Haha, Ling Tian brother, did not expect your big swordsman to be interested in this East Hunting."

There are many strong people from the ancient Zongmen, or the monarchs of those Dynasties are greet with the middle-aged man of this triangle.

This middle-aged man is named Mo Lingtian. It is a law enforcement of the Wheel Jianzong. In the wilderness, the status is extremely high, and there are many people to grab the Baron.

It can be the bar nonus of these people, this Mo Lingtian is very indifferent, and others call him, he is only casual response.

At the bottom of your heart, this Mo Lingtian is full of these people, including the two large dynasty, he never put it in his eyes.

"Hey, there is a place in the northwest, and the big part of the big, you can completely ignore it throughout Nanyang mainland. Can you have a genius?

This is very unhappy in this Mo Lingtian.

He didn't expect this Northwest Twelve Dynasty, just complied with the command of the host.

For the Twelfth Dynasty Dynasty in the Northwest, he went down at the bottom of the northwest, and the so-called genius of the Twelfth Dynasty Dynasty is even more despised.

He came here, but only just the clothes, he didn't want to get a few disciples to the big sword.


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